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If I were to ask you if you were healthy, you would answer based on how you’re currently feeling.
So if you weren’t coughing, sneezing, dizzy or have a headache, you would probably say you were quite healthy. But having symptoms to an illness isn’t necessarily the only way to measure your ... Views: 787
Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling that someone dumped a load of hot coals down your throat? Or do you get that stinging sensation when you try to swallow – you know, the signal that another cold is on the way? A sore throat is no picnic.
A sore throat and cough ... Views: 783
You get up in the morning and check your email, the latest news and the weather forecast. Then you spend your day on and off your smartphone and computer, and make time to relax in front of the TV. Well, all that screen time is taking a toll on your eyes.
The new epidemic in America? Computer ... Views: 846
Let’s set the record straight: Stroke isn’t just a health risk for men. According to the National Stroke Association, annually 55,000 more women are dying of stroke than men, making it the third leading cause of death for women.
This may seem alarming – men generally partake in unhealthy ... Views: 631
Abusive situations in families do not happen in isolation. It is neither bad luck, nor is it the fault of the victim of abuse. Abuse happens within a culture of abuse. That is, there is something that is handed down over the generations that encourages those who abuse and allow those around the ... Views: 1532
Dark chocolate, avocados, bananas, hot chilies…What you eat plays a large role in your sexual health. A healthy diet, along with certain food aphrodisiacs like the ones I mentioned here, can increase libido, promote blood flow and provide us with energy to get down to business.
However, diet ... Views: 686
MIND diet to reduce Alzheimer’s diseaseAs we age, the threat of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, researchers are working diligently to uncover more information to combat this life-changing illness.
What we do know is there ... Views: 722
foods to detox your liverWhat performs 500 different functions, weighs about three pounds, can regenerate itself and ensure the body is toxic-free? Your liver! This highly important, but often overlooked organ is a powerhouse when it comes to the human body. With such a vital role, making sure ... Views: 719
Colorful, bit-size and oh-so sweet, berries are delicious and highly beneficial. They may be small in size, but berries really pack a punch when it comes to improving your health. And there is a berry out there for everyone, with different textures, flavors and dessert possibilities!
Some ... Views: 910
When you consider activities preformed in the bedroom, two come to mind: Sleeping and sex. They may not seem like they have much in common, besides the use of a bed, but the amount of sleep you get may actually determine how much sex you’re having.
There are many benefits of sleep, from ... Views: 728
Take it one breath at a time. Modern life is full of stress and there’s no escaping it. Some experts say stress is the root of all illness – our rapid-pace, high-expectation lifestyle takes a running toll on our immune system. Sooner or later, we’re bound to get sick.
We try to eat right, ... Views: 1148
There are reasons, good reasons, why certain people have reached the state of constant happiness - it's all about things like wonder, self satisfaction, never forgetting ones roots and the inspiration gained from others...
... others who are or have been in worse positions than yourself - ... Views: 1219
Every career, every job, has it’s own unique daily uphill battles and nobody is immune to the havoc that these battles can cause to their mindset and their overall well-being…take heart though, they’re just temporary little hiccups that can be overcome with the minimum of effort and ... Views: 1090
What does your daily routine consist of? If you’re a woman, you may wake up, shower with some scented soap, apply a few layers of makeup and finish off with perfume. As a man, routines may be a bit simpler but still involve deodorant, body wash and other products.
Routine is routine, and you ... Views: 762
Bad Things Happen to Good People
I have learnt in my lifetime that very few people, in fact any escape without some form of tragedy/tragedies happening in their life. In may be with their spouse, children, relatives, friends, finances and so forth. It is life but how these tragedies affect us ... Views: 1061
Feeling a little blue? Lonely, listless and in your pajamas until noon? I can’t blame you. In some parts of North America, we’re in a record-breaking deep freeze. The days are short, dark and pretty darn cold and I feel as though I need to take up ice fishing to make the most of the season – if ... Views: 778
I’ve often said that life is better shared. The things you do with family and friends can be the most memorable moments in your life. But there’s something to be said for carving out “alone time” or “me-time” to do something just for yourself. And as it turns out, alone time is good for your ... Views: 710
It is important to learn how to transform fear into courage by learning how to empower your mind so as to enable you to take charge of your emotions.
