Whether we accept it or not, hugs do form an important part of our everyday routine. When we are little, we need hugs from parents as an expression of their love for us. When we get married, we need hugs from our partner and then our kids and this is how it goes on.

Hugging therapy is an intense way of therapeutic curing and well-being. Various researches have revealed the magical effects of hugging on an individual. Let’s explore…

#1: The encouraging touch when two people hug raises among them the level of faith and security. This is what makes them communicate openly and honestly about all things in life and thus, lays the foundation for a stronger bond.

#2: A hug is known to instantaneously enhance the levels of oxytocin in humans. This hormone helps to do away with the feelings like being left alone or being in anger.

#3: If a hug is extended for a longer period of time, it elevates the levels of serotonin within the body. This in turn refreshes mood and makes the person happy.

#4: Hugging therapy can improve the immune system of body. While hugging, tender force applies to the lower end of sternum. This pressure along with the heightened emotional levels tends to activate the Solar Plexus Chakra in an individual. This move leads to better regulation of hormones from the thymus gland which is responsible for producing white blood cells within body. WBCs are the cells within body help build immunity to fight against the disease-causing allergens.

#5: It is a biologically-linked fact that hugs relax the muscles of body. When people hug, the tension formed in the body is relaxed and if any aches or inconvenience is felt in any part of the body, it is relaxed by the increased blood flow to the soft tissues of the body.

#6: Hugs are a silent language in which we can share love and receive love. The flow of love and care from both the ends is equally important. In a stressful daily life, it’s something like a must-get for good well-being.

#7: Hugs do get you to the nerves, literally! The response of human skin to hugs leads to the conductance of electrical signals in skin thereby balancing the nervous system state.

#8: Hugs are no less than involving in laughter and meditation as they provide an essence of relief to the mind. Getting a hug relieves the mind from getting vague wandering thoughts and brings us back to realize the beauty of the moment. This activity draws in immense flow of positive energies and helps in framing an optimistic outlook towards life while suppressing the noises that deviate the individual from his normal life path.

#9: When two people hug, at some level, energy exchanges take place which serves as a big investment in their social bond. It inspires compassion and thoughtfulness for the two in a relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Aditi Tyagi, Editor at Tech-Hunt IT Innovation Pvt. Ltd. loves to read, write and share interesting facts about healthcare. When she is not spending time on her keyboard, she loves to read novels and explore health magazines.

Aditi recommends interested users to visit www.aarogyadata.com to find out more interesting facts on mind, body and healing.