It’s that time again…the monthly meeting. You break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Whether you present to your managers or your employees you are saying to yourself:
What if I mess up?
What if I repeat myself?
What if the audience doesn’t like what I say?
What if I ... Views: 1108
It's 2 p.m. and your manager walks up to you with that look on his face. He announces that the company president wants you to give a presentation to him concerning the high profile project you have been working on…and he wants the presentation to start in thirty minutes. Now you have a look on ... Views: 897
I invested some time with Mother recently and drove her to the hospital to visit with her sick sister-in-law, my aunt. While I was standing in the doorway, a nurse came by and introduced herself as Ruth and said “hello” to us and said “hello” to my aunt. This put a smile on my aunt’s face. The ... Views: 810
Recently, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios, gave a commencement address to the graduating class at Stanford University. He talked about creating passion, life and death, and “connecting the dots.” The dots were events in his life, many challenging and many ... Views: 788
Outstanding customer service is the key to creating a successful organization during any economic time… but especially during challenging economic times.
It’s amazing how most organizations will invest millions, if not billions, of dollars on new computer systems, new displays, new phone ... Views: 666
Recently, a business associate, Mike, mentioned that he was doing a show at a local university and stopped by the faculty dining hall to get lunch. He said that, while waiting on line, the service was poor. The line moved slowly, the counterperson was disinterested in what she was doing…and it ... Views: 788
Academy Awards come and go, but one thing is a constant: bad acceptance speeches. You may never win an Academy Award, but you may be asked to give an acceptance speech for an accomplishment in your business, your career, your community, or your organization. Sometimes your acceptance speech ... Views: 1242
I was recently coaching an engineer who wanted to improve his speaking skills. After videotaping him, we discussed his strong points and then his areas of improvement. Then we got to the area of vocal variety. Vocal variety is the quality of your speech that hold your audience. It is the ... Views: 945
Life is stressful enough without allowing the physical
environment - air quality, lighting, noise, and other
controllable factors - to intensify day-to-day stress.
Especially in the Fall and Winter is where you experience
less daylight and more mood swings.
The great thing about ... Views: 864
By now you may have heard the ultimate success story: the “man with the golden voice.” Ted Williams, a homeless man had a very special talent: he has the beautiful voice of a radio announcer and voiceover professional. Yet, he fell on hard times, took drugs and alcohol, lost his job and ... Views: 793
Let me share with you the following customer service story on how you can outperform your competition and win customers every day.
On our road trips to New Jersey to facilitate a motivation program for a client, Joy and I make it a habit to order food from a particular fast food restaurant. ... Views: 1144
Soon after I graduated from college, I moved to New York City to find fame and fortune. I was in a great relationship, found a great job working in Manhattan and I was feeling on top of the world. I was going places!
But then it happened. My girlfriend broke up with me and the company let ... Views: 758
The way we handle stress is always a factor in our success in challenging times. Unmanaged, stress can hold us back from being successful Once managed, stress propels us to new levels of success.
When you learn how to manage stress, you benefit in the following ways:
* Improved health ... Views: 910
Recently, Susan Boyle, an unemployed forty-seven year old single woman from the small village of Blackburn, Scotland decided to compete in the television program, “Britain’s Got Talent.” She did not look like the typical “star quality” contestant. So, when she first walked out on the stage, ... Views: 1142
Leadership starts with tough decisions. Let me share with you my recent leadership challenge and the leadership secrets you can use in any team building situation for great leadership results.
I have the honor and pleasure of volunteering for many groups and causes. In many situations, I am ... Views: 825
We are all faced with challenges during these changing economic times. How we overcome them and what leadership we provide will make the difference between success and failure.
The secret weapon for being successful during this changing time is customer service. Outstanding customer service ... Views: 1121
Usually, you have one opportunity to present your organization’s ideas, products, and/or services to the audience. You work on the account for months and the presentation is your big moment. You speak to an under enthusiastic, yet polite audience; they thank you for your presentation and say ... Views: 1292
Change is occurring all around us everyday. Most changes are small and go unnoticed by us. Think about your daily ride to work and notice what changes are taking place over the course of a week: possible changes in traffic patterns, new stores opening, weather patterns, etc. Each day we ... Views: 971
Economic times constantly change and organizations adapt to these changes. For you to find career success, you must be pro-active about your job. What are the career secrets of those who soar to the top in their careers no matter what the economic environment is in the world?
The ... Views: 684
The following are five career advice secrets for being the perfect, motivated employee that everyone wants on their team, putting your career on the fast track, and creating great relationship with management:
1. Be Enthusiastic
Be known as an employee who has a great attitude and is ... Views: 729
With ever increasing deadlines, decreasing resources, and changing workplaces, sometimes it can be challenging to be a good employee, much less a perfect employee. The employee who can rise above the everyday problems and embrace challenges will be the person that every employer wants.
The ... Views: 849
When was the last time you received a job promotion? You are doing a great job at work but everyone else seems to get the promotion you want. You may even start making excuses as to why you are not getting the career promotions you deserve. Well, I ask you the following question:
Did you ... Views: 903
One of the important keys to employee motivation is to empower your employees to be successful. An empowered employee leads to the following benefits:
* Increased creativity
* Increased productivity
* Increased teamwork and motivation
* Increased initiative
* Increased ownership of work
* ... Views: 1053
Leadership starts with tough decisions. Let me share with you my recent leadership challenge and the leadership secrets you can use in any team building situation for great leadership results.
I have the honor and pleasure of volunteering for many groups and causes. In many situations, I am ... Views: 943
Recently, Joy and I had the pleasure of speaking at a conference of Educational Office Professionals in Baltimore, MD. The other speakers included Ms. Deborah Phelps, mother of six-time gold medalist in the 2004 Summer Olympics swimmer Michael Phelps, and Agatha von Trapp, the 91-year-old ... Views: 788
The following story tells how a customer experience went from funny to sad in less than 24 hours, and five secrets to creating an outstanding customer experience.
Recently, Joy and I were invited to go to a local comedy club. It was one of those clubs where you eat dinner while listening to ... Views: 918
We are constantly bombarded daily with requests for our time. While helping others can be very rewarding, at the same time we can feel distraught about constantly obligating ourselves to others while not fulfilling our own needs. We can feel distressed about constant commitments to do things ... Views: 847
Time and time again I hear the following from students in my career advancement workshops:
“My work speaks for itself…I shouldn’t have to tell anyone about my skills.”
“Why did they hire from the outside, I am already doing what’s required of that position?”
“Why did they get the job, I have ... Views: 842
Public speaking presents such a challenge for many people. In the Book of Lists, public speaking anxiety and making a presentation constitute the number one fear; the fear of dying is number two. Like the old saying goes, “People would rather be in the grave than make a ... Views: 724
Let me ask you this question, "Are you motivated to achieve great accomplishments in your life?" The following are ten action steps you can apply today to achieve more success in in your life:
1. Positive Affirmations
Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool for success or failure. It will ... Views: 981
In this changing, challenging, and competitive workplace, we can’t overestimate the importance of good management. Good managers will consistently motivate you to perform at higher levels of productivity. Bad managers will drive you crazy and eventually out of the organization. Managers ... Views: 862
Olympics come and go. As always, it is an exciting event with its dramatic twists and turns, exhilarations, surprises, and disappointments as these great athletes performed at their peak in front of millions, if not billions, of fans for the glory of representing their country and possibly ... Views: 839
I love watching the top sports individuals and teams; especially, the ones who consistently year in and year out maintain the highest level of excellence. What is the common factor of these successful individuals and teams? Great coaching! Great coaches analyze the talent they presently have ... Views: 801