Often we are guided by our emotion. A passion well-organized leads us to perfection. It always remains steady when we get to work. Today the entire world is sex oriented and day by day amid massive development of science and technology different cultures are intermingled and getting desperate. ... Views: 1161
“Unraveling of the mystery of the Universe" is of grave concern and in that context Great Ma-Mahajnan stands matchless. There is nothing exaggerated if we say that authenticity of Ma-Mahajnan is beyond any common comprehension. Again, it has to be accepted that there are many people who ... Views: 1443
We read many articles everyday to know what Spirituality is; so many books to enlighten us in the true sense of Spirituality. Unfortunately we fail to elevate our mind to that desired level. What’s it indeed? Yes, the oneness of our mind that retains and realizes something to get expounded ... Views: 1509
What's wrong with me, please? I am sending this third time.
Lately, I received a letter from a young lady, well-educated, flexible and having broad outlook. She is faced with a problem and needs my help.
“I want to narrate one incident; at the same time ask you a question. Today morning I ... Views: 2649
How to reform! What's wrong with the citizen, please? Politics Vs Economy—it’s a long rally as if, in the final of a tennis tournament that India observes today. None knows who will come out victorious. The spectators are to sustain tension. Dr. Manmohan Singh, our Prime Minister, tries his best ... Views: 1094
It’s true that often we cannot decide what have to do, when and how. Very few people are born with strong mind and easily can decide what is to be ensured right at that moment when he is in a fix. To me, as have been taught by Ma-Mahajnan, a spiritual genius, it’s not as difficult as we think ... Views: 1595
I’m the Mother; the Nothingness too. We know, more or less, from our very birth what ‘Mother’ means. But what is about ‘Nothingness’? It remains ever unrevealed to us. In the light of education, culture and civilization people guess something and that’s all. How little it is!
‘Nothingness’, ... Views: 1595
[An article “Life Is A T20 Cosmic Game” of Pratik Khandhadiya, was published in “Speaking Tree” of Times of India on Sept. 20, 2012. It is interesting. What he says, in brief, is: Life is a game that God has created for his entertainment like any games we humans have created for our ... Views: 1717
[A great effort is to ensure. Economic Reform in India is not so easy possible. Evidently, it was long due. Owing to political intervention everything was in jeopardy. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India supported by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson of UPA it is likely that it would make ... Views: 1491
[Presently, there is an abrupt change in Indian Politics. Although I am a Spiritualist, I can never keep me away from the views that make the economic reform possible under the auspices of Dr. Manmohan Singh, our Prime Minister.
Everybody in a democratic country has the right to react and ... Views: 1353
Ma-Mahajnan, a spiritual genius, expounds in a state of ‘Conscious Trance’ the essence of truth and how we can attain to perfection. With deep sense of spirituality, based on coordination of worldly-cum-spiritual striving, she begins thus:
“Here’s my ‘On The Quest’ for you.
Have patience ... Views: 1679
[The gist of an article: “MMS, The Closet Spiritualist by: Narayani Ganesh, published on 16 Sept. 2012 in “Speaking Tree” of the Times of India.
The widely respected economist and scholar have been credited with heralding a new era of economic liberalization in India with his laissez-faire ... Views: 1519
In spite of so many inspirational words, mostly imaginary, in support of LOVE, practically we could make no sense of love that refers to divinity. The failure lies in the way of life we lead to elevate our mind. Naturally, without being an enlightened soul we teach our devotees and our society. ... Views: 1846
Yes, we should agree to what has been uttered by Sunandaji. But we can not have better understanding within so easily. It requires long practices amid awakened awareness. How very difficult we comprehend that follow an ideal or dedicate to a mission. Over and above, we are born to act according ... Views: 1366
Loving people is a must for a human being who is especially spiritually inclined. We can recall in our mind in this context the immortal line: “Love your enemy; do good to them that hate you.” The prophets in the past renounced the world and realized something which became a religion. But saying ... Views: 1509
Know and shoulder responsibility. Why have I come, what for and what have I to offer—for myself or you? If for you, then think of the other brothers and sisters of yours and spend something out of your pocket for their good. Once you spend thus, you do whatever you like.
Hasn't this been done ... Views: 1784
I cannot expect an exchange of hearts. For, if I sit here with that heart of vast expanse—if indeed I am of that race of noble and great soul, how can I get a heart of the same order from a small , petty man! I can't. If I count on that, I'll point to the limitation of my knowledge. I'll expect ... Views: 1692
Prosad: Just a word mother. You say this as definition for genius. But who will ever reach the primordial level so that he can expound.
