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Are You Living Your Life the Way you want!
When I became a teenager, heading toward Adult life I had some very definite ideas of how I wanted to live my life. I wanted to marry someone that I truly loved and who loved me, as well as like me: I wanted to do something with my life that was ... Views: 1472
Balance your emotions and feelings of anxiety, sadness and remove blockages throughout the day by implementing some or all of these tips.
When you are feeling out of sorts or even just to maintain feelings of balance, you can choose from the list what you can incorporate throughout your day ... Views: 976
Stress is our internal reaction to outside stimuli. Literally hundreds of factors can cause stress, from noise to resentment, from lack of sleep to poor diet, from fatigue to emotionally upsetting events. Through my experience as a psychotherapist/hypnotherapist, I understand the great ... Views: 1108
Depression goes beyond the normal ups and downs of life. Sufferers of depression experience days, months and years of extreme lows that include a disinterest in life. Although the exact cause of depression is unknown, genetic and environmental factors are thought to play a role in the ... Views: 816
Our body functions mainly in part with our circulatory system. Every part of our body requires blood, which flows out from the heart and then back into the heart. When there is an interruption in blood flow, it can lead to some negative health consequences.
One major organ to point out which ... Views: 930
With aging comes many different changes. Wrinkles begin to show, body fat is harder to lose and there are changes to our own body hair. That’s right, your body hair changes as you get older.
Body hair is not a normal topic of conversation, especially for women. It is one of those things that ... Views: 858
Getting a good night’s sleep is important if we want to be productive and happy. Our bodies have been telling us this for years and so have countless sleep studies. Now we’re learning that it’s not just the quality of sleep we get that is vital to our well-being, it’s also the sleep positions we ... Views: 709
Commonly, the process of breathing meditation is designed to calm the mind and enhance the potential for inner peace. Many will opt to use breathing meditation as a way to partially or totally reduce the levels of distractions that might be manifesting.
Meditation - The Easy Breathing ... Views: 1467
Learning to control how you think and feel has many positive effects towards an increased ability to concentrate and focus on yourself instead of the negativity of others. By practicing mindfulness techniques daily, you'll quickly find yourself feeling less stressful and more positive about each ... Views: 1494
Ever been with a group of people and the next thing you know your stomach seems to be singing them all a song? It can be pretty embarrassing, but the truth of the matter is that our bodies make some pretty strange sounds.
Sometimes bodily sounds can indicate hunger or that you have to visit ... Views: 674
Over the last couple of years studies have suggested that junk food can be as addictive as heroine or smoking. This is because food can trigger feel-good chemicals in the brain such as dopamine. If greasy, sugary, processed foods can alter our brain then what happens when we eat healthy, ... Views: 781
Whether it’s an old wives’ tale, or information that spreads through the grapevine, there are many “facts” out there in regards to the medical world which frankly, just aren’t true. The problem arises when we use these myths as facts and start to believe them. Not only can believing myths affect ... Views: 757
When we have been physically active, we can experience fatigue afterwards – this is a no-brainer. In other words, it stands to reason that our muscles become weaker; we are tired and perhaps even irritable. However, mental activity can also have a big impact on our level of fatigue.
While ... Views: 701
Perfume, cologne, body washes and deodorant, all of these help to make us smell desirable. But even though we mask our natural scent with manufactured elixirs we still have a unique smell and it can reveal a lot about us.
4 amazing facts that our body odor reveals
Bug appeal
Read more ... Views: 858
The hormone cortisol is commonly associated with stress. By now we know stress, over a period of time, can be detrimental to our health. But there is another condition associated with excessive cortisol. It’s called Cushing’s syndrome.
