We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Anxiety". If you have expertise in Anxiety and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
We normally interact with people around us everyday. It is a normal thing but there are people who get overly conscious or nervous in social situations and they cannot interact with people around them. People with social phobia usually avoid everyday social situations for the fear of being ... Views: 1898
It’s amazing what my vitamin cabinet looked like after a while, I was a pill addict and there was no stopping me either. What had I become due to this anxiety disorder I thought to myself? How much money had I wasted on all of this stuff, as well as online miracle techniques that just just kept ... Views: 1560
Being anxious is sometimes good because it helps you to stay focused and alert in the face of challenging or frightening situations. But if your anxiety is so intense that it keeps you from functioning normally, you might be suffering from anxiety disorder. People with anxiety disorder have ... Views: 1291
Our world is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen that many people are addicted to the adrenaline rush of anxiety, known as “the fight or flight response” and don’t know how to diffuse it. An example of this is obsessively watching the news about natural disasters, ... Views: 2880
You CAN eat yourself back to health. Try these easy and delicious ways to power through stress.
When you're upset about work, finances, health, kids or relationships, do you tend to grab a candy bar or binge on Cheetos or other unhealthy junk foods? My escape-food-of-choice when dealing with ... Views: 6409
"I can have a really great day, but when I wake up the next morning I feel anxious. Sometimes the better day I've had, the more anxious I am the next morning. I can't figure it out."
I hear this over and over from my clients. What is happening here?
The Tyranny of the Ego Wounded ... Views: 7089
Since curing my own anxiety, OCD and agoraphobia over 14 years ago, myself and my team of counselors, psychologists and anxiety recovery specialists have helped over 155,000 people worldwide to find the freedom they so desperately deserve.
Over the last 15 years we have seen a steady increase ... Views: 3905
Why are anxiety disorders SO misunderstood?
Recent press and TV items about anxiety disorders including PTSD and OCD have sparked international anxiety recovery expert and author, Charles Linden, to speak out for people who sufferer like he once did about the massively damaging ... Views: 3922
The Physiology of Emotions-How & Why You Feel What You Are Feeling
The mind-body connection of our personalities is the physiology of emotions, or our ability to understand why we feel the way we do. It has only been in the last few decades or so that we have looked at the mind-body as ... Views: 7919
Each and every one of us has a conscious and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind helps us to make conscious decisions, decisions about things that we have physical control over, for example whether to pick something up, whether to run or walk.
The subconscious mind is pretty much out of ... Views: 5357
Each and every one of us has a conscious and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind helps us to make conscious decisions, decisions about things that we have physical control over, for example whether to pick something up, whether to run or walk.
The subconscious mind is pretty much out of ... Views: 5174
Anxiety, Panic attacks and phobias are now reaching epidemic proportions worldwide and no one seems to be acknowledging or tackling this issue that costs the government tens of billions of pounds every year and effects one in four Brits.
Conventional treatments and resources fall massively ... Views: 4688
For well over a decade I have been helping tens of thousands of anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD and OCD sufferers to eliminate their conditions permanently. Yes, I did say permanently, because, contrary to popular belief, they can be eliminated 100%!
So how do I cure, so called, mental ... Views: 4010
Let's face it, our world is nerve wracking. Fast-paced lifestyles give us little time to recover or respond. Many individuals find day-to-day life exhausting as they haven’t developed skills to manage or deflect the onslaught of disturbances. Many feel a ceaseless peppering of insecurities, ... Views: 8250
MoHow Posted By Joel Simms Over the years I have been asked many times by many people how I remain calm and patient in situations where others become agitated, frightened, frustrated and angry. My answer has been, “I have learned to be patient by learning a range of skills that anyone can ... Views: 2666
America slowly evolved from “In God we trust” to the “me generation” demanding rights without a sense of responsibility to neighbors or community. The loss of community involvement has contributed to the growth of criminal gangs. When families break down, children can become angry. They can find ... Views: 2461
Anxiety, stress and depression. You may have heard that these are the new diseases of the 21st century. So it is necessary that everyone is aware of the tips to have good mental health.
