Michele Blood is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Thinking". You can find complete information on Michele Blood and her products by visiting Musivation Success.
“I’ve got to decide that I’m smarter than I think I am,” Mr. White, “or I’m not going to get accepted to Milton Academy.”
So began a conversation with a student of mine, Debbie, who was hoping to get into Milton Academy, a prestigious middle and high school in eastern Massachusetts. This was ... Views: 2295
“Mr. White, what about luck? How much does luck play into someone being successful.”
One of the students at the John D. O’Bryant Institute at Northeastern University posed this question during my talk today.
It’s a great question. The answer is very simple, I explained: if someone denies ... Views: 2450
When you go to your church, do you look forward to it, or do you dread it and just force yourself to go out of obligation? Or maybe you are just seeking to be blessed and glean from it all you can, without ever contributing in any way.
When I attended a certain church years ago, I would look ... Views: 2206
The topic of Motivation is easy to talk about, but fairly difficult to invoke on a regular basis. I remember as a kid my parents trying to motivate me to do my homework - something I hated doing. They were able to do it, however, because their "motivation" technique involved the use of spanking ... Views: 2020
The world over Time news magazine has been accepted as authentic. Very soon it shall complete 100 years of publishing. This magazine by putting forth the gist of international events puts forth a balanced and unbiased viewpoint so as to also give us information regarding the influence of these ... Views: 5421
So I guess it’s time to debunk some of the money goal myths like – “Money will change me” or “Success will change the person who I am now” by talking about a very successful footballer who has not changed a single iota since he was a young teenager pursuing his dream of becoming a professional ... Views: 1396
You may not be an incomparable genius like Albert Einstein or William Shakespeare. Nevertheless, the world could not get by without you. Your contributions to society and the world at large are the focus of the exciting book; You're a Worthwhile Person in More Ways than a Million.
Simeon ... Views: 2148
Empowerment -- the act of investing oneself with more authority and control over one’s path -- is a vitally important process that I teach and explore every day as a career transformation coach. I’ve personally witnessed the transformative effect it can have, when an individual takes control of ... Views: 1292
What if you could change an “annoying” habit, simply by stating one word?
Would you do it? Or would you regress to an old way of thinking (“Oh, right! Like that’s gonna work for me?!?!?)?
What if you didn’t have to actively visualize what it is that you desire?
What if… it was more ... Views: 4138
Here is a common saying – “I can achieve goals for life if I work hard enough.” Do you agree or disagree? Actually, it’s a trick question. Because although it’s true that we are in charge of our destiny and results, it’s equally true that we will only go as far as our feelings, mindset and ... Views: 1533
Who are you allowing to control your time? Many people I know always feel rushed or always wish they would take time to do things they enjoy but somehow feel pressured to keep themselves busy with things they do not enjoy. Lets start by thinking about how we are using our time and if this is ... Views: 1064
The law of attraction has been doing the rounds under the lights of high profile media since the movie 'The Secret' was launched in 2006. Years later, stories abound of people who have used it to magically make millions and turn their lives around etcetera. Some people bought into the concept of ... Views: 1279
What do we need to do to see ourselves in an entirely new way?! How about deciding what we would like to accomplish; then, pursuing our goal until it is positively achieved. Truly these are appropriate steps in any successful goals process. Regardless if the goal includes issues related to ... Views: 1766
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something.
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you ... Views: 2366
The other day I received a phone call that gave me pause. Someone I know quite well was pleading with me to vote for the presidential candidate of their choosing. They had seen videos and heard expert testimony about the perils that will befall our country if the other guy wins the election. ... Views: 1515
Walking through life with resentment is like walking through ankle-deep molasses. You move, but not well, not far, and not fast. Forgiveness, resentment, resistance… let’s look at them.
Here’s something about forgiveness from two sources: One old, one new. The Bible, in its various versions ... Views: 1391
Hello Divine Beings!
As always, I write about what I am pondering, and this month I have to admit that I am a purveyor of compliments and gratitude. Sometimes people think I am over doing it a bit and they get embarrassed. However, I am of the mind that if you do something noteworthy, then I ... Views: 1177
In Charles Berlitz famous book called ‘Doomsday 1999’ there is a collection of knowledge wherein it is said that at the end of 2000AD it full of fearful strange world situations. In it there are prophecies given by mystics and predictions put forth by various leading astrologers and other ... Views: 1218
Who are the „Difficult People“?