Causes of Cushing’s syndrome
The cause of Cushing’s ... Views: 767
If I asked you now to rate your level of stress from one to 10, what number would you pick? If you have a lot going on in your life you may rank your stress level above five. If you feel calm you may rank it below five. But if you’ve been ignoring these symptoms of stress, you could be scoring ... Views: 674
It’s Friday night and you’ve made plans with a bunch of friends to have some drinks after work. You’re super excited about it and can’t wait till it’s 6 o’clock. This morning, you carefully selected your favorite shoes, and those new pair of pants you’ve been dying to wear – because showing your ... Views: 1083
Take a moment to touch your hands or your toes. How do they feel? If you haven’t doused your fingers in ice water recently, they should be relatively warm. But what if they still feel cold?
If you find yourself stuffing your hands inside pockets to stay warm, you might have an underlying health ... Views: 701
Did you know there is a neurotransmitter in your body which plays a role in your bowel movements, changes in mood, creating blood clots and reducing your libido? It’s true. One specific neurotransmitter has its hand in all of these functions. And although they may not seem like they interact, ... Views: 810
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
You've likely heard this saying used to emphasize the importance of setting goals. Whether fitness-related, for your career, or focused on personal pursuits, setting concrete goals is key to success. Isn't that right?
As ... Views: 1074
A Quick Preamble:
A personal confession first - supposed to be good for the soul, right..?!?
These days, because of learning a lot of things the hard way - generally by myself, I really bear no resemblance to the "socially-challenged" young man I once was... but I certainly know exactly ... Views: 1835
Maybe you don’t live in an area that experiences hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes and so you’re probably not too concerned with climate change. But you should be.
You see all these natural disasters continue to affect your health. You may not have thought about it much but every time ... Views: 735
Think back to a happy memory. Maybe the sun was shining, maybe you accomplished something or maybe the memory was a celebration. Now think of how you feel when you remember this memory. You probably have a warm feeling inside along with a slight smile.
Thinking back to fond memories make us ... Views: 745
Typically our immune system works to fight off illness so we either don’t get sick or recover fairly quickly. But when someone has an autoimmune disease the immune system begins to fight itself. An autoimmune disease occurs when your immune system becomes “confused” and instead of attacking ... Views: 778
Take a moment to think about where you are currently dwelling. Is it a rural area with lots of green landscape and stress? Or is it a city dwelling with high-rise buildings and tons of traffic? Does your neighborhood have a high crime rate or is it more peaceful and calm? Why are we asking these ... Views: 754
You toss, you turn, and you close your eyes for a moment only to be suddenly awake. Not getting proper sleep can ruin your energy, mess with your emotions and greatly impact your health. But you've tried everything to get to sleep and still can’t get the proper shut-eye your body needs. Maybe ... Views: 672
For me, meditation is one of the most effective, simple and inexpensive ways to calm the body and the mind, to gain insight about oneself and to feel more open, loving and grounded. There are probably thousands of articles, books and research studies about the positive effects of meditation at ... Views: 960
When it comes to matters of the heart, things can go unexpectedly awry. When we’re exercising or participating in some physical activity, sometimes our heart is beating faster than usual. If we experience fear, anxiety or stress, our heart rate can increase as well.
This is all perfectly ... Views: 720
Before there were packaged goods, processed foods, GMOs and an ongoing debate between organic or not, there was dirt, seeds, water and roaming animals. It may be hard to consider now, but the dawn of man produced hunters and gatherers and humans had to get their own food – not by heading to the ... Views: 845
Any writing you can do that will lead readers back to your website will repay the effort it requires. A number of organizations will reward your efforts with electronic insignias that you can place on the homepage of your website.
Google Ads
You can advertise through Google Ads, specifying ... Views: 791
Bothered by those swollen, twisted veins visible in your legs and feet? They don’t make you feel confident about putting on your bathing suit to go swimming or wearing shorts to make the most of the warm weather.
If this is you, though, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have varicose ... Views: 870
The first web-based business strategy focused on search engine optimization, or SEO, the aim of which was to achieve #1 position in Google for certain keyword searches associated with your practice. The competition among SEO marketers sometimes led to abuses. Instead of addressing all of your ... Views: 754
Maybe you've gone out to enjoy a meal with a loved one. You place your order and soon after your meal of choice arrives. It’s hot, fresh and highly flavorful, probably one of the best things you've ever tasted.
