The Holidays are over and we've survived them. We may have put on a couple of pounds, but they can be dropped, if we get back on track. What we are looking at now is the rest of a long winter without the fun of the holidays to keep us occupied. During this time, many people suffer from something ... Views: 2786
Over the years, we surround and fill our bodies with toxins on a daily basis. Not only do we tend to eat to excess, what we eat are a lot of foods that aren't body-friendly. We are a society who loves our meat, especially red meat; high-fat content dairy products; refined grains and sugars; and ... Views: 3302
Most of us try to be health conscious. Some are more successful than others. One of the reasons is determination. There's a wealth of information available that makes it a lot easier to know what we should be doing to keep ourselves healthy and fit.
We keep learning new things all the time. We ... Views: 872
Panic disorder or panic attacks are often misunderstood. The symptoms can come on suddenly and unexpectedly, often times for no known reason. The person who suffers from panic attacks can experience incredibly intense feelings of fear without understanding why. Other symptoms that accompany ... Views: 1098
High blood pressure is an extremely dangerous condition that can go undetected for years, doing damage all the while. Because there are frequently no symptoms related to high blood pressure, many people fail to bother with the simple blood pressure test that can save them serious problems down ... Views: 1100
Emotional eating can be all consuming. Sitting in front of the television shoveling food in your mouth as fast as you can. Not really tasting what you're eating. Not necessarily thinking about what it is you're eating. Continuing to eat long past the point of being full. Often times starting to ... Views: 995
There are popular herbal teas which contain antioxidants and provide many health benefits. One of the most powerful in antioxidants is the white tea. This tea is picked very young. The buds, before they've fully opened, and the very young, delicate leaves. Some white teas are made only from the ... Views: 1432
Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The only sure way to avoid contracting one is by practicing abstinence. And, there are a lot of STD's these days. So many, in fact, that there are ones that are considered Common STDs. Many people are responsible in their sexual activities, but many are not. Unless ... Views: 11825
Stress is one of the leading underlying causes of many illnesses today. People diagnosed with conditions from fatigue to insomnia to heart disease can be found to have been leading stress-filled lives for years prior to being diagnosed. In some cases stress is the only reason for the condition, ... Views: 765
Vitamins fall into two categories, fat-soluble and water-soluble. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which means it can be stored in the body's fat tissue, fat deposits, and liver. Since they can be stored in the body's tissue, it's possible for the levels of fat-soluble vitamins to become ... Views: 1738
Zinc, found in the body, is a very important trace element that we can't live without. Some zinc is found in the body's proteins. Another type is secreted from many different cells in our body. It's necessary for the metabolic activity of enzymes that deal with the metabolism of protein, ... Views: 2491
We hear a lot about antioxidants these days. They've become the popular topic of many health studies recently. But, what exactly are antioxidants? Where do we get them from? What do they do for us? what happens when we don't have enough of them?
Antioxidants protect tissues, cells, and ... Views: 865
We all know we would benefit by taking that multi-vitamin every morning. But, how many of us really know how our bodies are affected by those vitamins and minerals we're taking? Or more importantly, not taking. Magnesium, for example, is a trace mineral that the body absolutely can't function ... Views: 974
Our society has become obsessed with being thin and our children are no exception. They're tempted everywhere they go with unhealthy food choices and an even unhealthier lifestyle. Eating food that is filled with fat and empty calories and days spent sitting in front of a computer playing ... Views: 1142
Anxiety is an no longer an illness that women are told is just in their head and they need to "learn to live with it". For years, we've been told there's something wrong with us, we over-react, we worry to much, we're just too emotional. The fact is, anxiety is much more than just emotional ... Views: 1012
A Detoxification Program rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit by eliminating toxic materials that are being stored in our fat cells and bodily organs. The detox process literally turns back the hands of time on aging. Removing toxins promotes more radiant and resilient skin and complexion. ... Views: 1146
Respiratory ailments are particularly troublesome. When you aren't breathing well, your entire body is affected. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which are the medium-size airways in the lungs. Often, bronchitis can develop as you're getting over a cold and your immune system is ... Views: 7308
Normally, when I go to bed, I'm asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, and I don't wake up until the sun is coming in my window. On the rare occasion that I lay there, eyes wide open, I realize what it's like for thousands of people, including a close friend, every night. ... Views: 1084
The definition of stress is the strain felt by somebody: mental, emotional, or physical strain caused by anxiety or overwork. It may cause such symptoms as raised blood pressure or depression. Stress has become an everyday part of our daily lives. The high school student stresses over exams ... Views: 12059
The Centers for Disease Control have announced that Americans are fatter now than ever before recorded in history. More than thirty percent of American adults are considered medically overweight with a body mass index between 25 and 29. Another thirty percent of American adults weight in with a ... Views: 908