About a month ago I attended a course that I truly loved. The lecturer was an amazing speaker with a cheerful and joyful attitude and shared tons of interesting and useful tips.
To set aside the content of information that I was so happy to learn, I was even ... Views: 1233
THANK YOU. Thank you Universe for all that I have, and for all that I AM. Thank you Universe for putting me directly in front of those who need my services as I do them. Thank you Universe for your guidance, and love, even though at times I don't always understand it.
THANK YOU. Thank you ... Views: 1030
2012 has been a year of transition and many of us are undergoing shifts and changes. Change can create uncertainty and confusion. We know we don’t want to be where we are now but what next and how to get there?
All change eventually leads to the greater good but it is within the process, the ... Views: 1577
MerryThoughts for Halloween
"There is no monster. The monster is ignorance."
December 21, 2012 – Is it the end or the beginning?
By Merry C. Battles
The ancients speak of this time as the Shift of the Ages. All time past, present, and future has the opportunity to speed up or slow ... Views: 1393
I was playing cards with my husband recently and it was my turn to draw a card. I needed a queen of hearts, so I decided to imagine and generate the energy of what it would feel like to draw the queen of hearts: my body softened and relaxed, my breath became smooth and easy, and a Mona Lisa ... Views: 1673
In the words of the rapper Ludacris, “I feel like slapping somebody today!”
Today was one of those days where my emotions were all over the place. One second, I don’t know how I feel, the next second I don’t feel anything, and then later I feel EVERYTHING!!!!
“I’m not gonna cry! Ok, I’m ... Views: 1951
Beside every case of stuck feelings, lies a sad little story. Recently, I’ve come across articles that discussed ways to prevent negative thinking “permanently.” The writer would go on to discuss how an individual can eliminate/extract/delete negative memories permanently. And as a result, they ... Views: 1528
If you ask elite athletes, one of the most important things they've done to reach the pinnacles of their sports, you'll find that many will give you the same answer. What do they have in common? It's mental preparation. This article will explore why mental preparation's important and how it can ... Views: 1735
[Presently, there is an abrupt change in Indian Politics. Although I am a Spiritualist, I can never keep me away from the views that make the economic reform possible under the auspices of Dr. Manmohan Singh, our Prime Minister.
Everybody in a democratic country has the right to react and ... Views: 1340
Disappointments are part of life. They make us grow and pay attention to what we want, what we have, what we need and what we do not want, need or have.
They cause sadness and loss. They bring us into conscious awareness of our life and or relationships, what is lacking and what is ... Views: 1274
Is there something that you are waiting for that when you feel you have a guarantee about it then you will continue with it? When you are absolutely SURE of an outcome then you will take action, attend a course, get married, start a business, travel the world, whatever it may be are you waiting ... Views: 4239
Goa with its sun kissed beaches, historic forts, natural beauty, mesmerizing hotels, carnivals, traditional dance & music and magnificent churches needs no introduction to any of the beach lovers across the globe. It is one of the highly acclaimed touring destinations of India. The scintillating ... Views: 1480
Creating the New You, Enlightenment for Your Soul, KNOWING that Now is All there is, Examining yourself while in Your waiting Season, and asking yourself What is the Rush, all have one thing that is in common. Are you aware of what that may be?
CHANGE! That is right. Think about it. In order ... Views: 1205
NOT MY WAY, LET YOUR WAY BE DONE! What do those words say and mean to you? I have been saying that statement above for at least 3 months and boy have I experienced the TRUE meaning of those words. I have been told that if we consciously KNEW what we were getting into or what we were really ... Views: 1594
Have you ever got into a situation where a group of people or an individual misuses your charity or abuses your trust with hurtful acts of the physical and mental type? If we were to ask anyone this question I am pretty sure they would have a list of injustice and hurt caused by another. This ... Views: 862
Life for me has always been a struggle as an independent filmmaker. I totally bought into the idea that I was a down and out filmmaker and I lived it to the fullest. Is there anyone reading this that has bought into the "Race Consciousness" within the industry that tells you life as a filmmaker ... Views: 1048
There is a plan or template for your life, and sometimes when we quiet our busy minds, a wiser aspect of ourselves can reveal that plan to us. It may come in whispers or it may come like a bolt of lightning. The important thing is to listen to that inner voice. Here is a simple process to help ... Views: 1224
Life is a journey.
