We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Life Transitions". If you have expertise in Life Transitions and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I am passionate about providing education, support and guidance to those facing transitional issues at the mid point of their life. As I was preparing for my day about a week ago I realized how fortunate I am to have been exposed to the materials and concepts I have over the last two years on ... Views: 970
For a busy working mom, the holidays can be a wonderful time to spend time with friends and family and to drink in all the joy and festivities of the season. And as joyful as this time of year is, it can leave you feeling more rushed and depleted than ever. Maybe you find yourself busily ... Views: 1224
The local library in my home town provides its facilities to host a “Professionals in Transition” meeting every other week. Public libraries have always been good providers of resources to people in need. Given the current economy and labor market such sessions have become much more common in ... Views: 909
I was volunteering in a job mentoring program and reviewing a participant’s job history which included several short-term jobs. When I asked him why he left each position he replied “It was the people.” After hearing him repeat this four consecutive times, my polite-self left and I said “You’re ... Views: 957
It has been almost 3 years now since I moved on from my first career in corporate America. When I reflect back on that period of time, one item that becomes very clear to me is that my thirst for learning is greater than it has been in many years. Much of that has admittedly been attributable ... Views: 1253
This is the second article in a series. We already decided you are coping with a loss this year. Now, we need to decide how you want to deal with the holidays. By this I mean, do you want to talk about your loss or not want to talk about it?
Lets go over 3 different things you can do to ... Views: 1175
From the time you realized you had the ability to hear sound, the skill of listening has always been available to you. Many consider it the most important aspect of communication. However, it is often a skill not used my many to its fullest potential. If however, one is conscious of what true ... Views: 926
Self-positioning is a process for personal self-reflection; you can do it on your own, as a personal development exercise, or with a group of people who agree to work with you for the mutual benefit of all of you. It is based on the psychology of social skills development.
The principles of ... Views: 11540
Whether it is if we want to continue working full-time or adjust to a less rigid schedule, or move from where we are living or pursue a passion we have always had but never had the time to fully enjoy, it is not unusual that these crossroads occur.
Transitions often do not happen ... Views: 1147
Life At Work isn't a how-to bible...nor is it a recipe for a magic blue pill to make our work life fulfilling. Rather, the book provides insight. Reminiscent of its title, Life At Work, the book reflects upon our association and relationship with our jobs, careers, and work.
All in all, we ... Views: 1510
I've found that when things seemed hard - for a good portion of my life - it was because I hadn't hit my stride yet. I hadn't believed in myself enough to let go of situations, people and places that weren't for my highest good.
BUT they actually were. Hard things were necessary rungs on ... Views: 1226
I recently rejoined the Pacific Tai Chi Society. I realized after much prompting from my body (and my mind!) that I needed to get more physical exercise as part of my stress release and relaxation program.
When I was an active member several years ago, I had just come out of a messy ... Views: 1579
If you are currently facing a difficult period in your life, please, do know that it will not last forever! Better days will be knocking on your door in due course. Time does not only heal all wounds, it also reveals to us the method in all the madness we had to go through. We are often blinded ... Views: 1873
The pursuit of happiness always starts with a dream and a decision doesn’t it? Making that decision is a process and likely one that doesn’t come overnight. Once a seed is planted it needs to germinate before it gets to the point of blossoming into an actual decision for most of us. For me, it ... Views: 1533
Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? When you think about your upcoming day, do you experience feelings of dread? Are you snarky with people at work & at home? Well, you could be one of the millions of people who are either burned-out or just plain old miserable in their ... Views: 1361
For a 90 day plan to succeed you need to understand that most of the work is done before you get started!
Most people fail plans (like the p90x) because they trust that they succeed at random! In reality it's because they are either lazy or don't know any better or both!