The question is: are you there, doing everything to get a nice job, to get a good grade in the History test ... Views: 667
1) Regular health routine:
The chemicals circulating in our body are responsible for our happiness and our problems. Let me explain, a deficiency in serotonin or nor-epinephrine is linked with depression and happiness is linked with encephalins and endorphins. These chemicals are natural ... Views: 2009
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Summer is Winter
Today is tomorrow, and present, past,
Nothing exists and everything will last.
There is no beginning, there was no ... Views: 1673
How to achieve mental health is the a pursued by millions. Mental Health is a very important part of human life, and plays a crucial role to the development of human beings. We always pursue a lot of things during our daily life which affects our mental health. This article focuses on top three ... Views: 1269
Almost every news story over the last several days has to do with a potential pandemic, terrorism, or if there will be an economic recovery. These stories play on your fears of illness, death, and bankruptcy. While all 3 can, and do, happen everyday, it is important to keep your fears in check ... Views: 1516
Let's face it. Many people do not practice stress relief management. Like you, they are too busy trying to keep their lives on track and moving forward. That takes a great deal of energy and focus. There's little time for relaxing.
Basically, they are too busy managing their lives and, in ... Views: 1248
Our attention has been riveted by one person’s heinous actions and the consequences felt in Newtown, CT. Complete understanding of this tragedy defies our intellect. However, we do choose how to respond.
While I pray such disaster avoids your area, reality suggests some variation will ... Views: 1551
Everyone might experience some troubles in sleeping once or more in the whole life due to of many different reasons. This is actually a very common issue which affects several people in the world each year.
Sleep Disorders Treatment At Home – Best Natural Remedies:
This is actually a very ... Views: 1428
These mental habits of thinking and talking to your self are very common mistakes. And they do wreck your confidence, perhaps without your realizing it. The remedies usually take some practice, but the resulting increase in confidence is completely worth the effort.
1. Be nasty to yourself. ... Views: 2071
?There isn't any lack of medications for panic attacks. The medicinal drugs that remedy the problem handle the 2 major periods of the anxiety disorder. First is the anxiety, and second is the attack itself.
The first stage-the worry, or the fear that you might experience an attack. It's ... Views: 1720
When we hear of anxiety, we always consider it in terms of the anxieties and mental health disorders experienced by adults. We do not see ourselves thinking of it in terms of children with anxiety.
But with all that is happening in the world today, children ─in all their innocence and ... Views: 1410
Persistent anxiety is a common problem with autistic children. Stress and anger often manifest themselves into serious anxiety issues, and without the right treatment, this anxiety can take its toll on the quality of life of you and your child.
Traditionally, anxiety disorders are treated by ... Views: 4854
Everyone can be affected by mental problems. Sometimes we cannot remember where we are going or where we left our wallet or mobile phone. Or, maybe we experience brain fog more than we thought. Information overload, depression, stress, and environment toxins can hamper our brain function and ... Views: 1711
Panic attacks are very intense and debilitating experiences. The symptoms are very severe in nature and completely shake up a person. When a person is struck by a panic attack, it comes all of a sudden without any pre-warning and the body goes into overdrive.