Of course, you have heard this statement before—it’s something of a cliché. But take a moment to think about your own life. Have you “arrived” at your final destination? Have you achieved everything you’ve hoped to achieve? Traveled everywhere you’ve wanted to visit? ... Views: 915
For some there is no easy way to success – it requires learning from mistakes and is one of the best ways. Take Steve Jobs for example – he certainly had ups and downs before he met with meterioic success. Here are 10 points that help you have more success more easily.
1. ... Views: 1317
What’s Cooking in Your Soul? Use Vibration Cooking
Often, I question what is stirring within my soul, directing my life. Do you feel lost? Are you seeking to find a clear direction? Is it time for you to leave your 9-to-5 job and seek your soul’s fulfillment or fulfill your ... Views: 2290
Byron Katie so wisely repeatedly asks her clients: “Who would you be without your story?”
This question has fascinated me the moment I heard it.
Of course this question can be understood in two ways: One way is who would you be if whatever happened to you in your life (that forms your life ... Views: 1666
Yesterday I had conversation with my friend on Facebook. She wrote that somebody made her cry and she don't want to back to work next day. I made a comment that this is not about her, she was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. I should mention she is working at the hospital; people are ... Views: 1285
Most certainly, happiness is a choice, a decision each and every one of us gets to make in every moment of every day. And yet the world is populated by so many unhappy people. It seems on the face of it to make little sense. Why would so many people choose to be unhappy?
The answer is that ... Views: 1745
One important concept, that helps you have a healthy sense of self-acceptance and self-esteem, is the knowledge that you are perfect, right now, just the way you are. This is true regardless of your problems, early childhood issues, body, I.Q., mistakes, etc. Consider a new definition of ... Views: 2276
We evolve daily as we explore our life and build awareness, getting to know ourselves better, face our fears, change habits, and make conscious choices to better our lives. We do many things to evolve: read self-help books, gathering information to improve our lives; talk to friends about our ... Views: 1079
Our sense of smell ~
An exercise in gratitude and awareness connected to our spirituality and commitment to personal growth what are the correlations?
I was fascinated by our conversation this morning in our Masterheart class and as such am taking the liberty of sharing some additional ... Views: 2148
Do you ever wonder if or wish there was an On-Off switch when it comes to negative thinking? Maybe if you know what causes it, you can find the switch and flip it.
What we usually notice about negative thinking first is the Effect, not the Cause, of it. In fact, we may not even be aware that ... Views: 8885
The first time I was given advice about the importance of forgiveness was at the most unlikely of places: an advertising school I was attending in Atlanta. The school had brought in speaker Joey Reiman—a very successful advertising executive who ran his own agency. Almost immediately, I could ... Views: 2222
Use your emotions as your guide, they will tell you if you are turning towards or away from makes you happy. Pay close attention to your emotions; the better you feel the more in harmony you are with attaining your desire. You can literally feel your way to prosperity. When you allow you are in ... Views: 1490
There is a lot of information available today about manifesting what you desire. Some authors with helpful books are Catherine Ponder and Joe Vitale. A few years ago the movie, The Secret, sparked great interest in the law of attraction and creating what you want. Many people are mystified that ... Views: 1973
When life is tough is when your opportunity for growth is the greatest. If you were to help a caterpillar during his struggle in the cocoon, he would never have the strength to develop into a beautiful butterfly. When a fish spends its life in a tank, being fed regularly, it doesn’t grow as ... Views: 1454
Have you ever gotten a charlie horse in your leg? Ow. Or your foot? Ow. Well, that's kind of what happens when we say "no" to life.
We all have different ways of saying "no" to life. We all have areas of our lives that we try to push away. And in the long run, it's kind of pointless, all ... Views: 1051