Ever wonder why guys prefer to just date woman than to settle down and commit. Simple answer: Freedom. It may seem disappointing that the guy you are interesting in does not want to commit even after telling you so but the truth is men prefer to stay single than to have a women strap them down. ... Views: 4680
On May 28th, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, excitement and eccentric will enter the sign of Aries. Uranus likes to spend up to 7 years in each sun sign. It will return to Pisces in Mid August but will fully return to Aries in mid March 2011. When Uranus was in Pisces we saw sudden ... Views: 1523
This retrograde deserves a page on it's own because of the powerful effects this one planet can create. I know one of your main concerns when calling me is about love, romance, friendships, and money. Well this planet effects all these subjects. When we think of a Mercury retrograde we think, ... Views: 6057
If you ever wondered what it was that made your ex-partner leave you for someone else-they met their emotional needs. You look at the other person and comment how they aren't as beautiful as you or how they don't take care of body as you or anyone else you know so why did he choose her. She met ... Views: 2252
Jupiter will retrograde from August 30, 2011 through December 24, 2011. Jupiter is the planet that brings hope and optimism to everything. It gives you hope that the job will come very soon or that you will advance in your schooling or career. At the time when Jupiter retrogrades you will feel ... Views: 2730
The good luck planet of Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus on June 4, 2011. It will stay in that sign for 12 months. It will then move onto another sign on June 12, 2012. The next 12 months will make you focus on the stability and security of finances and career. You will also focus on ... Views: 2051
You meet a guy and the phone conversations goes well. You begin to talk day after day, night after night then "poof" two weeks go by and the conversations die down, he makes excuses about seeing you again, and you wonder, has this guy lost interest in me? Here's some few signs to tell if he has ... Views: 3443
I know for many of out there this will be a sensitive topic. The reason being is because you may be caught in the middle of this type of relationship. A friendship with benefits is a relationship were you are friends with someone whom you would to be more romantically involved but you are stuck ... Views: 2386
Believe it or not the Venus sign and Moon sign that is in a man's chart actually describes what type of woman he is looking for in his life. He may not be aware of the type of woman he is looking for by his Venus sign. He will just find a pattern of specific women coming into his life. Below you ... Views: 20749
Ever wonder why guys prefer to just date woman than to settle down and commit. Simple answer: Freedom. It may seem disappointing that the guy you are interesting in does not want to commit even after telling you so but the truth is men prefer to stay single than to have a women strap them down. ... Views: 3421
On May 28th, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, excitement and eccentric will enter the sign of Aries. Uranus likes to spend up to 7 years in each sun sign. It will return to Pisces in Mid August but will fully return to Aries in mid March 2011. When Uranus was in Pisces we saw sudden ... Views: 1695
I know for many of out there this will be a sensitive topic. The reason being is because you may be caught in the middle of this type of relationship. A friendship with benefits is a relationship were you are friends with someone whom you would to be more romantically involved but you are stuck ... Views: 1826
You're tired of hitting the bar scene and too old for the clubs so you decide to check out some dating websites. At this point you are thinking that you have nothing to lose since you are already tired and drained out from looking. You consider many factors to online dating. For one, you can ... Views: 2840
I decided to write an article about anxiety because it not only effect millions of people but it also effects us in relationships. First let me talk about anxiety. It's basically a chemical reaction in our brains that makes our heart race, makes us think obsessively about something or someone ... Views: 13492