Have you ever noticed that the best essays, articles, speeches, counseling sessions, etc. usually begin with a well-formed question?
The human brain to conditioned to answer questions. Questions draw people in and engage the mind. If used properly, they can make a tremendous different in the ... Views: 1956
Congratulate us! In just about a month we (Jeana Murray-Nieporte and Bill Niepote) will celebrated 25 years of “Success-in-Marriage.” Notice our word SUCCESS. We’ve not just survived 25 years of marriage (as a friend recently said of her relationship with her spouse). On the contrary, we have ... Views: 1130
After complaining that I had “too little time” to do all the things that “needed to be done,” a mentor said:
“You have the same amount of time per day that everyone else has…24 hours. You don’t need more time. What you need is the discipline to use the time you’ve got more wisely.”
With ... Views: 1342
Is it possible to reprogram you brain with NLP?
Can reprogramming the brain change our behavior?
In our last blog post, we explored a brief history of NLP (neuro linguistic programming). NLP started as a research product conducted by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1960s and ... Views: 2837
Brief History Of NLP
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) began as the work of John Grinder and Richard Bandler during research done at the University of California, Santa Cruz, during the 1960′s and 1970′s. Working under the direction of social scientist, anthropologists, and ... Views: 4299