True prosperity represents well-being in all areas of our lives. We know men and women are different, but we didn’t know one particular difference affects their prosperity attraction quotient.

Ellie Drake of BraveHeartWomen and Dr. Sugar Singleton hosted a teleconference that was as riveting as informative in its explanation of what they call the prosperity hormones of men and women. More information will be offered here, but one of the most obvious means to see and feel this difference is to compare marketing pieces you receive from men and from women. It’s likely the “standard” masculine approach will either state or imply that what’s offered will crush the competition and explode income. Lacking a better example, but perhaps using softer language, many women basically copy such an approach.

Because of our neurochemistry, men and women will literally experience this type of marketing message in their bodies, but not in the same way. Many women read or hear this masculine approach, believe it’s the “only” way to succeed (it works for men, after all), but don’t like how it makes them feel; and for good reason.

The program hosts said what adversely affects women’s prosperity attraction quotient is that prosperity scripts have been written by men, which means they’re not in harmony with the feminine. Therefore, such scripts are distorted for women. This creates inconsistency in attraction of prosperity, fatigue, hopelessness, lack of self-confidence, interrupted belief in the self and capabilities, and more.

They listed four types of feminine prosperity seekers.

1. Women who follow the masculine model. Some women manage this better than others. However, the stress of doing this affects the body of any woman who follows this path, whether to a lesser or greater degree.
2. Some women are more “softly” feminine; they lack boldness. Drake said it’s what Carolyn Myss calls the “shadow,” meaning these women exist mostly in spirit rather than with a balance between spirit and matter. An interesting aspect is they believe prosperity is one-sided, which means they tend to balk when asked to pay (exchange) in order to receive. (Perhaps this is because they feel so powerless in the absence of a feminine prosperity model, which means they don’t have the prosperity they desire; it’s like a leak in their container they don’t know how to fix, so they focus solely on refilling the container.)
3. Some are confused because they know the masculine model is not for them, but they lack a feminine model. They start and stop. They can’t figure out how to tap into the right neurochemistry and neurophysiology, and this creates stress in all areas of their lives.
4. These women have figured out how to operate their lives (and businesses) in ways appropriate for them and in harmony with their feminine energy. (Ellie Drake does this. So does Sharon Wilson, founder of Coaching From Spirit, who teaches spiritualpreneurs of both genders how to create their own ideal marketing and business models.)

So, what are these hormones?

Adrenaline is the masculine hormone. It’s the fight-or-flight chemical; and the hosts said men tend to choose “fight.” This chemical helps men conquer whatever they’re after or working against or for. It’s the survival-of-the-fittest chemical. It drives and supports their efforts to compete. Men bond through competition, women don’t. The repetitive rush of adrenaline in the body works for men, but not for women. In a woman’s body, the repeated release of this hormone causes stress, exhaustion, illness, abdominal fat storage and hampers the body’s overall ability to lose the weight it gains, as well as loss of focus, confidence, and sex drive. It wears her out, burns her out, on all levels. (Note: a serious adrenaline imbalance can create the same symptoms in a man’s body.)

This adrenaline model is the basis of the masculine prosperity script. Women who follow this script, sooner or later, find their neurochemistry pushed; and the result is the emergence of the “Bitch.” The Bitch surfaces because she’s attempting to go against her nature (our bodies physically, outwardly reflect what’s going on at the inner level). Body chemistry gets out of balance; and the stressed-out, exhausted, frustrated woman becomes critical, judgmental, and often loudly vocal. A man who behaves this way is considered by some to be one of the boys, admired for knowing how to get what he wants; not so for a woman.

The feminine prosperity hormone is oxytocin. This chemical inspires a woman’s bonding mechanism with her partner (released during sex, and especially orgasm), with her children (released during labor; causes uterine contractions), and during times when other forms of bonding occur. It allows women to relax. It’s known as the cuddle hormone. Women love how they feel when this chemical flows through their bodies, men love the adrenaline rush. Oxytocin is released in a man’s body, but testosterone negates it to a great degree in men. Adrenaline is an estrogen antagonist for women and blocks the release of oxytocin. When adrenaline is released in a woman’s body, she doesn’t feel good; when released in a man’s body, he feels enlivened.

The hosts explained that a woman who attempts to express herself using the masculine adrenaline-based model finds her maternal and bonding abilities hampered. A woman wants to give birth to her purpose, to “nest” it, and to bond through like-mindedness so that a cooperative community is created. Oxytocin supports a woman’s innate maternal courage to stay consistent about what’s needed to help her baby, or her vision, grow. A woman whose oxytocin release is blocked struggles to create what she desires. Her consistency slips away; she feels unable to see things through.

There is no pill or injection that can address this. Just as learning creates pathways in the brain, it isn’t just the chemical release of oxytocin that supports a woman wholly, but the physiological connections and pathways created by the holistic process. This chemical relationship is so sensitive that even the use of masculine affirmations, rather than feminine, can hamper a woman.

Women who want to know more can do so if they become BraveHeartWomen core members.

Whether you’re a man or woman reading this, give this information consideration. Look at the areas of your life and ask yourself how this applies to you and your personal and professional relationships. Whatever your gender, what one thing can you do differently, starting today?

Author's Bio: 

Joyce Shafer ( is a Life Coach, author, and creator of Reinvent Yourself, a life and business coaching program. This program is NOT for individuals who buy into Struggle as a way of life. Details at (free empowerment tools and newsletter). Her books and e-books are available at and discounted at her Web Store.