How often we’ve heard success gurus telling us to think positive, only few of them mention the positive feeling.
How to go from positive thinking to positive feeling? Well, if you think you can just think it and you feel it, think again.
How often we’ve read and learned how to be ... Views: 2229
It is hard breaking for any human to discover that the partner you trusted has actually dumped you.
It's heart breaking for you, it's difficult for them, however if you really jump the gun in public place or in front of your neighbours, it’s strips both of you from your own dignity, and quite ... Views: 6767
There is you, there is your money, there is your desires and needs. Desire is one thing, need is another, and because 97% of people on this planet, believe it or not, have not figured out how these two elements ‘ desire and needs’ conflict with each other, causing the ‘YOU’ confusion as to why ... Views: 2691
How to Grow My business? That is the question with the answers that will lead to million dollars revenue.
What do clients honestly want from the service you provide?
Reliability: Give them what you said you will
Credibility: How many of them are repeat clients and what are they saying ... Views: 1849
Cut the crap, Get to the point, and explain why Team Building is Critical to Success.
First, banish the thought that by finding candidates with similar dispositions, thoughts, and ideas can lead to success. Having bunch of people parroting to one another is like having identikit clones ... Views: 3194
What does a common man understand by ‘competition’
Competition for the common businessman is understood as wanting to outdo another business. Wrong!
My philosophy is clear, I don’t believe that we can gain our psychological power by either leaning on others or trying to outdo others and ... Views: 2068
Philosophical coaching is connected with modern science in asking fundamental questions about the nature of what we know or seem to know. Philosophical coaching is the butter and bread of freedom of thought prompted renewal of debate about moral and ethical enquiries. The objective is to help us ... Views: 2358
Before we can say anything about action or reaction, we need to say something about the content embedded action.
An action contains pain, pleasure or both are an index of moral progress, since good conduct contains in a proper attitude towards pleasure and pain.
We all have these two ... Views: 1484
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 1780
Two most important traditions have empowered the study of language in their separate and very different ways; however, the two topics of the study of language are hotly debated by linguists like the sort of synthesis of philosophical grammar and structural linguistics begins to develop. The two ... Views: 2107
• Write all of the goals you truly and intensely desire to achieve
• Find out the hierarchy of importance of each goal you wrote
• Start writing the first and most important goal #1
• Use the future tense ‘ I will ‘ For example: I will start writing my first book on x.y.z
• The goal ... Views: 1502
The truth about the physics of positive emotions may not always please moaners, and losers, especially when you try, with your best of intentions, to help them overcome their own limitation.
People will always resist that which they cannot understand. They will always tell you “this is how ... Views: 1967
1. Set An Intention - the power of understanding your intentions for whatever you desire to achieve in health, academia, or wealth is the key to your power.
2. Maintain Integrity - there are sets of rules to allow us to live with integrity by obliterating procrastination and keeping ... Views: 1510
Entrepreneurial Authorship drives the economy by transforming lives. ZiziWorld Products are the educational engine for high learning, peak performance, optimum health, happiness including career and job coaching.
My main focus in-house research, to perfect my products, is geared to ensure ... Views: 1451
My recent research on Freud’s theory of mind control shocked me, the techniques that are now used by advertising agencies, politicians and public relations for over 100 years to inject fear and pleasure as a psychological drug to create slave employees, increase massive traffic of consumerism in ... Views: 3087
If sound systems that are composed by musicians, scientists, and music engineers were not relevant, then, we would not had bothered to spend billion of pounds creating music, films and documentaries, or bothered to go to the threate, cinema and gala events.
What is it about sound systems that ... Views: 1565
This is a chapter of my current book. (Copyright09)
The stream waves of emotions drive us to inspiration and elevation. Reason? Effective life mastery comes from a deeper awareness of the stream waves of consciousness that lies within us. This knowledge can only be activated, and acted upon ... Views: 1722
Why is there so much emphasis on the subconscious reprogramming?
Why do celebrities hire hypnotists and therapist?
Why sports Olympics are coached by sports psychologist?
Why do scientists still study the mind?
Well, consider this, the average adults has the subconscious development like ... Views: 3912
The way the entity of viral beliefs plugs itself into our brain, and damage our full potential, is so different from how our brain is actually wired, and designed to empower you. Each night, you are vulnerable when you fall asleep as the entities of the viral beliefs pervade our nervous system, ... Views: 1612
ZiziWorld Matrix Executive Summary
The Vision – investment opportunities to creating wealth – building wealth and business opportunities for money & career or investors interested in self-growth and personal empowerment industry.
ZiziWorld core business nature is the Rapid Dream Goal ... Views: 1418
Who Do You Think You Are?
You are the imagination of yourself. This imagination is polluted by external opinions, and media hypnosis. we are all victims of such damage that inhibits our power to be our full potential. But how come?
We are designed to feed on information, opinions, law ... Views: 2299
This is part of my audio introduction into the 11th dimension Neuro Visualisation coming soon
What is this 11th Dimension Space?
