Many things we learn and hear about how to suceed or improve our lives are accepted by us as truisms, almost monoliths of dogma, which we turn to time and again. We write about them, use them in speeches and regurgitate them readily, mostly because we ourselvs have been taught to do so.
But, ... Views: 854
The Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, observed in 1906 that 20% of Italy's population held 80% of that nations wealth. Vilfredo also found similar relationships in his garden. He was an avid gardener and loved fresh peas, it seemed. He also found, suprisingly, that 80% of his beloved peas came ... Views: 1040
Chickens are probably the least understood and MOST taken for granted creatures on earth. Man has been with chickens since he domesticated the first birds thousands of years ago. In Egypt, there are incubators still in use that date back to the Pharaohs! But, for all of that, we sometimes fail ... Views: 1345
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Abraham Lincoln. John F. Kennedy. Martha Stewart. What do these names have in common? They have “IT”. They have that mysterious quality I like to call the "IT Factor". What's that, you ask, the "IT Factor"? The "IT Factor" is that elusive and singular quality of ... Views: 1124