No is a simple little word, but one of the most important we can use to bring peace to our lives. A common stress-producer that can affect us emotionally is to over-promise and under-deliver and we do this by not using that simple little word, “no.” Many of us have done this at one time or ... Views: 904
Although we can see stress all around us, not all stress is harmful. It can be a source of positive energy, motivating us to greater heights of achievement and creativity. However, stress that is not managed or controlled can become a negative force that robs us of our peace and compromises our ... Views: 1598
Our bodies are intricately designed, so that when a breakdown occurs in one area, due to stress, it can have an adverse effect on other parts of our body. Stress is the body’s reaction to a demand made upon it. Unfortunately, stress is all around us and we do not have to look far to find ... Views: 1164
40 Ways to Show Teens You Care
1. Communicate openly and frankly with them
2. Cherish their input
3. Give them your full attention when they do open up, maintaining eye contact
4. Be interested in what interests them
5. Remember that each child is unique
6. Do your best to attend their sports ... Views: 2696
Eating disorders have been a problem for society occurring even during the overindulgent Ancient Roman times, and have been unidentified and little understood until the last twenty years.
How prevalent are these disorders today? It is estimated in Alberta alone, 1 in every 100 members of the ... Views: 1073
I am a woman and have been created beautiful.
It is a privilege and a challenge to be a woman, though sometimes we may ask, "Who are we as women and what is our deep desire?" I believe women have a still small, intuitive voice within that yearns to be heard. We have a unique identity - the ... Views: 812
Today unrealistic demands are being placed on individuals to achieve beyond their abilities, both at home and on the job, leaving many feeling stressed, distraught and exhausted. The results are that stress and burnout among workers are reaching epidemic proportions, with the corresponding loss ... Views: 799
“Stress is the pressures of life and how one perceives, believes, reacts, and copes with these pressures.” -- Dr. Don Colbert, M.D.
By definition, then, stress is not always a negative force. It can be positive, negative, chronic or acute. By illustration, stress can be compared to music played ... Views: 2753
Have you ever pleaded: just give me a good night’s sleep, Please!
The shades are drawn, your eyes are open, while the night quickly passed by, and your mind turns to the problem of insomnia! Yes, that dreaded time when we know that morning will soon come and we will face the day with the ... Views: 781