Michele Blood is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Thinking". You can find complete information on Michele Blood and her products by visiting Musivation Success.
Many people hate money because our life is controlled by it. That is valid and true, but for every negative there is a positive, and the positive side of being controlled by money is what I would like to discuss.
The most important part of achieving a happy life is eliminating all negative ... Views: 1140
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment, Buddha
There are three things which rule our lives; desires, fears of all types and, regrets for mistakes, missed opportunities and decisions that just went wrong.
A life lived without ... Views: 1103
I think one of the first things that attract people to metaphysics is wanting to know how to manifest the things they want and need in life. There’s nothing wrong with that, we all need money, food, shelter, and various other things to live. So today’s post will be about the basics of ... Views: 1612
“The most important thing is to enjoy your life- to be happy- it’s all that matters”
-Audrey Hepburn
Happiness is one of those virtues that eliminate negative energy from your body and mind. Too often, people end up spending their lives in regrets because they fail to enjoy the small and big ... Views: 1213
We are in an era when all reporting — wire services, networks, whatever — looks the way tabloid reporting did when I was small. Aggressive, emotional, mostly verbal renderings of disasters that are meant to strike terror into the heart of the reader. Sometimes, something miraculous or near ... Views: 1039
Here are 7 steps to goal setting to get you started on your goal setting journey. They are profound steps that will have you achieve your goals faster.
What Do You Want?
What is your goal?
What does this goal mean to you?
Why is it important to you?
... Views: 1325
Effective goal setting can surely be achieved when attention is given to neutralizing emotions. There is evidence that emotions affect the success of achieving goals.
Who would have thought emotions affected achieving goals!
But they do.
Emotions are energy vibrating at different rates ... Views: 1623
“Clarity is contagious! When you gain more clarity in one area of your life, the energy spills over and empowers every other area!” ~~Kumari
More and more lately I have been realizing that our ability to receive crystal clarity consistently from our divinely guided intuition may be ... Views: 1590
Welcome to the beginning of your day….
Recently I have been entertained by watching people. I so enjoy watching the expression on others faces when something awesome, exciting, fun and even surprising happens to them.
The latest is a video with a little girl who threw away her Daddy’s ... Views: 1125
Leaders, do you have an “Eeyore” on your team? Someone who acts as if the glass is half-full? Someone who acts as if he is resigned?
Many of us read the classic Winnie the Pooh as children (or had it read to us). You may recall one of the key characters was a donkey named “Eeyore” who was ... Views: 1131
Good morning my friends…..
George (my husband) and I have been talking recently about moving some plants around. He said that this time of year is good for moving plants because they go dormant. I guess it is a kind of sleep for plants, trees, shrubs and bears.
Some of our foliage has ... Views: 1110
If I could sum up all the important things in my life I can put it into two words, “be grateful.” No matter what you have, or what you don’t have, you have to be grateful for what you do have. Awake each morning by feeling grateful. From the moment you open your eyes, start off by feeling ... Views: 1151
Clients often come to me in a state of agitation, impatience and panic (real or existential, sometimes both), wanting a “magic solution” for their current dilemma – which is, in fact, a microcosmic representation or symptom of their overall life dilemma. And while I really do have a “magic ... Views: 1327
A few weeks ago I was enjoying dinner with my brother, Tom, and we got into a discussion about self-employment. We have both been self-employed for many years and have successfully weathered a variety of economic storms and personal life crises that would surely cause most budding ... Views: 1431
As a Wisdom Coach and Integral Philosopher, I deliver extremely powerful teachings about what wisdom is, and what positive thinking is. Here, I address the first three keys to an absolutely all-out, very simple arising of positive thinking. It's probably a lot easier to achieve than you ... Views: 1165
What one word describes what these three scenarios share:
Many states have passed a “no texting while driving” law.
The gallery is quiet while a golfer putts.
You are overwhelmed at work.
So what’s your one word? Mine is…
Texting diverts your attention from driving and you ... Views: 1157
The greatest truth about being happy is that happiness is a choice and a decision. It's just a thought away! Every day you wake up and get to make the decision about how you want to feel.
