“You don’t have to be brilliant to have brilliant ideas and outcomes”
At the age of nineteen, a Russian, Igor Sikorsky, almost had a working model of the first helicopter. By the age of forty-nine in 1940, Sikorsky’s successful VS-300 became a model that others based theirs on, and Sikorsky ... Views: 1066
A habit is formed in approximately 20 days, whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. Therefore, if a person repeats an act over and over again it will result in a habit that is difficult to modify. A habit can be, let’s say eating ice cream for a week straight every night. The subconscious ... Views: 1579
A habit is formed in approximately 20 days, whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. Therefore, if a person repeats an act over and over again it will result in a habit that is difficult to modify. A habit can be, let’s say eating ice cream for a week straight every night. The subconscious ... Views: 1547
Understanding the Brain Better
The human brain is a remarkable organ. I have thought long and hard that one day a human brain can be harvested out of a dying body and made to think and communicate
in some form. Many experts say that the brain is one of the most complicated things available to ... Views: 1140
Understanding the Brain Better
The human brain is a remarkable organ. I have thought long and hard that one day a human brain can be harvested out of a dying body and made to think and communicate
in some form. Many experts say that the brain is one of the most complicated things available to ... Views: 1135
I have my own strong beliefs. I believe in God. I believe that we were all created to be great. Some of us along the way have gotten off track with our thinking, but we can once again get back in the game.
I believe that we were each put on earth to make a difference of some kind. ... Views: 1135
More Than A Man
My mentor and friend, Bob Richards, the great Olympic gold medal champion who graced the cover of the Wheaties Cereal box, said, “Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.”
I will never forget meeting Bob Richards for the first time. He had become a motivational ... Views: 1197
**Hope** (Excerpt from John's New Book "AWESOME SUCCESS PRINCIPLES")
“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so
great and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something
better tomorrow.”
--Orison Sweet Marden
I watched the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The
hosting city was Sochi, in ... Views: 1305
“KEEPING IT ALL IN PERSPECTIVE” (from my book: The Power Of Being Different)
“Here is something that appeared in Harper’s
Weekly: ‘It’s a gloomy moment in the history of our country.
Not in the lifetime of most men has there been so much grave and deep apprehension.
The domestic economic ... Views: 1543
“How To Remain Positive In The Face Of Evil” (from my book)
BOSTON reminds us of the World Trade Center act.
At 9:03 A.M., I saw the second plane in a precise angle purposely crash and disappear into the South Tower. I yelled for my wife, who was then taking her turn in the bathroom, to see ... Views: 1210
“Evil people, dictators, mass murderers, and some master thieve shave used the same principles that the truly successful employ. They, too, are driven toward a goal. Some are extremely successful at achieving great fortunes, or mass killings and destruction, which in their world is considered ... Views: 1745
Can’t Do It?
I’ve often heard the phrase used for athletes and musicians, “They were born with natural talent.” I know that some people can sing better than others and some can play baseball better than many others. Granted, some people are born with physical advantage that may be better suited ... Views: 1364
“The Greatest Living Miracle In The World – IS YOU!”
YES, YOU - are the greatest living miracle in the world!
No one else in the world has your exact eyes, hair, fingerprints, personality, or DNA.
The odds of your being born into the specific person and personality you are have been ... Views: 1717
“I am doing a great deal of research for what will become my eighth book. This new endeavor came about by sheer accident. Lately, I like a good challenge when writing a new book. Maybe I like to write outside my comfort zone every so often. Well, this is what is currently
challenging me. I ... Views: 1278
“ Maximizing The Subconsious Mind”
“The power to move the world is in your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom. It is fed by hidden springs and is called the law of life. Whatever you impress upon your subconscious mind, the ... Views: 2129
(taken from my book)
"It was September 18, 2007, a normal Tuesday in the lives of many millions of people. But on this date a computer science professor, Randy Pausch, Ph.D., gave what is now known as “The Last Lecture.” It actually was the professor’s last lecture, given at Carnegie Mellon ... Views: 1218
Self-Suggestion Statements (from the self help book: The Power Of Being Different)
Self-Suggestion Statements
Today I begin my new life. The old life of mediocrity, compromise, and weariness has been laid to rest. Today I am born anew, with all the enthusiasm of a child. For as a child, ... Views: 2250
What do great inventors all have in common? They are intensely driven individuals that will not stop until they have achieved the goal set forth. They are not deterred by failure, no matter how many times they have failed, nor how many experts and people tell them their ideas are foolish and ... Views: 1345
Elton John, one of the finest musicians of all time, was born, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, on March 25, 1947, in England. His father had been a Royal Air Force trumpeter. Elton took up the piano at the age of four, and by age 11 had won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music.
In the ... Views: 1634
Daily Subconsciuos Programming:
Today I begin my new life. The old life of mediocrity, compromise, and weariness has been laid to rest. Today I am born anew, with all the enthusiasm of a child. For as a child, I was going to conquer the world. Today I will replace the old with the new, ... Views: 1045
My Success Affirmations:
Today I am born anew. Today is the most important day of my life
because it represents the glorious and first day of my new life.
I now understand that I alone control my destiny, my success or my
failure in this wondrous world of opportunity. Am I now capable, ... Views: 1146
No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.
—Helen Keller (1880-1968)
American author, political
activist, lecturer
I am ... Views: 1218
Many people secretly wish to be more motivated about many things. Some of us wish to re-motivate ourselves about many facets of our lives. But what is motivation, really?
In the fabulous book Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone, the authors define ... Views: 1206
by John Paul Carinci
(1998 article appeared in Kinder Files magazine)
Although it has been over twenty years, I can still remember my first year in the Insurance Business. It was the same year that I had the immense pleasure of meeting an extremely inspiring man named, Bob Richards.
My ... Views: 977
We’ve all had a painful splinter sometime in our lives. A splinter that throbbed, it seemed endlessly. Without us paying attention to it, it would hurt, sending pain signals to our brain. Well, very successful individuals, for thousands of years, have used the laws of nature to reverse the ... Views: 1135