After your meal you head home and call it a night but a few hours into your sleep, ... Views: 759
There are many ailments that can land you in the hospital – broken bones, a high fever that won’t break or blood in your stool. These are serious problems that can result in much more serious health concerns – no matter your age.
But did you ever think not being able to go to the bathroom ... Views: 773
Tired of the congestion, itchy eyes and fatigue that plague you? Symptoms of seasonal allergies can really take the joy out of summer. While friends and relatives are attending barbecues and garden parties, you’re staying indoors, grumpy and sniffling.
It shouldn’t be this way! You don’t have ... Views: 734
It’s hot, it’s humid and sticky! Sometimes the days of summer can bring on serious heat and so the goal is to stay as cool as a cucumber to get by. There are numerous ways we can stay cool in the summer. From wearing lighter clothing, to dipping our toes in a pool these are just some effective ... Views: 781
To live a long healthy life, food plays a main role. We know that fast-food and too much sugar are bad for us, and lean protein and vegetables are ideal.
But there’s one food item that can actually reduce mortality – whole grains.
Although bleached and white breads are not good for us, ... Views: 699
One moment you can be completely fine, carrying on with your day, and in a split second it can all change. You convulse, you lose control and you begin to act quite differently.
If this scenario only occurred to you once, you've likely experienced a seizure. But if it becomes a reoccurring ... Views: 992
You burn your tongue on your morning coffee, someone cut you off in traffic – a near collision! – and your wife is late to meet you yet again. You’re upset, irritated and ready to knock someone into next week. OK, curb that anger. Count to 10 and take some deep breaths – for the sake of your ... Views: 845
If you are looking for the best treatment for panic attacks you might want to consider psychotherapy and counseling, along with a change of lifestyle. Yes, it is true that prescribed medication is very helpful but it is just a temporary relief. Although one cannot downplay the importance of ... Views: 671
By making use of a psychological method known as anxiety psychotherapy, professional therapists treat emotional as well as mental illnesses and disturbances. There are times when we feel worried and anxious, but most of them are natural feelings. Even so, some people's anxiety swiftly escalates ... Views: 725
It doesn’t matter what your religious background is, it’s good to believe in something. Whether you’re Catholic, Muslim, Jewish or any other denomination, the integral part of religion is having a faith in a higher power. One way we can feel connected with our faith is through prayer.
We pray ... Views: 935
Part of the text is reproduced by kind permission of Trevor Powell from his book Head Injury: A Practical Guide.
The cognitive ... Views: 1146
The life expectancy rate in the United States sits just below 79-years-old. This is nowhere near the small state of Monaco, which has the highest life expectancy – 89.73 years. For years, people have been trying to unravel the secrets to living a long life. Thanks to new research, more light has ... Views: 920
We are living, breathing creatures capable of self-healing in so many ways. Nothing brings this notion home more than human cell regeneration and a field of medicine exploring stem cells and the cell regeneration impact factor. What is regenerative medicine all about, anyhow?
Every single one ... Views: 2463
You forgot to pick up the dry cleaning. You left the stove on when you left the house. You completely forgot about a coming occasion and now triple-booked yourself! What do all of these things have in common? They all produce stress.
These are just some examples, among a slew of others, which ... Views: 750
Smoking leads to one thing and one thing only: Poor health.
Smoking cigarettes has been shown to impact all the body’s major systems – cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive – and lead to many forms of cancer. Smoking causes one in five deaths in America, according to the Centers for Disease ... Views: 1153
Up until now, causes of Alzheimer’s have only been speculated. Current ideas surround genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. One thing is for certain, though, Alzheimer’s disease has a huge impact on the brain – killing brain cells which leads to memory loss and impaired ability to ... Views: 1178