Yesterday opportunities came to visit- opportunities to embrace the ways in which I was introduced to my own assumptions of what would always be? Intellectually, should I be asked-does anything last forever, I would have said no. ... Views: 998
Why Bother?
In the 21st century, you might be tempted to say sacred ceremony- why bother? What is so important about sacred ceremony, ancient traditions and the religious traditions of indigenous peoples in a time of space travel, ... Views: 967
When you work with and support others, do you experience: Feeling drained? Do you desire them to "get better"? Do you take on one more client because there is no one else? Are you attached to them making progress?
When I first heard the expression Divinely Selfish- I experienced a lot of ... Views: 1901
In the space of one breath, I moved from a place of conscious breathing to a space of intense grief. Grief deep and profound... This particular experience of grief was a surprise. My dear friend had passed after an intense experience with a progressive disease, five months ... Views: 1422
Have you ever relied upon the kindness of strangers for your own personal safety? I was recently gifted with the experience of awakening to the presence of a soft, quiet stranger- who said with a gentle voice.It’s ok- I will stay with you, you are safe!
As I began to write this sharing I ... Views: 814
How honest am I, how honest are you, when no one is looking? Do I turn in the wallet found laying in the street, the anonymous money found by the check stand? What about the mistake on the bill, that is in my favor? No one will know, no one will see. When the founder of Transcendental ... Views: 759