Have you found a philosophy or technique you believe will lead you where you want to go: specific feelings and desired outcomes? It takes a while to realize you can’t get there, unless you travel the path to that destination.
So much of what we do is habit we don’t recognize it for what it ... Views: 1746
You invest in a book or program to improve something about you or your life. Do you take what it offers as far as is appropriate for you or as far as the bookshelf? Does this pattern show up in other areas of your life?
We all have things in our lives we move forward on with no problem, ... Views: 1288
What does your block look like? How does it behave? Here are some tips to help you kick the “buts” about blocks.
I don’t believe in writer’s block, just the fact that one or more questions need to be asked; and, relaxed patience is needed while the answer comes to you.
When I attempted my ... Views: 2229
It can be amazing to listen to how people talk about their perception of reality. You can literally hear how close they get to a point that would allow shift, but stop short.
I had dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long while. As he told me about things that were different, it was easy ... Views: 1796
Are you a life coach (or not) who toys with the idea of writing articles, e-books, and/or books? Don’t let a block stop you from making a difference; someone is waiting to hear from you.
Imagine receiving emails that say something like
“I had a breakthrough when I read your article.” (from a ... Views: 2102
Do you have a person in your life now (or did) who frequently tells you what’s flawed about you or broken? Do you believe him or her? What might be going on with them, and you?
"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." - Pearl Strachan Hurd
I want to share a ... Views: 1413
You may have learned the same skills as your peers when you trained, but what is unique about you? What do you do or offer (or would like to) that’s different?
Mike Litman said, “Your prosperity is hidden in the problem you were born to solve.” It’s not only about what is unique about you, ... Views: 2454
How and what do you feel when a writer shares an insight or technique that creates a desired shift for you at the inner and/or outer level? Exactly!
You’re reading this now, which means you have a desire to provide a similar experience for others through your unique offering: articles, ... Views: 1547
Activities we usually name as time wasters are too much TV viewing, daydreaming, or anything that isn’t a productive use of minutes and hours. Here are a few more to consider.
Gossip. What’s the point, really? Conveying needed information to the appropriate person or people is useful, but ... Views: 2079
True prosperity represents well-being in all areas of our lives. We know men and women are different, but we didn’t know one particular difference affects their prosperity attraction quotient.
Ellie Drake of BraveHeartWomen and Dr. Sugar Singleton hosted a teleconference that was as riveting ... Views: 1809
We’re half-way through 2009, and nearly everyone might agree shift has hit the fan. Significant change prompts significant questions.
These questions may have lingered beneath the surface of busyness (and cluttered thoughts) for a while; and just as some seeds in the forest need fire to ... Views: 1233
What is your motivation to discover or define your life purpose? Is this influenced, in any way, by the opinions of others?
Someone I believe to be in her forties, shared that amid the busyness of her life, she’s trying to figure out what to do for the rest of her life (I suspect she really ... Views: 978
What does prosperity mean to you? How’s that working for you? Wayne Dyer gave us a great quote about how to reframe: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
A statement from “Empower Me 365” is, “True prosperity is having something (anything) to share and ... Views: 1103
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” You don’t want to imitate a favorite author, but you can learn a lot from him or her.
Whether you create notes for plot and character development first or dive into writing your novel, you want to get as much written as possible in your first ... Views: 1087
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” You don’t want to imitate a favorite author, but you can learn a lot from him or her.
Whether you create notes for plot and character development first or dive into writing your novel, you want to get as much written as possible in your first ... Views: 860
Is your tendency to believe greatness has to look a certain way? Does this belief hold you back from your true greatness?
Your greatness is unique and reveals itself at the right time. You might as well be excellent until you’re great. But first, understand what this means.
What your ... Views: 876
When you read the article title, does it rev you up or make you want to crawl back under the covers? Let’s look at what it means and go from there.
The dictionary offers several meanings for the word bold, not all of them nice. One of its definitions is fearless. There’s a difference between ... Views: 2203
Is sharing information in a form smaller than a manuscript right up your alley? Here are some tips to help you easily get it going and into the marketplace.
