Where you are in your creative expression mirrors where you are in your life flow. If you are blocked creatively it is an indication that there is a disruption in your energy flow. Something isn't working. And the harder you try to push on forward the more blocked you become. You become ...Where you are in your creative expression mirrors where you are in your life flow. If you are blocked creatively it is an indication that there is a disruption in your energy flow. Something isn't working. And the harder you try to push on forward the more blocked you become. You become exhausted, literally drained, depleted, unmotivated. The couch beckons, the television calls, every distraction imaginable is suddenly luring you away from your work. Doing anything else feels better than fighting the block.
Why is that?
Life, and art, is about flow. Effortless flow. Passionate flow. Creative flow. If you're struggling in any area of your art or your life you are swimming against the stream of life instead of with it. You're emotions, thoughts and actions are out of alignment with who you are. Therefore, you are frustrated in your lack of ability to fully express yourself in your art, your relationships, your business matters. You are the block. You are getting in the way of your creative expression. Essentially you are in a state of self-sabotage when you are blocked, when you swim upstream.
There's a difference between being blocked and a pause. A pause is for the purpose of reflecting, getting a different perspective, replenishing yourself is purposeful. You feel good when you pause momentarily because you know that this action will result in the forward progression of your achievement. The pause is a part of your natural flow.
A block, on the other hand, doesn't feel good. And it may be permanent if you don't deliberately turn yourself around to flow with the stream.
Now, no one does anything without getting something out of it. What are you getting out of being blocked? Here's a hint: Have your Found Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) to do other things instead of your work? Yes, when you are making excuses you are in fear. You may be focused upon your misguided belief system that you're not good, talented, creative, smart, skilled, worthy, ad nauseam, enough to successfully complete the project, task, goal at hand. You may fear failure. You may find yourself blaming others for your inability to create or succeed. This is a victim mentality that is a huge block to creative expression.
What does staying blocked allow you to do? It allows you to stay right where you are in your current comfort zone. You may not like you're current comfort zone but it's what you know, so it's comfortable, and safe. You may not like thinking that you're not whatever enough or thinking that others control your success but it's what you've always thought. To change is frightening. Who would you be without those thoughts, those blocks?
As I mentioned earlier, if you are blocked, you are out of alignment with who you are. If you are out of alignment with who you are you are blocked, struggling, swimming upstream. "Well, then" you might be saying, "If I am out of alignment with who I am, who am I?" And that, is the question you must ask yourself.
To find the answer to that question you must ask yourself the following question:
"If there were no expectations; money was not an issue; my current abilities (or lack thereof) were not an issue, and I knew I could not fail: Who would I be, what would I do and what would I have?"
Spend some time with this question. I suggest writing down your answers in a journal. There is something about putting your truth onto paper that gives it power; brings it into reality. Take your time. Breathe. Dig deep. Pull out your truth from your core.
And when you are finished read your answer to yourself and visualize yourself as already being, doing and having that. This is who you are! What you desire most is a reflection of who you are. Hold this vision. Write an "I am" statement around it. Keep this statement nearby where you can refer to it in the moments you are blocked. If a thought, emotion or action is out of alignment with that statement, turn the thought, emotion or action around. How else could this be perceived? What could I do differently? Go with the flow instead of against it.
"The creative act is not hanging on, but yielding to a new creative movement. Awe is what moves us forward." - Joseph Campbell
Valery is a Mentor, Coach & Author who provides an all in one toolkit and training course that give you the necessary tools and information to get over the unique challenges that come from success, fame and fortune. Championing those who have or aspire fame and/or fortune to maximize their potential is her calling. She's fully prepared to engage clients with her experience, extensive training, certifications. For more information please visit http://www.FameMentor.com
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