Ask yourself, "Do I want to be happy today?" Isn't that the choice most of us would want? And yet, we ... Views: 1318
Affirmations are positive
statements that describe a
desired situation. When they
are repeated many times,
they help to impress a positive
energy on the subconscious
mind and trigger it into taking
positive actions.
It is important to know that words hold powerful vibrations. ... Views: 1553
Bad habits. Do you think you have one? Or do others complain of you having some?
Most people try to eliminate bad habits by using their willpower. However, to be free of bad habits, cravings, and addictions permanently, you need more. You need God’s help.
Unfortunately, the majority of ... Views: 2020
With the dawn of a New Year, many people are making resolutions, goals, and promises to propel them into success and happiness in the coming months. In the elusive search for happiness, many people fall flat and end up more miserable than ever before. So what is the true secret to happiness? How ... Views: 1027
Imagine I would tell you that you can have an awesome body, lively, vibrant, awesome, gorgeous and oozing with sex appeal? What if I would tell you that you can possibly be focused, creative and ready to take on the world all day, everyday?
You probably want me to say now that there is a ... Views: 1409
People often wonder why all their positive thinking, affirmations, visualizations and such have yet to produce their dreams lives. Simple enough. You cannot expect the universe to deliver beyond your image of the universe. And you, positive thinker optimistic visualizer, see a universe full of ... Views: 1711
When was the last time someone upset you in a way which put a damper on your day? Perhaps you though something was so unjust that it even changed your perception of the other person.
Was it last month, last week or maybe even today?
If you are anything like the author of these blogs, ... Views: 1117
Got Milk? Feed Your Inner Mouse
I often fancifully imagine a snake, mouse, and monkey inside myself. My last message focused on meeting our core for safety and was titled "I love Lucy." This Message focuses on our core need for satisfaction - broadly defined - with the hopefully not too ... Views: 1463
Nutrition is generally defined as ‘the process of providing food necessary for health and growth’. Nutrition is always referenced to food. This was born out of the increasing unhealthy consumption of food, the realization that the problem exists and the general consensus that proactive steps ... Views: 1443
Hello & Good Morning!
A new routine starts for us today. This is a new routine of the kids being home from school for the summer. I’m bracing myself for, “I’m bored!” It will come soon I’m sure. History has a way of repeating itself!
George and I have such high expectations of what ... Views: 968
Intelligence of Heart –III/III HEART RULES…
A couple of days ago I had an important official meeting to attend. I had planned very well to reach before time for the said one. But due to some urgent personal requirement I was delayed , but I knew I could be on time if I drove fast. There was ... Views: 979
It was exactly one year ago …
May 21, 2012.
The day after my 51st birthday.
A day that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life.
It was the day that I went to the doctor because I suspected I had breast cancer. Unfortunately I was right. Stage 3 to be precise.
Talk about ... Views: 1253
This week's message is about relationships in the deepest sense. As a very independent, stubborn, and don't-try-to-control-me type person, it's been hard for me to face up to the many many times I needed to depend on others. Yet when I have, there's been a softening inside, a ... Views: 1392
One of my all-time favorite films in the last few years has been "Under the Tuscan Sun". If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you have seen that you might know the story I'm about to tell. The story is about a woman whose life falls apart, and how she begins to build her life back up ... Views: 1263
What you are experiencing in your life right now is a reflection of the thoughts that you had previously two now.
This is the basis of creation. This is the basis of making your life in line with the divine flow. As we really gets the fact that we are co-creating with the universe at all ... Views: 1346
One of the things that is the most important on our journey in life, is to discover and follow what we are passionate about. I know that you probably have heard that many times in your life. But, it is one of the things that helps us immensely to create positive results in our lives.
Most of ... Views: 1095
"If our emotional stability is based on what other people do or do not do, then we have no stability. If our emotional stability is based on love that is changeless and unalterable, then we attain the stability of God." ~ Marianne Williamson
Everything is energy, including our thoughts and ... Views: 1186
According to success author, Napoleon Hill, all human beings have six basic fears:
1. The fear of criticism
2. The fear of ill health
3. The fear of poverty
4. The fear of loss of love
5. The fear of old age
6. The fear of death
The best way for us to conquer any of these ... Views: 1160
Gratitude is a powerful, even magical tool that you can use to improve your state of mind, deal with challenging situations, be more optimistic, and even transform your life.
