In a split second I discovered something very valuable and detrimental to my success as an entrepreneur. A quick story about how I came to this conclusion. A couple of years ago I was employed in the transportation industry for nine years.In the beginning I was happy with the job like most people would be. I was able to pay my bills, purchase a few items such as a nice car and pay for it in full.

With that I was able to buy some things that I liked,
making approximately $42,000 a year which took me 5 years to do. After leaving that job I was out of work for a bit and looking for some alternatives. Something real that would be more lucrative to my efforts.

Suddenly something struck me, while in orientation for a job.The look in peoples eyes spoke with clarity. They all had the look as if they were satisfied or the notion that this was all there was and they were cool with it. It was like witnessing something hypnotic.

Having the unconscious notion that the more something is dangerous or hazardous that the job is somehow worth it. Especially in the warehouse Industry that will give you all the growth opportunity pitches and preach OSHA requirements and safety, yet offer you crumbs while exposing you to hazardous environments.

I suddenly remembered all that I had learned over the past year having a intense desire to study success with a new mindset made me aware of this.

It was truly unreal...insane conformity is what I call it...just wasn't for me in terms of value. I started asking myself real questions. Like what would you consider to be worth your time? Long story short I walked out. I firmly believe and place a higher value on my time working smarter v.s. harder is the best advice I could give anyone. This is how I found the Internet.

The Internet has proven to be an alternative to working a regular Job. It has also proven to be a reliable money source regardless of economic conditions to thousands of people. If you put in the work that is needed then you will be fine. Please don't misunderstand. Some things will take a lot of work and smooth out overtime if you are consistent...some things a lot less work.

The Internet will still cut in half the time spread up against any traditional form of work without blinking an eye. As a gateway, corporations if not all and local businesses use the Internet as first a choice in their marketing strategies. There is still a gap with local businesses that can be opportunities. Over 20 Million businesses. That is a serious no brainer.

What seemed like a lifetime turned out to be a split second is when I made my mind up and asked myself the following additional questions.

What am I thinking?

Will this job help me reach my goals?

How long will it take to get paid? (everybody says this)

How long will it be before I get a break for lunch?... ;-)

Do I even get paid for lunch?...(the kicker)

Will the supervisor be a jerk?

I decided I would rather not find out, enough said...

Author's Bio: 

Books that I find interesting and have read

The Dip by Seth Godin

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Make Real Money On The Internet by Steven Pierce

48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene

There are 3 rules that I encourage people to live by that changed my life.

1. Change The Way You Think

2. Make A Promise To Yourself And Keep It

3. Don’t Forget Rule #1