Dopamine dosers to your rescue!
Brain chemicals called neurotransmitters play a key role in focusing. One of these neurotransmitters is dopamine – the major chemical that regulates focus, motor movements and feelings of pleasure.
You can use some clever tricks to ... Views: 6183
Have you ever read the story, The Little Engine That Could?
A heavy train needed to be pulled over a tall mountain. The big engines refused to take on the job, but the little engine decided to take on the challenge.
Why did the little engine take on such a huge job? In ... Views: 4686
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”
- Ayn Rand
The term “self-efficacy” has always excited me! It means knowing that you can “get the job done” in your life.
What I find ... Views: 4207
Maybe you’re reading this because the title “caught your eye”! Actually it wasn’t your eye that got caught – it was your Reticular Activating System (or RAS for short).
Humans have a sort of “Beat Cop” in their brains – the ... Views: 4122
When you look around your home, or office, or car…how do you feel inside -
… or Satisfied?
Does it seem that getting organized and clearing the clutter is an impossible dream, never to be? Take heart! You can get organized ... Views: 4328
Did you read my article last week about getting and staying organized using a powerful, proven process? I hope so. And I hope you've started to put a new habit in place to tame the clutter that is tormenting you! You can read that article here if you missed it!
Are you starting ... Views: 4024
Do you have piles of “stuff” so high you can’t find what you need, or sit down to a family dinner at the table because it’s covered with piles of papers or - gasp - dirty dishes?
Even if clutter is beginning to take over your home, you can bust through the ... Views: 4673
It's all in how you look at it, don't you think!
Linda Larson Schlitz is one of my most inspirational friends. You’ll see why I admire her so much when I tell you this story!
She has ADHD and Hypo-Mania Type II Bi-Polar - and I tell you that because ... Views: 4048
- The Secret to Productive Routines
We all have habits and routines - some of them help us achieve our goals and some don't!
Setting up productive new routines can be tough, so it makes sense to use the easiest, most efficient process possible! Fortunately, there ... Views: 4238
Automate your “launch sequence”!
Have you ever locked yourself out of your car … or your house? I sure have!
I think about all the time I wasted sitting outside my house waiting for my husband to come home to unlock the door or, even worse, sitting on ... Views: 4847
Did you know that research shows it takes an average of 66 days to establish a new habit?
Keep in mind, though, that’s just an average - some habits can be developed in as little as 17 days and some require 250 days to get firmly in place!
Now, it just makes ... Views: 3993
Our natural state is happiness, but how often does that get lost in the reality of modern life?
All is not lost - we can take control of our happiness, turn a bad day into a good day, improve our mood, regulate our sleep, and as a by-product, get better time and task management - by ... Views: 3982
Should I?
…Will I be able to?
……What if it all goes wrong!!!?
How often do we stop dead in our tracks, crippled by indecision?
Yet there is so much wisdom in each of us! Decisions would be so much simpler if we could tap into our abundant, ... Views: 3949
I hope when you finish this article you'll feel grateful that you read it because it might help you improve your life! Big promise, right!?! Ok, here goes…
Most people have heard about practicing gratitude, and maybe even know that research has proven many benefits from making ... Views: 4096
Do thoughts race around in your mind like a swarm of bees? With all those thoughts sprinting around in your mind, you’d think one of them would claim your attention. But none of them seem to “step into the spotlight”!
Increasing the right kind of chemicals in your brain will reduce the ... Views: 4705
If you are feeling discouraged about not being able to get things done, or find yourself losing time on activities that are "fun" in the moment but don't fulfill any of your life's ambitions, you need to know more about the true nature of the quality called "willpower"!
We used to think we ... Views: 4978
Stop Procrastinating - Get Started Now!
How do we get started when we have a task we want to - or need to - complete? Well, the hardest part is getting started. Once we actually get started, it's a lot easier to keep going.
But oh, my goodness! Getting started can really suck ... Views: 4452
“If you don’t clean up your room right now, you’re grounded!” Ellen yelled at her daughter, Brittany. Brittany rolled her eyes—again—and stalked off toward her room.