Decide on a topic. Successful e-books aim at a niche market that seeks specific information. The best combination is to know what you ... Views: 1078
Ah, the thrill of being a new writer. You hold the image of or feel excitement about your completed or soon-to-be-completed project. What kind of clues might a new writer need; and will you avoid this kind of embarrassment?
I received an email from the relative of a new writer. She was ... Views: 900
This is a question many of us ask once or maybe a thousand times. It’s also a question that can only be answered by each of us for ourselves.
This article isn’t about Barbara Sher’s Scanners, but I want to mention them first before I go on to what I want to say. If you have ever felt concerned ... Views: 2029
There are times when we pay attention and are able to see moments string together like a jeweler stringing pearls. Alter even one moment, especially because of an assumption, and the potential outcome shifts.
One reason the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, is a popular classic is because of the ... Views: 996
If you ever feel overwhelmed, pause for a moment and look around you. More than likely, there’s clutter in your physical (outer) space, which means there’s clutter in your inner space.
A funny thing happens when you get rid of clutter in your physical space: you see your life. You lighten up in ... Views: 1464
Are you too busy trying not to lose in life and business to learn how to win? Leverage your time and energy the right way to create more of what you want to experience.
“From this moment on, I refuse to settle for less than what I want!” Do you relate to this? Do you know what to do to make it ... Views: 1688
Do you know the quote, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten?” A preacher’s wife restated this in a way that made me take notice.
Once again, I woke and channel surfed to the early-morning religious program. A preacher interviewed his wife; and though I’ll ... Views: 779
It’s been said repeatedly that you’d have most of what you want in life if there wasn’t a belief, or more than one, blocking you. One of the biggest blocks for many is the one that says, “I don’t deserve.”
Anyone who’s practiced attracting what they want knows they have to allow it; they have ... Views: 982
Whether you’ve retired voluntarily or not, do you have a plan about how to make the most of your life experience? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, a little flame inside that begs you to let it glow?
Maybe you were able to demonstrate your unique qualities, talents, skills, and ... Views: 973
Maybe what’s going on in the economy has nudged or forced you to consider how you can amp up every area of your business. Maybe this was on your mind before the shake-up, which has become a catalyst for shift sooner than later.
You’ve probably heard some say that this is actually a time of new ... Views: 665
Twice in the last two weeks, I’ve come across information that says many people no longer want (or believe in) magic-bullet solutions. This will set many people free and keep others trapped.
There’s lots of terrific information available that does help you to shift beliefs and patterns. The ... Views: 930
Mainstream comments and thoughts make it easy to think of the economy as something separate from individuals and communities, which is not true. Here are a few ideas about this.
My opinion is that the reason the economy appears as it does right now is because some forgot something basic: Many ... Views: 755
Meaningful life lessons are sometimes derived from unusual or unsuspected methods and revealed many years later.
Recently, an image from when I was twelve years old came to mind. It was the first year a local elementary school held a weekend carnival. The usual junk food booths were there; but ... Views: 787
It’s believed best not to look back to move forward; but if you do this wisely, it can make a difference.
Pick an issue . . . any current issue that has your attention by the, umm . . . balance point.
Underlying this issue is a belief you have about it, a belief that’s not serving you. Take a ... Views: 768
An agenda that lists things to get done is terrific; but that's not the kind of agenda this article is about.
I recall being angry with someone, so angry in fact, that I harbored that feeling for a long time. My attention to this was triggered when I faced a particular challenge after the ... Views: 708
There are times when what others say or do triggers us and we feel a need to comment or even rant. Can we do this better, from a place of personal power? You bet.
Any time we speak about others, no matter what we say, we speak loudest about ourselves.
This realization came to me after a ... Views: 667
You agreed to a situation or event, but it’s not going as you expected. In fact, it seems out of your control at times. Do you fight or surrender?