That's not going ... Views: 1394
September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 1677
As a success coach, I am often asked how to change your life. Sure the question comes in many forms, but the answer is always the same. The quickest way to overcome any challenge or to bring about any change in your life is by changing your thoughts about whatever it is that is giving you a hard ... Views: 1668
My Life IS My Message
My Life IS My Message. Sometimes new acquaintances ask me, “So Hugh, what is it you do?” It seems like a straight-forward question but for me answering never is.
Consider the following possible answers:
• “I help awaken people to the life they should be ... Views: 1576
In a split second I discovered something very valuable and detrimental to my success as an entrepreneur. A quick story about how I came to this conclusion. A couple of years ago I was employed in the transportation industry for nine years.In the beginning I was happy with the job like most ... Views: 1457
There are certain days each year that show us in painful detail the problems, which we need to work on in our lives. For many people, these are the holidays. You can fill up your life with a career, hobbies, volunteerism, social engagements, school, etc., but eventually there comes a day – not ... Views: 2164
As you travel through life, you’ll want to have a direction to follow. Clarifying what you desire in your life will give you this map. Not only will this aid you in your path, it will also be a guide for who you attract into your life. If your relationships are not bringing you joy and ... Views: 1362
Milton Berle said, “I’d rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I’d rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might-have-been has never been, but a has-been was once an are.”
What a profound statement that embodies ... Views: 1233
Loss is natural, even inevitable, as we discussed in Part 1 of this article. But why does loss have to be so hard? And what can we do to make it just a bit easier? How do we deal with grief? With loss? Even with grief about loss? Here are some suggestions:
* Accept your feelings, particularly ... Views: 1441
Life is full of so many losses--Major losses brought about by fighting, divorce or separation, getting laid off, becoming ill, or dying. Then there are the minor losses, such as loss of a budding friendship, loss of a material object, even loss of hair. (Some may think this is a major loss, I ... Views: 1457
This is the time of year when many of you have dropped the last child off at college. Many feelings are no doubt swirling around inside you. You may feel proud of your child and excited about the new possibilities that await him or her. You may also be feeling anxious about your child's ... Views: 3648
Recently, I’ve been to several gatherings talking with people I’ve newly met.
There has been one consistent, pronounced theme to all of our conversations. People are frightened. They are anxiously waiting for things to get back to normal.
And I could see that this is keeping them frozen, ... Views: 1321
When I was 16, I wanted to be 18. At 18, I wanted to be 21. To me each age meant I was grown; what I never considered was the growth I needed between them — because maturing is a process that brings along two friends: responsibility and challenges.
Every professional or personal challenge I ... Views: 1498
It seems that there’s always been a stigma attached to being unemployed, and even in this economy, when so many people are without a job for a lengthy stretch, it still causes candidates to be uncomfortable and nervous about telling people that they’re unemployed. They don’t quite know how to ... Views: 1839
If you’ve been the victim of marital infidelity and are now working through the divorce; healing infidelity can be a daunting process. As much as you think to yourself, how will I move on? There will come a time when you will be interested in dating again, therefore trust after infidelity is ... Views: 3747
Could you do it? Have you ever thought or fantasized about it? Tell the truth have you ever sat and imagined what your life would be like if you sold all your belongings and moved to a brand new life? Where would you go; to live near a beach, to the desert, to a small quiet town from the city or ... Views: 4933
Ok! So you are waking up your inner master at last! And now you have your hands full of questions without any answer... And you ask yourself... Now what?! How I can evoke my family understanding and support? Well, nine months are left of this year, which means that every moment counts. It is ... Views: 1747
Ladies if you haven't learned this by now you might not ever. Men think about sex a lot. This is our nature we desire it, we fantasize about it, and we want it all the time. Back up a bit that last little part isn't quite true. Men want sex all the time isn't exactly true we want it until we can ... Views: 4241
People look at you and think you’ve got it all together. You have a life that many envy, a career, relationship and the freedom to live an enjoyable life – or at least two out of the three. On the outside you’ve put on a great show. On the inside, not so much.