When you accept a situation you can’t change, and even express gratitude for what it is teaching you, the situation ... Views: 987
Positive salespersons sell 56% more than their negative peers. Positive leaders see team productivity increase by more than one-third.
So if you want to increase sales with greater productivity, be positive, right?
The question is, How? How do you Work Positive in such a negative ... Views: 1065
Collaborated Composition of Physical, Metaphysical and Spiritual Bodies
[Vinod Anand]
When the mind takes the atman — the witnessing entity of the unit mind— as its so-called object, mental waves get straightened gradually. In the end, when its wavelength becomes infinite, and flow in a ... Views: 1316
The sound coming from a tuned wind chime is unique, creating an aura of tranquility and serenity that will flow through any living space. These would be a nice change from the loud, chaotic noises we hear everyday. Why don't you choose to provide the gift of serenity to your loved ones this ... Views: 3761
Out with the old, in with the new. New as in “new” way of thinking. Shed the heavy weight of an overloaded and toxic mind. Why not drop the unhealthy weight by committing to a 7-day mind detox to flush-out negativity and old patterns of thinking?
Usually, when we think of the word detox, we ... Views: 3967
“How To Remain Positive In The Face Of Evil” (from my book)
BOSTON reminds us of the World Trade Center act.
At 9:03 A.M., I saw the second plane in a precise angle purposely crash and disappear into the South Tower. I yelled for my wife, who was then taking her turn in the bathroom, to see ... Views: 1206
Whether you believe it or not, you can obtain the anything you want in life. This is possible through the Law of Attraction, also known as "the secret." Learning how apply to Law of Attraction into your life is a never-ending, life-changing experience. There are no limitations to what we can do ... Views: 1084
We often confuse our emotions with what we think they are as opposed to what they really are. This misinterpretation of our feelings to the opposite will keep us limited as this process most often interprets a wise emotion or intuition as a weak emotion or fear as we try to identify and explain ... Views: 1191
Not everyone, but many people, have a level of guilt, insecurity or self-consciousness, a general unease and discomfort around other people. This article is about the cause and thus how to release guilt and attain emotional freedom. The key is at the end of the article, but you need to read the ... Views: 1255
Insecurity, fear, inhibitions, lack of self-confidence and freezing up are some common plagues. Feeling great then all of a sudden feeling down, a spontaneous emotional drop in mood and energy, or any emotional swings without significant cause is another painful condition for many ... Views: 1204
Look around you right now: who or what do you see? How do you feel? Are you mostly happy with your surroundings? What about your job? Your relationships? Your finances? The good news is that if what you are seeing and feeling is what you want to be seeing and feeling, congratulations! Your past ... Views: 1483
Gratitude- a word often used but seldom adhered to. How many times have we actually taken the time to feel grateful about something? We often say that good things happen to other people, but why don’t we realize that at time we are the ‘other’ person for a lot of people out there.
When you ... Views: 1810
I had the honor of meeting author Robert Holden recently when we both spoke at the Hay House IGNITE event in San Jose, CA (which was an amazing experience, by the way). Robert is someone whom I’ve admired for quite some time. It was wonderful to get a chance to meet him in person and hear him ... Views: 1659
The movie “The Secret” took the world by storm seven years ago. Most movies are forgotten by the time people get home from theaters. But The Secret is as popular today as it was all those years ago.
Maybe it is even more popular as it was a catalyst for many people to learn about the law of ... Views: 1219
One of the keys to running a successful business, of any kind, is being able to positively identify and convey to others, the benefits that your services or products can offer to their life. Marketing experts, sales executives, and public relations gurus will all tell you, with confidence, that ... Views: 1439
“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” ~ Washington Irving
When you hold on to a grudge, or regret, you are holding on to negative ... Views: 1297