Who we are seems to be the most important issue in our life. Our personality is how the world knows us. It was created from the habits we learned beginning as a very young child. We developed those habits by the way people related to us, especially the significant people in our family. Also, the ... Views: 1916
This article will give you an alternative perspective in how to deal with a traumatic challenge you cannot control. The basic point is when you don’t have the ability to avoid the challenge, you do have the ability to control how you deal with it. The simple fact of how you approach it ... Views: 1759
The human brain is an incredible creation and we have not yet scratched the surface of its real potential. The purpose of this article is to give you a framework for how to use your brain to perceive a broader view than we usually use. The majority of us have a constant focus on our thinking ... Views: 2675
A health crisis is one of the most challenging struggles we will face in our life. We will all face challenges. Sometimes, we can control what happens and sometimes we can’t. In both cases, it is how you approach that challenge that determines how you deal with it. In this article, we will see ... Views: 1083
During the day, do you focus on thoughts or feelings? This is so subtle, it is hard to really know. That is where you place your focus during the day. Is it on your thoughts? Is it on your feelings? Or, is it on the combination? The combination is definitely used by a majority of people. This ... Views: 1307
We all face challenges in our lifetime. Some people ignore them or only look outside for help. Others take them as an opportunity and tap inner resources to help themselves. How can a difficult challenge serve you? You need to tap new inner resources to deal with it. We too often rely on the ... Views: 1246
Everybody has wisdom; we just do not always know how to tap it. We value our thoughts and identify with them, sometimes more than our wisdom. To really tap inner wisdom, we have to go beyond thinking and be receptive to the Wisdom of our Body.
Visualize linear thinking as an unbroken ... Views: 1465
We all carry a lot of unfinished business along with us all the time. The more we accept death, the more in the moment we are. Accepting death is possible, for it makes us reject the parts of us not living in the moment. That is a spiritual gift. If you looked at your life imagining you are ... Views: 1413
Over 90% of deaths are preceded by an illness. After first diagnosis of a serious illness, but when death is not yet a threat, you can develop habits to make that time in your life have quality. Living a quality life to your final breath is something we all can do, if we consciously prepare to ... Views: 1339
Today’s current events are dealt with by focusing on what people believe. For instance, some people believe that the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, was justified by the police. And others believe it wasn’t. Another issue is going to war in the Middle East against ISIS. Some ... Views: 1328
Many of us have lived a life where we have become proficient in accomplishing goals; we live our lives in that state of mind. When we are close to the end of life, what is our goal? In our lives, we have been "the Doer," where we do things by focusing on our thoughts. Preparing for death ... Views: 1563
When we think of trust, we think of people, places and things. That kind of trust, even though you experience it within, is directed outside of you. When we face a challenge, we need to learn how to trust ourselves. When we trust ourselves, we are open to receive powerful inner resources. When ... Views: 1402
When the essence of your life, which is consciousness, connects to something like another person or your work, a commitment is formed. A superficial level of commitment happens when your consciousness connects to the thoughts of something and you are just left committed to your own mind. The ... Views: 1268
Anxiety is often caused by the way you interpret what is happening to you or what is about to happen. There are very simple adjustments we can make that can transform the way we deal with our life's challenges.
