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For those who’ve read my previous article, Panic Attacks and Anxiety: Derealization and Depersonalization - You Aren’t Going Crazy!, this is the perfect follow-up scoop. But if you’ve yet to read it, not to worry, there’s still much to be learned here.
Now, in review, derealization and ... Views: 5380
Two of the most horrifying little goodies that so often accompany panic attacks and severe anxiety are derealization and depersonalization. Both can be absolutely crippling and take you right to the turnstiles of your perception of insanity. This article will discuss what these spooky phenomena ... Views: 9000
Can we call someone a liar if he or she believed in a statement to be true?, can we call someone a liar if he did not tell his wife that he is dating a male lover? He believed that he is telling the truth when he says ‘ I am not dating a lover, I am in love with my lover’ He believed in his ... Views: 1269
If you've ever experienced a panic attack, you know how terrifying they can be. Your breathing becomes restricted, your mind races, fear wells up seemingly out of nowhere and you begin to think that you'll completely lose control. You may also experience, sweating, shakiness, an inability to ... Views: 1691
You have lost your job and, now, you, as a person, feel lost! Losing a job is like a death whereas, one loses so much more than just an income. One loses security, co-workers who become like one's second family, meaning or purpose for one's life and a lifestyle for work has so much to do with ... Views: 3759
Anxiety is a serious medical condition that, if left untreated, can be a long-term problem. It can affect your mental outlook and your physical health. Fortunately, there are some very simple things that you can do to reduce anxiety in your life and feel more positive.
Anxiety can be triggered ... Views: 929
Marianne consulted with me because of anxiety and depression. She had tried various forms of medication but was not reacting well to any of the drugs. She was exhausted from lack of sleep, and from the intense anxiety that kept waking her up. While there were challenges in her life, like in ... Views: 4437
Where you are in your creative expression mirrors where you are in your life flow. If you are blocked creatively it is an indication that there is a disruption in your energy flow. Something isn't working. And the harder you try to push on forward the more blocked you become. You become ... Views: 1536
We are in a time of financial crisis. People are anxious. People are seeking solutions. People are scared. With all of this activity, tremendous bursts of energy are being expended, some positive but mostly negative.
But the energy that we project into the cosmos is not an isolated event. Your ... Views: 1009
Did you know that in the 1920’s heart disease accounted for only 10% of deaths a year in America, but today heart disease is America’s #1 killer? Up ahead we’ll see exactly why, but for now consider this.
Heart disease sneaks up on people, it doesn’t knock first—it just breaks down the door. ... Views: 1163
I don’t know about you but there is only so much doom and gloom talk that I can take before I start thinking… Arghhhh! The media is obsessed with inundating us with bad news – and right now (for good reason) the economy is the flavor of the month.
I am currently reading (for the second time) ... Views: 1427
If you have ever had a true panic attack, you know why it has been described as one of life's most frightening experiences.
Panic attacks tend to come on very suddenly and may or may not have a clearly apparent cause. The body is essentially having a flight-or-fight response, but in a situation ... Views: 772
Anxiety and Panic Attack issues show themselves in many manors across all populations. For you to be reading this article you obviously are one of the unfortunate small number who suffer anxiety or panic attacks and fear of driving whilst behind the steering wheel or are seeking information for ... Views: 1597
Mistakes. We all make them, but frequently we hold back for fear of screwing up, putting the wrong foot forward, saying the wrong thing, hesitating before taking an action. All of this is 'normal' human behavior. But when we use our fear of mistakes as excuses for not moving our lives in the ... Views: 957
No is a simple little word, but one of the most important we can use to bring peace to our lives. A common stress-producer that can affect us emotionally is to over-promise and under-deliver and we do this by not using that simple little word, “no.” Many of us have done this at one time or ... Views: 892
Although we can see stress all around us, not all stress is harmful. It can be a source of positive energy, motivating us to greater heights of achievement and creativity. However, stress that is not managed or controlled can become a negative force that robs us of our peace and compromises our ... Views: 1589
Unless you have a trust fund or you’ve won the lottery, I won’t even ask you if you’re feeling stress about money or work.