There are two ways to take charge of fear, this will then allow you to transform the fearful emotion into a positive emotional state:
•First ... Views: 1182
In this post I am going to give you some simple strategies for Rising Above the Feeling of Burnout:
You are feeling worn out, jaded as if what is there for you in life?
So let's look at what you can do to rise above this and feel human again:
1. Laughter is a great boost to a tired body ... Views: 1072
We all carry a lot of unfinished business along with us all the time. The more we accept death, the more in the moment we are. Accepting death is possible, for it makes us reject the parts of us not living in the moment. That is a spiritual gift. If you looked at your life imagining you are ... Views: 1402
Everything that we think or do is about habit forming. Some of these habits can be good and some of them not so good, even destructive. So if they are not so good, destructive and are going to not give us a great outcome why do we continue? It is said to be FEAR, being afraid to change what will ... Views: 1071
Renewing your mind is about changing your mindset, so as to allow you to have positive thoughts towards yourself, others and Life itself.
I have learnt over the years the first and foremost part of working with each individual is to first find out WHY!!!! they want to become well and how they ... Views: 1233
In all mammals we can observe the behavior of cleansing the inner as well as the outer body. Generally, animals will stop eating when they are diseased and turn instead to either complete abstinence from food and drink, or to drinking water only. And this behavior may continue until the animal ... Views: 3536
Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” said, “Let food be your medicine.” Throughout history, health care trends and fads have risen and receded. Today there is a vast array of food fads and it is little wonder that the average consumer finds themselves lost in variety that is available. ... Views: 4543
My journey into mind-body medicine began in 1964 and has progressed through many winding and often torturous roads. That year I was free for the summer break from my university program and traveled to Bulgaria where I had heard of interesting work being done by a man name Georgi Lozonov. I had ... Views: 4095
It’s been a long hard winter of spending many a day inside planted in front of this computer of mine. I love and hate this blessed and cursed place. The warm outside temps that got me to the park for a mid-afternoon walk today further drove home what I have been sensing lately which is that ... Views: 1193
There's a healing power right under our noses.If given the right stimulus and environment, the body can heal itself.
In fact, after practicing medicine for over 3 decades, I've come to understand that this may be one of humankind's most powerful ally in fighting illness. Your body is designed ... Views: 1114
Do you feel easily overwhelmed or over-stimulated when there is a lot going on around you?
Are you easily affected by the moods and emotions of others and seem to pick up their energy?
Has your enthusiasm you once had for life and work waned into exhaustion and disillusionment?
If you ... Views: 1271
In today’s post, I want to talk about something I get asked about very often, which is how to deal with sugar cravings. As you know, my approach around this subject is based on spirituality, consciousness and evolution, and therefore, is very different from what other experts suggest. So let us ... Views: 935
Do you or someone close to you suffer from anxiety attacks? Believe it or not it’s a very common disorder that many people live with every day, often feeling like they cannot get on with their lives the way they want due to the threat of anxiety attacks creeping up on them when they least expect ... Views: 1124
Yesterday opportunities came to visit- opportunities to embrace the ways in which I was introduced to my own assumptions of what would always be? Intellectually, should I be asked-does anything last forever, I would have said no. ... Views: 989
I have my own strong beliefs. I believe in God. I believe that we were all created to be great. Some of us along the way have gotten off track with our thinking, but we can once again get back in the game.
