Generally, in our country, we are associating our identity based on our profession. You might have come across retired people also cherish and claim their status based on past professional accolades or achievements only. Even we introduce ourselves to others by quoting what we do. That is ... Views: 998
From customer's perspective, Lead time is the time taken between customer placed the order for product/service and the time the customer received the product/service.
This lead time may be further broken down into supply lead time, manufacturing lead time, distribution lead time and so on. ... Views: 1021
As we are working with SME's on improving profitability, one familiar pattern we are observing in most of the organization.
Even though, the team puts effort to maximize the plant utilization as much as possible by producing all SKU's(varieties) and at the end of the day profitability is in ... Views: 900
As we are working with more SME organizations, we are observing two types of business heads or owners.One type of business owners involves themselves almost full time on managing all aspects of operational activities on a daily basis and not giving much focus on the business aspects of ... Views: 1087
Getting into business is relatively easier than running it successfully by fulfilling all the stakeholder's expectations.It requires disciplined approach in managing business processes. As we witness in most of the small, medium size organizations, the business head seems to be busy in managing ... Views: 1244
During our recent seminar on lean system thinking and its effect on business profitability to SME’s CEO gatherings, some of them had raised queries about lean, lean manufacturing, cultivating the lean system thinking in an organization, etc.While appreciating their queries, we realized that most ... Views: 1258
“Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you will not have to hunt for happiness.”--William Gladstone
One of the means of being happy is to be always in generous mindset. By definition, generous can be explained as “freely giving or sharing money, time, knowledge or ... Views: 1286
Whenever we ask this question to business heads, most of the business heads connect to profitability. If the profitability is moderate or positive, then they think that they are managing the business effectively. Of course, profitability is one measure of business efficiency, but that alone does ... Views: 1500
Most of the small and medium organization (SME) wants to transform the organization for breakthrough growth. Breakthrough growth happens only when there is radical thinking and execution happens on the way it does business on a daily basis. The person at the top thinks that people working for ... Views: 1573
In personal and professional life, most of us are struggling to manage the expectation as we have limited time and resources. On the personal front, there is a need to manage the expectation from SELF as well as from family members. In the professional front,there is a need to manage the ... Views: 4327
The purpose of any organization is to enhance the value to all stakeholders. The stakeholders can be customers, employees, suppliers, financial institutions, Government, and statutory regulation bodies, and so forth Even though the value expectations of each stakeholder are different, it can be ... Views: 1296
Being in winning mindset is a quality of highly successful people and it is required to be happy always irrespective of the external environment. Being in winning mindset is fundamental for learning all experiences and achieving success in life.This is something making the ground clean and ... Views: 1400
The purpose of any organization is to enhance the value to all stakeholders. The stakeholders can be customers, employees, suppliers, financial institutions, Government, and statutory regulation bodies, and so forth Even though the value expectations of each stakeholder are different, it can be ... Views: 1861
Mahatma Gandhi quoted “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning “. That is the power of belief. Belief can be defined as the feeling of conviction about anything. It is the assumption of the fact which may be ... Views: 1443