Ma-Mahajnan: Nobody ever did nor could expound. If somebody can reach that level—that hope has been cherished.
Prosad: The philosophy of the primordial, ... Views: 1618
Don’t think like that.
Only in the chamber of seeking and getting
Will I stand;
Will you be just kind enough
to render me an account?
How much of genius each one possesses
I’ll note it down accordingly.
Is it possible, alas?
To slice and slice over again--
Lighting a fire it has been ... Views: 1232
Is genius a simple thing? What is it? Development, expounding, individuality in the perspective of favourable, adverse and under any circumstances—will not all these things be assessed? Of course, judged by the standard of Mother, everything will outright vanish into a mere dot. Looking at her ... Views: 1588
“My youth”—Once I’ve understand, I desire to cling to this fleshly frame of mine. ‘First you’re to burn it out..’ God, before you come, I want to burn it up.
Says God in His turn, “This youth of yours is mine.” I’ve conferred that on you. You’ve got to burn it out first. Eh, will you try to get ... Views: 1846
During discourse Ma-Mahajnan expounds, “You’ve come into my life. You listen to what I tell you. Here is a mass of people sitting, who have filled up the whole temple. Perhaps I note some fault or offence. I go up and hold you by the ear or give you a slap or rebuke you with a word or ... Views: 1627
Unless life happens to be successful, has this birth any meaning? Where lays our superiority in course of the development of humanity? Now the question arises whether the two—successful life and highest life are distinguishable. Yes, there’s a slight distinction. While talking about the ... Views: 1599
Let me come straight to the point. A stranger once came to see the Mother. Stranger: When you are out to subdue lust all by yourself, a hundred employees of lust rally together. –‘What do you think? Is there going to be a lock-out? It can’t be.’ So you started struggling. The same is the case ... Views: 1416
A few questions creep in my mind. “Time and tide wait for none.” Time is good match to space. But what about tide? It has its concern with the earth, hasn’t it? However, when both do not wait for none of us, we are set to think in a different perspective. Is there any objection? No. Let us be a ... Views: 1983
The Concept of True Religion fetch you everything
(A section of a catechism of Ma-Mahajnan in reply to Prosad’s query)
Prosad : The theme of non-desire is vast in its scope. But with such great power as you possess, you alone can possibly condense it within manageable limits and pass it on ... Views: 1570
Life is really very short. To make it more and more meaningful we try in very many ways. Even believe in Rebirth. Faith may help to overcome frustration; without reason what’s the gain! Leave it. Unfortunately, we fail to come out successful in every endeavor. The main problem is we don’t have ... Views: 1546
Criticizing scriptures like The Bible, The Quran, The Bhagavat Gita and such other sacred books is ever undesirable. Such scandalous act hurts believers and leads to Frustration. Then what’s the solution if someone finds fault with the fundamentalist? Strangely, can we in any way hold ... Views: 2320
None has the sole authority on inspiring words that remain ever abound in scriptures. The prophets in the past sought truth and peace, expressed their feelings and realization in their own language. Later those were translated into other tongues, irrespective of country and culture, to make ... Views: 1044
In the name of religion most of the people of this planet are oriented since long. Leaving aside paraphernalia—rituals, custom etc. culture of different countries had grown gradually. In every family we follow such things according to our respective religion and that varies from others. ... Views: 1623
It is disappointing that human qualities often turn too emotional and we fail to show humanity, not to speak of truth and salvation. Our silly sentiments befool us and we frequently become unsuccessful at the rear of being dutiful. Good qualities are of course essential to bring about peace and ... Views: 1607
Yes, it is to determine how it gets glorified in the true sense of the term and that again its overall identity, which should appear clear and inspiring in budding each family and the country as well we belong to. We must maintain healthy relations with others--both mentally and physically. ... Views: 1785
Modestly, we love truth but when we are to face it truly in its shape and size, we can, in no way, tolerate anything adverse to our faith and belief. Yes, our customs, devotion, prejudice, belief and traditions (there may be other factors too) often make us utterly helpless to delve deep into ... Views: 1207
Everywhere in this world of reality quite a few among rank and file have a vision but very few of us follow a mission. None of us is so flexible to listen to what others say. Often we utter, ‘We welcome every constructive and innovative ideas and comments thereafter.’ Unfortunately, we fail to ... Views: 1337
Our brain is always busy re-wiring and definitely there is our whole-hearted support. Again it is true we sometime square up old wiring replacing a set of new one to compose the entire system smooth running. Rewiring doesn’t necessarily mean replacing. How aggressive the term ‘replacing’ sounds! ... Views: 1213
Anything I can do to help.