I believe that we were each put on earth to make a difference of some kind. ... Views: 1133
by René David Alkalay
After discovering that I am a board certified naturopathic doctor, I am often asked “what is that?” and soon after this, when explaining that my field of health care is alternative, complementary, integrative, and mind-body medicine, the inevitable ... Views: 3120
I lost my voice this week. Not the best thing considering that my work consists mainly of me using my voice. Using my voice to help guide people to discovering and using their own voices. To speak up for themselves and use their words as they honor the truth within themselves.
There was a ... Views: 1042
We all know that traumatic events from our past can continue to haunt us and make us miserable long after the event is over. Did you know that painful emotions can affect your physical health as well?
How do we experience emotions?
Our language tells us a lot about how we experience ... Views: 1083
Self-esteem is how a person evaluates themselves both emotionally and their self-worth. It is how one judges oneself.
A person can apply and evaluate their Self-esteem both on an individual subject or globally. An example of a specific individual subject would be, “I am good at ... Views: 1305
Dear Friend, would you agree that health and well being include, diet, exercise, rest, relaxation and more importantly the positive use of your mind? So a change of diet will not help someone who will not change his/her thoughts.
The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations ... Views: 1236
I found myself fighting for my life with estrogen-sensitive, inflammatory breast cancer -rare, but deadly! How could this happen to me? Today, I know why I got cancer. It's so simple; I wonder why I didn't see it before. I know that if I had taken better care of my mental, emotional and ... Views: 1113
In the time I’ve been in business and coaching others there are four phrases I’ve heard over and over that, quite seriously, are holding people back.
1. I don’t know what to do. Okay, so you don’t know what to do. What are you going to do about it? The difference between those who succeed and ... Views: 1336
Health is wealth - this may be a cliché, but you realize how very true it is when you fall ill and suffer a health setback due to a chronic condition, disease or accident. Pain, debility, reduced mobility and other disease symptoms - these are things that make us realize the significance of ... Views: 1154
Experts extol various different benefits of meditation - not only is meditation an end in itself, it is thought to help improve concentration, lower stress, help a person achieve goals and even help a body heal itself they say. Is meditation really that powerful? While the spiritual and mental ... Views: 1475
Whether we accept it or not, hugs do form an important part of our everyday routine. When we are little, we need hugs from parents as an expression of their love for us. When we get married, we need hugs from our partner and then our kids and this is how it goes on.
Hugging therapy is an ... Views: 2012
There seems to be a great deal of emphasis these days about attaining the perfect abs, sculpted upper arms, toned calves and getting rid of every ounce of fat.
Magazines, reality shows, advertisements, and celebrities all tout the perfect physique; at what price? Working out at a gym, ... Views: 1218
I had written an article on Spinal Stenosis it has led to this.
Dreams do come true when you truly want to heal. Joe who ran the Boston Marathon, has spinal stenosis herniated disc ran the entire 26 miles with absolutely no pain. He is still doing well.
He gave us the medal for ... Views: 1295
I have a couple of people that I am working with that have Spinal Stenosis. My first one runs the Boston Marathon every year. He is in his 60’s. God Bless Him. Spinal Stenosis is 2 discs that slipped and is pinching the nerve root. Plus he has 3 areas where it is herniated. When he first came to ... Views: 1214
How do we know when we have healthy fear versus unhealthy fear about the latest pandemic? Healthy fear stimulates our awareness and drives us to appropriate action. Unhealthy fear is not as effective because we are over stimulated. We are hypervigilant, stressed, and our body is tense, all of ... Views: 2051
Your authentic self
I wish to present you with an uncommon view of reality.
For the next five minutes, the time it takes you to read and integrate this information, I intend to put forward an alternative view of life which you may not have previously considered. Indulge me as I outline a ... Views: 892
Today, I want to share with you what I have learned after having spent more than 15 years with all sorts of obsessions and fears around food. It is my biggest wish that you can reflect upon these words and embrace the freedom that you truly deserve. Let me explain...
In the past, in order to ... Views: 1049