Is it possible to reprogram you brain with NLP?
Can reprogramming the brain change our behavior?
In our last blog post, we explored a brief history of NLP (neuro linguistic programming). NLP started as a research product conducted by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1960s and 1970′s under the direction of social scientist, anthropologists, and linguists at the University of California, Santa Cruz. They studied the most successful therapists in the world – those who demonstrated the ability to actually help their clients transform unhealthy behaviors.
Coming out of this research has been a growing combination of techniques or strategies using Linguistics, Semantics, Hypnosis, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology.
Grinder and Bandler discovered that the events of people’s lives accumulate in their subconscious mind through the various ways that people interpreted those experiences via their senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, olfactory and gustatory (site, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). These experiences and their interpretations determine we represent the world to ourselves and to others.
Grinder and Bandler’s ground-breaking research revealed the that subconscious mind categorizes, generalizes, interprets and filters the input information related to these events. In other words, it creates our MAP of how we see world. It is also believed that all this input also creates changes in our physiology – changes that are actually stored in our physiology (think of the term “muscle memory” as an example of what I am saying These changes in our subconscious mind and physiology leads to our behaviors and reactions to current and future life situations.
But what if we could alter how we interpreted the experiences in our lives, way down at the subconscious level and physiological level? Might it be possible to alter (reprogram) our minds and bodies as we react to certain circumstances in our lives? Might it even be possible to change how we perceived the memories of past experiences, thereby changing our behavioral responses to life events?
NLP argues that such reprogramming is possible and probable. Using the strategies listed earlier in this article (Linguistics, Semantics, Hypnosis, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology) techniques can be employed to actually reprogram the mind.
In future article I will explore some of the results of Grinder, Bandler, and other NLP researches and practitioners. I will also introduce you to some simple techniques that you can actually engage in your own life to reprogram your brain and improve your life.
Dr. Bill Nieporte is Pastor of the Patterson Avenue Baptist Church. He is also a Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, and NLP Practitioner. His ministerial blog is He is currently building success skills blog at and a wellness/fitness blog at
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