It is unbelievable that such words of sympathy and cooperation are still to receive in this world of spirituality. See, how the weather is changing. I was engrossed in the study of profound realization of Great Ma-Mahajnan, expounded in a state of “Conscious ... Views: 2260
Yes, it is to think seriously about and ask within delving deep into what makes the difference between truth inculcated by the prophets in the past and that of expounded lately by Ma-Mahajnan, the spiritual genius. Swami Vivekananda, the great Hindu monk, delivered a lecture in ‘The Parliament ... Views: 1346
O Thou Destiny! You have snatched away our Steve Jobs only at 56. What a sad demise! Strangely, the medical board of America couldn’t save such an invaluable life! In fact, there is no consolation, since the sufferings of Jobs was beyond control of the greatest physicians of the USA. People ... Views: 1319
Is there, indeed, anything anywhere?
Prosad : 'A weak mind is prone to fear. Fear is another name for ghosts. A stout mind contains energy. Energy is another name of God.'—If that's true, why do you now say—'We have to recognize Energy owing to the weakness of our mind.' Doesn't that lead to ... Views: 1265
Weakness is the root cause of fear:
A weak mind is prone to fear. Fear is another name for ghosts. A stout mind has energy. Energy is another name for God.
Fear springs from weakness. The man, who happens to be weak, has a heart which can not but tremble with fear. If a man is free from ... Views: 1356
Everything done through freewill.
Mother: There is a form of energy. What's that like? That's a kind of vapor. A force of Nature. Before the creation, it is left to each at certain moment to draw upon that force in the way one can on the eve of a clash--as much as one can.
Prosad : 'On ... Views: 1258
Ghost and God
It is to examine how beautifully Ma-Mahajnan explains things of great interest. We recorded those in tapes and cassettes from time to time and listened to feel ourselves enriched in very may ways. Under any circumstances she expounds the matters for great interest and it all ... Views: 1066
Scoop out mud, you will arrive at a well-head:
Mother: This indeed comes first. You go searching the bottom. The top will of itself come within your grasp. Let's understand the matter with the aid of an example.
If you want to dredge the mud in a pool, you've first to drain away the water ... Views: 1230
Ma-Mahajnan, a matchless spiritual genius, expressed her entire creation in a state of "Conscious Trance” which has all been stuffed with highly philosophical values and strong literary sense. She could not attend even Primary School due to extreme poverty. Strangely, she was taught all by ... Views: 1228
What a long way Ma-Mahajnan had traversed in one life! None knows how far the octogenarian Mother had yet to cover, leaving her fleshly frame, to assure people realizing truth and its applications.
Ma-Mahajnan has just made possible something extremely impossible. Her stupendous creation ... Views: 1191
What Else Have I To Speak Of Again!
Well, here I can comprehend another thing—this is the law of being. The being is heir to terror, fear, delight; in its own way it is setting up knowledge here. All these things are nothing—only the terror of the fleshly being—illusion, obsession.
Maya ... Views: 1256
No More Of Mystery.
Prosad : Universal solutions have unraveled all the mysteries. Then whatever mystery there is in creation, you've unveiled it and, keeping in view all the miracles and mysteries not to gain any importance, you stand matchless through this unique work 'Universal Solution ... Views: 1349
I Very Well Understand That Power Within Me:
I was at that time thirteen. All of a sudden a call came to me at that age. That call persists. While the call lasted, I told you many a thing. I've told. You know that. That went on for a pretty long time—five or seven years, may be ten years. ... Views: 1259
Tracing Back Life To Its Origin:
Mother: At the root of all creation is that vapor (something vaporous). The vapor comes in such a stream that at the moment life is created, dual forms each unlike the other, come into being. They have like shapes, but probing further, the duality is ... Views: 1287
Ultimately, It Is one—Energy:
Prosad: Now I come to the question of ''Parmbramhan (The Super being). There the thoughts centers on parents. How is it that there the term male is used in the sense of 'Mahajnan'—Super knowledge and the term female in the sense of 'Mahasahkti'—Super energy? ... Views: 1291