Problems are like the little paddles in a pin ball machine, that influence and guide the ball one way or the other. If the paddle hits the ball just right, it can propel the ball in an advantageous direction. You’re the little ball, and your problems are the paddles that guide you one way or the ... Views: 1121
We desperately want change in our lives. We’re out there making one effort after the next, only to find that we are running in place.
We all know the meaning of insanity, doing the same things and expecting different results. So we switch things up, and try new things. How is it that we ... Views: 1216
I used to think surrender meant giving up. The connotation reeked of failure. Surrendering to anything felt like backing down, or caving in. My thinking mind considered surrender a dirty word, while my drive and commitment ate surrender for breakfast. Well, that’s before I understood what it ... Views: 1139
Thought is the limitation within which I have this human experience. At first, that may be a slippery concept to grasp. Beyond the understanding that I can think, and fall immersed into thought, is the concept that I can step out of thought.
As long as I’m experiencing life from inside the ... Views: 1194
I read a true story once about a guy who suddenly became inexplicably interested in photography. He surrendered to this strong interest, and indulged himself. One day he came across a flyer advertising a free local photography meeting, and decided to attend. When he got there, he found a group ... Views: 1366
I value the power of positive thinking. Until I can step outside of, or turn thought off completely, I can choose positive thought. If I’m going to live in a story, I’ll at least try to make it a good one.
That said, be leery not to wander too far into The Valley of Faux Mercy. The thinking ... Views: 1094
What’s preventing you from hearing your own Guidance?
Turning down the unnecessary, unfounded, negative static of the thinking mind, allows us to better hear and feel our own Guidance.
The first step in doing this is to notice thought. Catch thought in action, ranting on in its ... Views: 963
We see and experience our lives through the filters of our history, beliefs, stories and learned behaviors.
The ultimate filter is the mind-made identity.
We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. -Anais Nin
When we recognize thought as something separate from Self, we are ... Views: 1213
As I begin this week, I remind myself that any one of my endeavors will only turn out as good as the quality of the experience I had completing it.
Everything is being evaluated through the filters of the thinking mind. We experience the tasks at hand through rote thought and learned ... Views: 1120
I saw this post online that said, "Attention is the root of all evil." I wondered how that could be. We are our Attention, after all. That's our real Self, Awareness. And our Awareness, Attention, or Focus, is our magic wand. We get more of whatever we point it at.
So, is attention the root ... Views: 1053
There is only Consciousness and unconsciousness. We are either awake, or we are sleepwalking and sleeptalking.
We are either lucid, or we are submerged in and believing unnecessary, unexamined, unfounded thoughts and beliefs.
These thoughts and beliefs create our reality, and how we ... Views: 1263
Honoring my truths is a fancy way of saying surrender. It is to unconditionally accept the truth of the moment, no matter how much it makes me want to spit, run, or fall to my knees.
It took me a long time to sit with that inner burn of acceptance. But little by little, as my own smoke ... Views: 1036
It’s early. I can hear the birds chirping outside while sipping my coffee. I have the whole day ahead of me. There are things I’d love to do, and things I have to do. Then it dawned on me. If I have access to the control panel of this ride, then maybe I should begin my day in a more empowering ... Views: 1184
The age-old quest of knowing oneself feels necessary and essential. We think finding out who we are is of upmost importance, and feel incomplete in some way without a story of self. Well, of course we would. The self loves self. It loves the idea of itself. It loves the description and labels. ... Views: 1152
The Master Of Ceremonies
Have you ever noticed how the mind narrates life as you’re experiencing it? I have. Sometimes, the thinking mind starts chattering the minute I wake up in the morning. It’s as if thought were standing at the ready, salivating. The mind springs into action even before ... Views: 1197
When my insides started ringing like the bells of a five-alarm fire, I didn’t know what was happening. That strong, engulfing feeling of anxiety rose up like a life-threatening wave, sweeping me away from the inside. The first time I experienced this, it took my breath away, literally.
The ... Views: 1283
For the past several years I had been hot on the lookout for my elusive life purpose. I had already spent many years of my life doing what I believed I was meant to do, until it was time for me to move on from that, to something new. I never anticipated doing anything new. I didn’t know how to ... Views: 2150