Nearly all of us are feeling the strain of these harsh financial times. And what’s hard to take is that the same people seem to have once again bamboozled us and walked ... Views: 1210
“Stress is the pressures of life and how one perceives, believes, reacts, and copes with these pressures.” -- Dr. Don Colbert, M.D.
By definition, then, stress is not always a negative force. It can be positive, negative, chronic or acute. By illustration, stress can be compared to music played ... Views: 2744
In order to take care of others, we must first use self-care strategies in our own life. If we have children in the house, they will model what we do, not what we say.
Stress and Adversity can be handled if the following tips are used often enough that they become automatic action and good ... Views: 1343
In “Stress and America,” the American Psychological
Association reported that 80% of Americans feel stressed about
the economic crisis; 60% feel angry about it; and 52% are having
trouble sleeping.
It is easy to blame the news for the rise in stress levels. But let’s face it: even when ... Views: 1821
DE-STRESSING for Worried Folks
Did you know that 75% of Americans report that they feel “great stress” at least one day a week and I’m sure that number has increased during the current economy? So what can you do to help yourself thrive?
Pay more attention to what you have control ... Views: 1381
There is feeling that many people get, it is a short of breath anxiety attack. This is actually a growing worldwide dilemma. Anxiety is actually one of the fastest growing problems in the health field. What is causing this problem has researchers really worried and concern. If you have any ... Views: 3979
Anyone who’s experienced an anxiety attack before knows just how terrifying they can be. People who suffer from an anxiety disorder, who have frequent anxiety attacks, also understand how debilitating they can become. Severe anxiety and panic attacks can result in a disruption of daily life that ... Views: 1354
ANTs. Most people are infested with them. Right now, day after day. And the bad thing about ANTs is they spread. You could be an innocent bystander. But you’ll get them if you don’t protect yourself. You have to intentionally stop them. You can’t just hope they’ll go away. ... Views: 928
Breath is the single most powerful tool for anxiety reduction. Proper focused breathing techniques will allow you to feel better and reduce the stress that leads to anxiety before it grabs a hold of you. Good breathing should be practiced throughout the day if you want to feel your best and ... Views: 3805
The problem is obvious. So, rather than talk about the problem, let's talk about the solution.
Here are some tips and suggestions for coping with the negativity and challenges that seem to surround us these days:
1) Don't spend more than 30 minutes a day on media. Between the radio, the ... Views: 1323
Take a look at your hands and pretend that they represent a problem you are having. Now put your hands (your problem) one inch or less away from your nose. What can you see? Not much besides your problem! In fact, if you're like most people you probably can't even see all the edges of the ... Views: 3446
In these uncertain economic times, it is very easy to get anxious and worry about your future. Often anxious thoughts can become overwhelming. Also, children are starting to become more and more anxious as well. Here are some tried and true techniques to deal with any kind of anxiety. These ... Views: 1659
How often do you find yourself in an anxiety tizzy because of something you're worrying about? In fact, you're so upset or anxiety-ridden or regretful that you've forgotten to pay attention to the POTENTIAL for growth, opportunity, and joy that is unfolding at that very moment.
I am a strong ... Views: 882
The definition of worry is to torment oneself with disturbing thoughts, to bite or snap repeatedly at something.
Worrying about something is a waste of time and energy; so why do we torment ourselves with such thoughts?
The reason is we don’t trust that everything will be as it needs to ... Views: 1308
1. If you haven't already done so, see your physician to make sure there are no physical problems. Many who are reading this have already had at least one ER visit. Panics often mimic heart attacks. It is essential to rule out cardiac and other physical ailments. Many have had numerous and ... Views: 1634
Panic disorder or panic attacks are often misunderstood. The symptoms can come on suddenly and unexpectedly, often times for no known reason. The person who suffers from panic attacks can experience incredibly intense feelings of fear without understanding why. Other symptoms that accompany ... Views: 1087
You may have heard rumblings lately, not from your own stomach, but from the media, comparing today’s financial freeze to the Great Depression.
If you are old enough to read this, you have some image in your mind of what that might mean.
