Tuesday, December 10, 2024 was a sad day for me. Legend R& B singer, Frankie Beverly passed away at the age of 77 years old. I had to pay tribute to the man who brought much joy to individuals around the world with his music.
Frankie was born Howard Stanley was an American singer, ... Views: 47
I am a drum major for justice and an ambassador for love. Therefore, I have to advocate in support for fathers. This article is written out of support and respect for fathers (who in many instances do not get proper validation). Society must begin to give fathers their flowers. They should not ... Views: 294
The love you had for me
Every day, I could see
You left me a blueprint to live
I use it daily to survive
Oh how, I wish we could chat
I have so much to share
Oh how, I miss your care
There’s no one who compare
This year you’re gone 4 years
I cannot hold back the tears
Songs of ... Views: 401
Mother’s Blueprint
The role of a mother is critical. One cannot deny the influence they have on their children. April 28th was the fourth anniversary of my mother’s passing. Time has helped to heal part of my crushed heart. I am determined to celebrate her regardless of the pain.
The day ... Views: 417
For thousands of years, music has been used for healing, both informally and in medical contexts. Mothers sing their colicky babies to sleep with music; we attend concerts and other musical events for pure enjoyment; and people who are stressed turn to their favorite songs for relaxation. ... Views: 451
This month (May 2022), I have another lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. The pain is deep for me and hundreds of others who are tired. We are tired of turning on the television or hearing on the internet of another shooting. The Buffalo and Uvalde shootings hit me especially hard. It ... Views: 459
21 Lessons learned in 2021
(Year in Review)
1. Stop overthinking things-this only adds unnecessary dilemmas.
2. Reach out family/friends more-enjoy the fellowship.
3. Practice mindfulness-do this as much as possible.
4. Let it go-do ... Views: 549
The pandemic caught many of us by storm. We were side swiped. It came quickly and knocked us off balance from our daily routines.
There have been times during the pandemic where I felt locked down and could not breathe. The most challenging part of this pandemic for me is that my swimming ... Views: 787
Dealing with the loss of a friend or loved one can be difficult. It can take a toll on one’s emotional and physical well-being. I am writing this article from personal experience. I will share my tips to enduring the holidays.
I lost my beloved mother, Elender “Lady” Jones (who lived in ... Views: 957
“Music is therapy for the soul.” My love for music began, during my military career. I started listening to music in the early 1980’s for enjoyment, but as I expanded my taste in music, I discovered certain types of music relaxed me and other types gave me energy. My favorite genre of music is ... Views: 1372
Music During Grief and Loss
Music touches your soul like nothing else. Music during times of sorrow can be especially helpful. Songs can speak to our emotions and give voice to how we feel. The late BB King said, “Even in your darkest moments, music is a rope to grab onto, something to pull ... Views: 1568
Is there a song in your heart waiting to be released? Do you sometimes struggle to express yourself when life throws you a curve ball?
Here is a list of ten tips for you to express yourself and use your creativity.
1. Keep music in your environment (car, house and work).
2. Pay ... Views: 1332
Music is KEY to Good Health after Crisis
As a native of the South, I wanted to make a contribution to the field of Psychology through my research on the Katrina survivors in Mississippi and Louisiana. Another reason, was I wanted to identify if individuals who experienced crisis became ... Views: 1405