When you take control of your focus, you apply your power and move energy through everyday magic. That’s Magic Alchemy Manifestation at its most basic level of application. When you move energy, you create change. You are blessed with free-will, which you can use to consciously design the life ... Views: 730
Do you believe in Magic? These old and ancient traditions of magic were grounded in esoteric wisdom, working with the powers of the mind and forces of nature to face forward and bring the principles of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. into our lives. Magic has been around for a long time; the oldest and most ... Views: 836
The energy that breaths you, that animates your body, is what distinguishes life from death. Are there energy centers throughout your body; it is optimal for your energy to flow freely. When energy gets blocked it leads to dis-ease. Energy gets blocked through stress, stuffed emotions, negative ... Views: 1852
Breath helps in all things. Deep diaphragmatic breathing is a great way to connect in the moment. You can follow the breath on its journey through your body, see it entering your nose down your throat into your belly deep in your lungs feeding your body the stuff of life, nourishing you, ... Views: 1971
Colors are everywhere just have a look around. Mother Nature presents you with an array of the rainbow every day, from the pink of the sunrise to the green of the grass. When you wear colors you speak to and express your power. Each color has the potential to bring something different to your ... Views: 1463
Using systems of allowing can help you move through life with minimum resistance and friction. By constantly keeping in mind precisely what you want your point of attraction becomes like a magnifying glass under direct sun, able to start a fire.
Focus on your emotions and feel your way to ... Views: 1346
Weigh the scales of your fortune firmly to the positive. Fill your days creating rather than negating. Let your story today be of what you want rather than what you do not want. A good way to start your day with a surplus of positivity is to make the last thought before drifting off to sleep a ... Views: 1531
The question is, what has awakened in you because of this crisis? Does hope beat in your chest when you think of your future? Do you feel the sweet promise of tomorrow pulsing in you? Does everything you've taken for granted come sharply to clarity? Do you see your value? Do you feel the ... Views: 1794
You are living in pain, suffering. It doesn't have to be this way. You can change and you know it. You have the power to flip the script, and you are about to have a blue print of what to do next. How to take back your control and stop the needless suffering. The key here is that you recognize ... Views: 1297
Your actions will always reflect your dominating thoughts. Singleness of purpose is essential for success. Your enthusiasm is a vital force that impels action and inspires others. Mix enthusiasm into your everyday to stay energized and all you come in contact with will benefit. When you ... Views: 1300
The benefits of a good soak cannot be understated. There is much known about the benefits of sweating out toxins. Now a sauna or a steam bath may not be something that you encounter in our daily life or budget. There is a way to get the benefits of sweating in a sauna or steam bath right in ... Views: 1421
In the moment to moment of your life reach for relief. When you feel relief you have won. Feel better by reaching for relief and by thinking better feeling thoughts. Getting from the here of dissatisfaction to the there of accomplishment is where all the interesting things in life happen. ... Views: 1067
Now it is vital that you be truly you; influenced only by you. You need to express yourself as you, by you and for you. No holds barred. Like so many of us, perhaps you were programmed early on to say "Yes" even when you would rather say "No." You feel guilty, as if you are letting people down ... Views: 1156
Your subconscious mind can be controlled and directed by your conscious (voluntary) mind. Any idea or thought which is held in the mind, through repetition, has a tendency to direct the physical body to transform such though or idea into it material equivalent, concentration is the key to this ... Views: 1469
Find the amazing power to ask better questions. Every thought begins with a question, anyway. You have a problem- solving-mind. It will endeavor to answer any problem you throw its way.
You can ask these questions in the shower, in rounds of three in 10 sets of questions around health, ... Views: 1441
Use your emotions as your guide, they will tell you if you are turning towards or away from makes you happy. Pay close attention to your emotions; the better you feel the more in harmony you are with attaining your desire. You can literally feel your way to prosperity. When you allow you are in ... Views: 1490