I think of my own Mom being sent to the ... Views: 1530
After the last newsletter on Clearing negative influences that adversely affect your prosperity, several people have emailed me and asked how to clear negative voices. The origin of these voices may be that someone told them something disempowering, when they felt vulnerable and now these words ... Views: 1777
We all get stressed from time to time. Suddenly realising that you’re late for work, complaining about poor service or arguing with the person who took your place in the queue – things like this would be stressful for anyone. In this sort of situation your pulse rate rises, your breathing ... Views: 1446
Anxiety and panic attacks are affecting more than 6 million people in the United States. It can can interfere with your daily life, and really make it hard for you to cope. Anxiety can also interfere during driving, usually panic attacks can hit while in the car. Speaking in public can become ... Views: 1051
I decided to write an article about anxiety because it not only effect millions of people but it also effects us in relationships. First let me talk about anxiety. It's basically a chemical reaction in our brains that makes our heart race, makes us think obsessively about something or someone ... Views: 13492
Why Women Worry- The psychological dynamics that steal away emotional security
By Dwight Bain, Nationally Certified Counselor & Certified Life Coach
Women worry about many different topics, from men to body image to relationships to their mother's approval or if they will be financially ... Views: 3847
A person with an anxious personality experiences an overreaction to threatening stimuli in his or her environment, resulting in the body having a greater stress response than another person might have to the same event. The anxious person is less able to tolerate the normal uncertainties about ... Views: 1511
If the thought of tackling your next project causes your heart to pound, and your stomach to clench. If you get tired or overwhelmed just thinking of all you need to do. If you find yourself going to the "fridge" and using food as an alternate activity, instead of getting to the task at hand. ... Views: 1188
In the midst of war situations around the world, many parents are wondering what can be done to protect their kids from additional stress and anxiety. Here are some helpful steps to make sure your son or daughter is not worried about world events or wars, so they can be focused on just enjoying ... Views: 1677
Control your Anxiety Panic Attacks through recognizing the Panic attack symptoms.
You have everything inside you that you need to overcome your panic attack and the related anxiety. The problem is, often we don’t realize that we have the tools let along being in control to implement that which ... Views: 1449
With the conclusion of the year, holiday stress, and economic pendulum swings, it is very easy to self-sabotage. Statistics prove that internal stress is the key factor in self-sabotage. More important, we sabotage because we focus on negative aspects; we focus on failure. Research shows that ... Views: 1270
As psychologist William James said, “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” To gain mastery over your anxiety, it’s very important that you learn how to challenge automatic thinking, such as catstrophizing and overestimating the ... Views: 5136
Children often exhibit anxiety differently than adults. Sometimes that annoying, pesty behavior your child can engage in is really anxiety in disguise. Here are 11 signs, in no particular order, that your child may be experiencing anxiety:
• Complaints of unusual physical symptoms with no ... Views: 1267
Panic disorder affects millions of people worldwide. People experiencing panic disorder experience severe bouts of anxiety, nervousness, feeling of having a heart attacks, palpitations, etc. In fact, panic disorder suffering people claim they sometimes feel like they were about to die of a heart ... Views: 988
Emetophobia sufferers are particularly disturbed by the stomach virus season. I know, nobody WANTS to get the stomach flu and be sick, but emetophobics, who struggle with the fear of vomiting, REALLY don’t want to contract this type of illness.
Norovirus, or the stomach flu, is most ... Views: 3639
How Economic depression causes disorder anxiety.
With the economy going so bad it is not surprising that anxiety and depression is increasing. Studies show that depression has been on the rise in the western world for many years. Many people have grandparents who told them about the great ... Views: 1835
Have you ever experienced a time when you realized that what you were so anxious about was created more in your mind than what was actually real? Many of us do, nearly all the time. Anxiety is a concern or worry about past or future events, taking from our personal power in the moment. How much ... Views: 794
Panic attacks can be excruciatingly painful to live with. People suffering panic disorders or panic attacks tend to avoid any situation that involves what they see as a perceived danger. If you choose to try a more holistic approach then you should know that the natural methods will not give you ... Views: 2290