Give me one moment, I can give you life, not as one may have imagined, not with mortal thought, touch deeper than flesh could ever allow, a delight of senses real and not of this world, in our moment of eternal connection all else watches and waits. Daniel King, Rumi-Nations
The first day of ... Views: 1396
Your boss, “would like to talk to you for a minute”. Your spouse isn’t talking to you at all. It’s 5am and you’re not looking forward to your stressful day. How do you know you’re stressed? You feel slightly queasy, a little hot or cold, your shoulders tense up, maybe your intestines feel weak. ... Views: 1114
One of the easiest ways to feel good and attract wonderful things into your life is to have an “Attitude of Gratitude”. You’ve probably noticed when you feel grateful, everything gets better and when you feel resentful life is miserable. Irregardless of your actual circumstances. If everyone ... Views: 897
One of my least favorite words in the English language is “just”. Uttered by well-meaning people (me included) it implies an easy answer to a complex situation. Whether you’re trying solve a work or personal issue, everyone seems to have the right answer. It’s as if having a problem is somehow a ... Views: 865
Out of all the goals and objectives, most people really just want to feel happy and fulfilled; to feel good. And the question most people have is…how do I do that? How do I know what will make me happy? How do I choose the right path? After all, you can have all the desire and energy in the ... Views: 1122
The Mechanics of Changing Your Mind
Step 2- “Discover Passion”
Passion drives creation. When you harness passion, you change your mind and your life. By passionately desiring change, almost magically, your psyche focuses your energy to create that change: find love, enjoy your job, like your ... Views: 850
The Mechanics of Changing Your Mind
Step 1- “The Buy In”
It happens to even the most creative and vibrant of us. We’re going along and suddenly feel…unsatisfied. It’s time for a change but it’s just so darn comfortable where we’re at. Getting more uncomfortable by the minute. So how do you ... Views: 1291
You’ve done it, I know you have. We ALL have. You finally made that call, sent that email, did that THING and want instant results. Who doesn’t? And when you finally take that chance and put something out there, you want to know that you didn’t screw up. You want to know, “did it ... Views: 942