This 11th dimension space baffled physicists and astrophysicists
Proponents of string theory debate about special dimension told us for a while that there ... Views: 2212
1. First, select what you want to win
2. Second, Project it on the screen of your mind for as long as it takes until you win it
3. Thirdly, while you projecting it on the screen of your mind; expect it as if you are expecting your lover, husband, or child to come back from work or school
4. ... Views: 1554
The law of attraction does not attract to you the riches out of thin air. The law of attraction does not attract to you the abundance from thin air by just thinking positive like we are led to believe. But the Four Psychological Drives do attract your desired outcomes, be it optimum health, ... Views: 3929
History is replete with facts about how one person gain power over another.
History is replete with facts about how one person gains power, and another loses it.
History is replete with facts about how one person harness the power of the mind to heal disease, while another lives longer in ... Views: 1457
How to Use Neuro Visual & Syntax Encoding like the Genius Einstein, this was one of the question asked by one of my client
1. Look at the puzzle in many different ways
2. Change your first impression of it into modular perceptions
3. Come up with a unique perception, not yet heard of, ... Views: 1231
Once upon a time, there was a kindly man, wanting to buy a chainsaw for his farm, he spent months thinking about it, he knew he wants the chainsaw for his farm, but then the farm did not need a chainsaw however, when he finally made a decision, he bought it. For weeks and months, this kindly man ... Views: 3840
How to Find The Best Coach on the Planet To Invest In
I know that it can be such a headache or a disorienting experience when you are not sure where to begin, what literature supports your desired outcome, and where to find the best author, the best mentor, the best coach, to cater either for ... Views: 1071
What is it we do not understand, and what needs to be understood, that is the intelligible question we must ask ourselves when our brain runs wild in search of certainty.
The human brain, unique in the entire universe in its complexity, composed of over 200 billion nerve cells. Each cell has a ... Views: 1276
The Law of attraction does not discriminate between good or bad, kind of vicious, false of imagined. An event like that of Italy is no different that what is happening all over the world.
If you perceive the law of attraction as a 'being' who ought to reward or punish his or her community, or ... Views: 1679
Can we call someone a liar if he or she believed in a statement to be true?, can we call someone a liar if he did not tell his wife that he is dating a male lover? He believed that he is telling the truth when he says ‘ I am not dating a lover, I am in love with my lover’ He believed in his ... Views: 1281
This is a sample chapter of my upcoming book and audios entitled "How to Coach Yourself All The Way To Success with O’ fear Use N.V.L.S.E & Save £10.000 ++"
Setbacks, failure, limitation, scarcity, debts, disease, poverty, will keep spreading. Nothing will ever change, when we are focussing ... Views: 1496
How to Coach Yourself All The Way To Success & Save £10.000 ++
The Three Power Tools of the Mind To Achieve Anything
The Neuro Visual & linguistic Syntax Encoding N.V.L.S.E
How to Become Your Full Potential has been the challenge of the 97% of world ... Views: 1307
Chapter from the the Book ' The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan'
The Psychology of Conative Connection Part 4
How to Use Your Instinct to Success
You do not need a PhD to comprehend what makes 1+1=2, but you must ' endeavour ' to ' comprehend' a process of success ... Views: 2070
Chapter from the the Book ' The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan'
The Psychology of Conative Connection Part 3
How to Use Your Instinct to Success
Comprehension the cure of all anxieties
Returning back to our concerns and anxieties about our future success ... Views: 1387
Chapter from the the Book ' The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan'
The Psychology of Conative Connection Part 1
How to Use Your Instinct to Success
Learning, and comprehending come with the understanding that you don't have to be a genius to make a dream come true, but ... Views: 3287
Excerpted from "The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan"
The Psychology of Conative Connection Part1
How to Use Your Instinct to Success
Learning, and comprehending come with the understanding that you don't have to be a genius to make a dream come true, but unless you ... Views: 1469
Excerpted from "The Psychology of Rapid Self Employment Achievement Plan"
The Psychology of Conative Connection Part2 -
How to Use Your Instinct to Success
The psychological arithmetic process of success:
Your results are ... Views: 1371
Article 6: End of chapter WHY WHY is it of paramount importance to self-employment?
The Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6 of the Psychology of comprehension are posted here.
'The Psychology of Comprehension' is the chapter of the book entitled 'The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement ... Views: 1148
Article 5: WHY WHY is it of paramount importance to self-employment?
Article 5 'The Psychology of Comprehension' Section 5 of the sample chapter of the book entitled
'The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One ... Views: 1274
Article 4: WHY is comprehension of paramount importance to self-employment?
Article 4 'The Psychology of Comprehension' Section 4 of the sample chapter of the book entitled 'The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One ... Views: 1344
Article 3 The Psychology of Comprehension Section 3 of the sample chapter of the book entitled
The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One Roof.
The Steps You Must Take to Escape the Rat Race Before You Get Fired or ... Views: 1251
Article 2 The Psychology of Comprehension Section 2 of the sample chapter of the book entitled
The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One Roof.
The Steps You Must Take to Escape the Rat Race Before You Get Fired or ... Views: 1176
This is a sample chapter of the book entitled
The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement- Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One Roof.
The Steps You Must Take to Escape the Rat Race Before You Get Fired or Pension Scammed
WHY is 'comprehension' of paramount ... Views: 3148