We direct our thoughts to our self-image and whichever self-image we focus on ... Views: 1205
A person who deals with a physical condition that is beyond their control has is forced to an inner depth, which is uncommon in society. If all we do is try to fit into society, we ignore the unique opportunity our illness offers. Our illness forces us beyond the socially accepted depth and ... Views: 1454
When the essence of your life, which is consciousness, connects to something (like another person or your work), a commitment is formed. A superficial level of commitment happens when your consciousness connects to the thoughts of something and you are just left committed to your own mind. The ... Views: 1103
Too often, people with handicaps live their life just to survive. This happens to people when their focus is on what is wrong, but that is not the only focus a handicapped person can have. It is possible to find a peaceful center within you. When you focus there, it is easy to ignore the ... Views: 1498
The hospital is a place where a lot of frustration and anxiety meet professional care. It is a place where an incredible amount of information is shared. In this article, we will focus on the patient’s role in dealing with being in the hospital. Ideally, the patient should strive to be in a ... Views: 1170
When people greet you with, “Hi, how are you?” most of the time they do not expect you to answer the question. But, when you are dealing with a chronic illness, that question can be very annoying. A person in a health struggle has to be very aware of who they are speaking to and not share with ... Views: 1631
It seems as though being sick means you are not supposed to have a good time…but why not? If you are going to deal with health challenges, have a good time doing it. If you have a choice, which you do, why not choose to enjoy yourself? Humor can set the tone of how you deal with difficult ... Views: 1257
In a health crisis, you will find many suggestions that come from the professionals you see that tell you what to do, but equally important is how you do them. In the past, the doctor’s role in healing was to be the unquestionable authority. Today, in the interest of reducing medical expenses, ... Views: 1239
A person’s character is often determined by their external possessions or actions, but the real quality of character comes from the habits created in your mind. Habits that create your self-image are based on how you were related to when you were younger. The way people related to you teaches ... Views: 1397
If pure consciousness is at the core of everyone, your environment starts with your body. Most people look to their environment to find quality, but the highest quality exists at your center. When you develop habits that aspire to connect to your center, you can deal with every challenge with ... Views: 1150
When a habit is formed, it contains the consciousness you were in when it was developed. The self-image you had and the quality of self-trust you had when it was developed automatically define the quality of the habit. So the simple way to break a bad habit is self-development. Simply by ... Views: 1253
The part of you that listens to your thoughts is the subtle consciousness which is the essence of life. Most people think life is represented by their thoughts, but this essence is beyond thoughts. From this consciousness, imagery can communicate to your body. Most people think about their body ... Views: 1357
When a person deals with a health challenge, they are forced to learn amazing life lessons. You don’t have to be sick to learn them; you just have to follow the mental path they were forced to follow as they coped with their challenge. Maybe their self-image sabotaged their life and they got ... Views: 1412
When a person faces a challenge they cannot control, like an illness that puts them close to death, they need to learn to focus on the silence beyond their thoughts. We have been conditioned to focus on thinking our entire life, but there isn’t a comforting thought that really prepares us for ... Views: 1504
When a person faces a challenge they cannot control, like an illness that puts them close to death, they need to learn to focus on the silence beyond their thoughts. We have been conditioned to focus on thinking our entire life, but there isn’t a comforting thought that really prepares us for ... Views: 1248
One of our most valuable gifts is our focus. I define focus as how we direct our awareness; for what we give our attention to, is what we become conscious of. Even though our visual focus may seem little more than a glance, our awareness has the ability to transport our consciousness. ... Views: 1305
The US spends the most on health care, but ranks 49th in life expectancy. The problem is not smoking, accidents, etc. The problem is the health care system, according to researchers at Columbia University. "Smoking, obesity, etc. are major risk factors in all countries for an individual's ... Views: 1629
When someone you love deals with a health problem that cannot be easily solved, the healthy ego sometimes has a hard time dealing with it. Having no solution to their problem creates a disequilibrium that feels uncomfortable. Whenever we have nothing to do when we face a challenge, it is not ... Views: 2070
Some people get more attention by sharing their problems than by striving to go beyond their limitations. This is especially true when you face a health challenge, for it is easier to get sympathy and kindness from others than to get praise for being well. When you focus on what is wrong with ... Views: 1692
In today’s news, there is a terrible phenomenon that is happening too often in a conscious society. Bullied youth are committing suicide. We have to teach coping skills to empower our youth to deal with stress. The reaction to stress is determined by how it is interpreted. Being able to control ... Views: 3471
Waiting is a skill we often ignore. It may seem to have as little value as nothingness, but in Zen, nothingness is a profound state of Being. When we focus on thinking, we tend to aspire to conclusions. This could be attempting to achieve a goal, attaining a desire or simply ending what we are ... Views: 2928