A misconception exists about managing our lives, especially if we use spiritual tools. The misconception is that everything should go ... Views: 1020
It may seem like we’re watching things crumble and tumble around us. What if we, even as and especially as individuals, now stand at the threshold of expanding our personal power and potential, no matter what? What if expanding this inner power is the very thing we should do? Are you ... Views: 710
Ever have one of those moments, events, or days when it appears if it can go wrong it seems to? Were you pleased with how you managed yourself, and the outcome?
The event was one I not only looked forward to, but carefully planned for. My handouts, business cards, and artificial bonsai tree ... Views: 726
Ahhh...the confusion about Law of Attraction, affirmations, ask/don’t ask...these things do swirl around in our minds. Can you really get the hang of using this Law so it works for you, and release doubts and fears? Of course.
What are some of the things we need to know or remember in ... Views: 815
Enthusiasm is one reason why new writers gets anything written at all. Misconception of what else is involved is what usually rattles their enthusiasm. It doesn’t have to be this way, though.
One reason I wrote the e-book, “Write, Get Published, and Promote,”** was because my ... Views: 810
Before “What the Bleep” . . . before “The Secret” and any other similar movie since . . . there was a film that provided The Key. And, it was so subtle (yet obvious, now) I only just got it nearly two decades later. And, just when I needed it.
If you’re not ... Views: 1436
Some of these simple tips may be familiar to you, and some may not. They can make or break your ability to be considered a serious writer by an agent, editor, or publication.
See if you practice these tips consistently. If not, choose to begin to.
• Use spell-check but don’t rely ... Views: 709
You must fall in love with editing and rewriting or with your editor if you want what you write to be a good read for others. There really is no way around this. You can choose to improve your skills or you can choose to find a freelance editor you trust and work well with.
Some new writers ... Views: 739
Whatever you were writing, you’ve completed it. Are you really, actually, finally done? Not if you haven’t done this.
When I interact with new writers, they often have the misconception that because they’ve created something with a beginning, middle, and ending they’re done. They’re ready to ... Views: 712
There’s all kinds of advice on how to write including
• You must write every day.
• Write in the same designated spot at the same time every day.
• Write for at least one hour every day.
• Get up early several mornings or every morning to write.
• You must have complete silence.
• You must eat ... Views: 790
“You don’t have to get it right you just have to get it going.” – Mike Litman
I’m a huge fan of this quote, and believe new or aspiring (and even experienced) writers can benefit by repeating it as often as needed. Wherever you are on your path as a writer, there’s a temptation to believe you ... Views: 770
Stephanie Chandler wrote in her book, “From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur” that a survey indicated nearly 80 percent of Americans would like to write a book. That’s a stunning number of potential writers. There are a variety of reasons why some do what’s needed to become a writer and why others ... Views: 965
The title of this article is the reality of writers culled down to five words. You want to see your article available online or in print or hold a copy of your book in your hands. The next desired reality is to see a response to all the energy, time, creativity, and passion you put into what ... Views: 752
This is a question my clients who are new and aspiring writers always ask me.
We write for different reasons: Enjoyment, challenge, and to share information or our creative effort. If you’re going to share what you’ve written, you’ll need a means or venue to get published. But you knew that, ... Views: 727
Anytime you decide to write anything, whether it’s an article or a manuscript, you should congratulate yourself. Some people find writing easy, while others feel less sure about the process or their skills. Either type of writer is courageous. You know that when you write, especially if you ... Views: 683
“Bill, you asked me if I was just traveling or if I was on a journey. Aren’t they the same thing?”
“Not at all, A. J. Not at all.”
“And the difference would be...”
“When people are just travelin, they start out with the notion they’re gonna end up someplace by a certain time. They get ... Views: 690
During a conversation with someone who wishes to move out of a lifetime of negative behaviors and beliefs, I realized as she spoke, that what it takes for her to feel better is for something outside of herself to improve or indicate a circumstance is getting better. Anyone even minimally ... Views: 659