Behind the mask, you feel empty ... Views: 2557
I celebrated 16 years of having a disability on May 21st. I was going to edit the word “celebrated” and then decided that it was okay to use that word. There are many things to celebrate that have come out of the journey of the past 16 years. To be honest, most years this anniversary goes by ... Views: 2438
It is amazing that we are often confronted with our own issues presented in the guise of other people seeking a solution to their own problems. The advice we give is all too often that which we are hesitant to take ourselves. Perhaps there is more to the life lesson than this simplistic ... Views: 1326
You may be wondering what LinkedIn is. Or you may be a user of LinkedIn and wondering what is the big deal? Or you may be thinking to yourself, I think everyone is wasting their time investing in LinkedIn. Well, read on... LinkedIn may be the positively greatest tool ever created to help you ... Views: 2643
Grief CPR Series
Things we need to know BEFORE emotional disaster strikes!
Emotion = Energy in Motion
Letting go!
I am often asked "How do I let go?" or "How did you let go?" That is such a tough answer. What I learned in 30 years of grieving is this: To truly let go, those arms have ... Views: 2430
Written April 12, 1990
How do you know when it's time to say goodbye? To move on? To go separate ways? There comes a point for many people, whether it's with the true love of your life, the gang at church, your oldest friend, or a group you used to hang with, when something is just not the ... Views: 1960
1. Take time out to imagine the possibilities. Remember when you were a kid and mom, dad, teachers and other adults would tell you to get your head out of the clouds? It was spoken to you so much, you stopped dreaming and you got a 9 to 5 or 8 to late job that didn?t feed your soul. You forgot ... Views: 1223
IF you feel, or believe, that your life is in such an impossible state that there is no way you can move forward from it,(without it being ovewhelmingly painful or catastrophic), take heart. It's just these kind of circumstances that often give rise to major growth. But in order to do that, you ... Views: 2137
We all know that change is inevitable in life, but none of us likes change being imposed. Amazingly though, we often resist changes we want to make. Oh yes, we find ways to sabotage, resist and undermine change, EVEN WHERE WE SAY WE WANT IT, AND SEE IT AS GOOD! Examples include a career ... Views: 2793
The lure of the next “get rich quick” scheme seizes me – the hype and the false flattery of strange bedfellows beckons. It seems the poor lead the poorer – the rich lead the poor and the super rich lead the rich. Each with their grand schemes of wealth creation based on the brittle foundation ... Views: 1249
How would your life be right now if you could live each moment without any baggage from the past? "Baggage" as it is referred to is previous memories and experiences that to this day influences our current perception of our reality. Since baggage is in our past, it is safe to say that our pasts ... Views: 2702
Personal qualities that support academic success
Students who have the following personal qualities are much more likely to thrive in college. You can read more detailed descriptions of the qualities that insure college success here.
* Self-awareness and self-acceptance
* ... Views: 7226
Emotion coaching?
These two words would not ordinarily appear in the same sentence, would they?
After all, coaching is more likely to bring to mind an image of a tennis racket or softball bat. And what do feelings have to do with any of that?
However, parents are continuously teaching their ... Views: 1928
I've given up.....hoping that one day I will no longer have challenges to overcome in life. A few years ago I had got to the point where I was tired of the constant struggle to overcome the challenges that seem to continually come my way. Challenges at work, in my personal life, with my ... Views: 2550
Goal setting is something we all do in our lives. It can be personal like giving up smoking or losing weight. Or it could be a professional goal such as reaching a particular sales target, achieving a particular grade in your company or, if you are running a business, breaking into a new market ... Views: 1739
Have You Found Your Personal Calling?
Could it be that we are creating a tribe based in living authentically and following our true purpose?
One of the things I know beyond a doubt is that you will find a far greater value than you ever expected... by honoring yourself and ... Views: 3173
One of the great things about being human is that we can change. We are in complete control of the way we live our lives. Unlike the other species on this planet, we do not live based on instincts. Our process of thinking is controlled entirely by us, and then we control how we act on these ... Views: 1231