The person will see his heart ... Views: 2121
Parental anxiety is widespread. The latest figures from the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) indicate that 40 million US adults carry an anxiety disorder diagnosis each year. This figure doesn’t even reflect the less severe worry and anxiety constricting people’s lives. While we don’t ... Views: 959
Mental health has recently become a big topic, especially among younger generations. With so much chaos going on in the world, many of today’s young adults are feeling a bit stressed out and even overwhelmed. This is why it’s so important to take time out to relax. Here are five great ways for ... Views: 693
A lot of people often associate anxiety with medication. However, there are many ways that can help a person in overcoming this issue easily. When it comes to self-improvement, most people think of it as attaining more knowledge, but in reality, self-improvement is taking care of your mind, ... Views: 527
Seductively your mind cycles through another struggle in life and reacts with pain and suffering of the mind. We lay trapped in a place of solitude and regret, “Oh no, here it comes again!” You can almost feel yourself slipping off the edge of a mental cliff, falling into the bottomless thought ... Views: 1855
Manage Your Liquid Intake for the Day
First, it is important to know what you are drinking in the day to avoid sleep deprivation signs in daily life. Likewise, experts say drinking too much caffeine and alcohol during the day can cause a delay in the release of melatonin. On the other hand, ... Views: 859
I have been one..a highly sensitive child, that is.. Of course, when I was young there was no name for it, and no understanding as well. Now I am a sensitive adult, and most of these rules still apply… once sensitive, always sensitive.
I also have sensitive kids, so I have been through the ... Views: 3092
With the ever-increasing pace of life and the demands placed upon us, we are experiencing more and more prolonged periods of stress, which can lead to burn out and more serious illnesses if not dealt with. Fear/anxiety related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, ... Views: 4462
People who feel gratitude are happier, more life satisfied, and less stressed. However, many people don't know that is also a strong way to reduce stress and anxiety, especially among business owners. Here are the things you should keep in mind why attitude of gratitude helps you combat stress ... Views: 601
Getting the anxiety attacks from time to time is not an abnormal thing. We all have to go through panic attacks or anxiety attacks from time to time. Anxiety is nothing else but an extreme condition of worrying. Anxiety is sometimes good as it can motivate us to work. Yet long-lasting anxiety ... Views: 937
Anxiety is often one of the biggest roadblocks to living a happy and productive lifestyle. Anxiety is one of the few common mental health issues that causes physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, and when you experience anxiety you often find that all three of those issues can stop you from ... Views: 8603
Anxiety is a sensation that can occur for any number of reasons and affects almost everyone at some point in life. Sometimes, it is a symptom of one’s circumstances; other times, anxiety can take the form of a “disorder” all its own. Anxiety is often mistaken as a sign of personal weakness or ... Views: 1743
Do you find that you get anxious when you have to mix with people? If that's the case, you may require a cure for social anxiety.
Frequently, you will sense that people are watching you and thinking bad things about you. Frequently, these symptoms arise if:
1) you become freshly acquainted ... Views: 1413
Anxiety affects all of us.
It’s true that it is natural for the body to respond with symptoms of anxiety for a variety of reasons and external stressors. That being said, most people have experienced anxiety in some form or another during their lifetime. The good news is that anxiety does not ... Views: 860
Through the years I realised that there are many more benefits to the tennis journey I was on then there were downfalls, my childhood environment definitely had an affect on my social anxiety disorder through my mid 20's to my early 30's but it's important for me not to have any regrets in life, ... Views: 1198
The Mayor of Springfield,Illinois and Bernie Madoff’s son, and less known people like your neighbor or your co-worker may have all taken their own lives. A thought like “what a waste of human life” crosses our minds, but I believe we mostly ponder about what could drive a person to kill ... Views: 1981
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“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of ... Views: 649
Since 2000, there has been an increase of opioid misuse and abuse, whichled to an opioid drug crisis in the United States. In fact, the rate of fatal overdoses of opioids was more than heroin in 2017. With opioids being prescribed at a dangerous rate and the increased risk of abuse potential to ... Views: 534
More than once to date I have received an email from an abuser and not the abused. The question that must pop in to our heads is why? Why would someone of that ilk visit my web page? Is it not rubbing their noise in it? Are their reasons for being here pure? After much pondering, I have decided ... Views: 1824
"Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally." Eckhart Tolle
I don't know about you, but when I first studied the above quote from Tolle, years ago, I fought it for a long time. To me, acceptance ... Views: 1084
If you have had more than your fair share of accidents and injuries lately, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard, is the book you should be reading.
According to a survey by the National Safety Council, the number of unintentional injury deaths in America has been ... Views: 1405