This running feud was getting to Ellen. She was at her wits end. She began to dread coming home from work because she ... Views: 7714
Personal qualities that support academic success
Students who have the following personal qualities are much more likely to thrive in college. You can read more detailed descriptions of the qualities that insure college success here.
* Self-awareness and self-acceptance
* ... Views: 7227
Children with special needs have experienced more frustration and academic failure than most other children. Yet, some of them become successful college students who graduate with a specialty in a chosen field.
Sadly, most do not. Only about 57 percent of students with disabilities graduate ... Views: 8387
Concerned parents frequently ask how they can help their children become smarter, more successful learners. The surprising news is that research in the area of human emotions provides a blueprint for the kinds of parenting techniques that increase children’s intelligence!
Because of the way ... Views: 5783
Max had dreamed of going to college ever since his father told him, “Everyone in our family goes to college.” Max related well to people. They trusted him. He had a head for business. His manner inspired confidence. Max wanted to major in business. But, in order to be admitted to business ... Views: 5392
Too often children and parents experience dissatisfaction and disillusionment in the educational process. Parents can feel frustrated in their efforts to help their child succeed. How can parents help their child be successful and find joy in learning? Parents can help their children thrive ... Views: 4637
It was a hot, sticky afternoon in Mrs. Hall’s 5th grade classroom. The students were sleepy and Mrs. Hall was convinced they weren’t paying attention. Mrs. Hall knew that listening is an active, conscious process that has a huge impact on learning. She realized there were strategies she could ... Views: 4855
Apply Brain Research – Raise a Successful Student
Techniques to share with parents, teachers and caregivers
There are about as many nerve cells in the brain as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The unique set of connections between neurons that each of us develops determines how we ... Views: 4786
A mnemonic, (pronounced ni-mon’-ik) is a device used as a memory aid.
The F.A.C.T. mnemonic helps students organize and remember important comprehension strategies. The letters in F.A.C.T. stand for effective, research supported strategies that support comprehension: Focus, Ask questions, ... Views: 5956
When it "Clicks," all is well in the world of decoding and easy comprehension. Reading is a joyful way to explore the world!
But when students encounter parts of the text that are not understood, they "Clunk!" and the reading process slows down.
Students can learn to recognize when their ... Views: 5525
One meaning of the term "bracketing" is "to place within." This concept of "placing within" is a helpful strategy that students and adults can use to identify and appropriately deal with distracting thoughts.
In stage one, students decide whether their current thoughts are appropriate for the ... Views: 5193
Parents may suspect that their child is gifted, yet be baffled when their smart child has difficulty learning in certain areas. Some intellectually gifted students also have special learning needs such as a learning disability. Gifted students may also have other special educational needs such ... Views: 7825
Children with special learning needs have experienced more failure and disappointment than other children. Parenting children with special learning needs can be difficult, and calls forth from their parents an extra measure of care in "planting the seeds of greatness."
Seeds of "greatness" ... Views: 6276
Children who live with failure experience negative feelings such as shame, isolation, and anger. These students need guidance to develop personal skills that support their success. According to research conducted by the Frostig Center in Pasadena, six personal attributes form the core ... Views: 5826
Individuals with ADHD and ADD often have difficulty with Executive Skills, also called Executive Functions. These are the skills that help us manage and direct our lives. They are analogous to the activities that an executive engages in to manage and direct a company or business.
... Views: 5931
Reading is a highly complex, integrated activity that daunts as many as 33 percent of the population.
Many children become proficient readers regardless of how they are taught. However, for children who experience difficulty learning to gain meaning from print, reading must be systematically ... Views: 4734
What Is Educational Therapy?
15 million school age children in the US have learning problems that public and private schools can’t solve. There are 72,000 special education students in LAUSD, alone. Every day these students sit unhappily in class, losing hope of ever realizing their dreams. ... Views: 4991