We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Yoda spoke these words to the young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars the Phantom Menace. If there is one thing we all can relate to it is fear. Fear has the innate ability to eat away at our life’s desires.
Ask yourself what dreams have you let die because of fear? Where would you be in life if ... Views: 1223
If you are in business for yourself, or even if you are striving to accomplish any kind of a significant goal, then you must have a clear and concise vision. What is your vision and how do you decide what it is? There are some helpful hints and ideas.
Voice- in order to determine your vision, ... Views: 1253
Finish this sentence – If I had the guts I would…
What would you do? What issues that you’ve been silently brewing on would you speak up about? What changes would you make in your career, your relationships… your life? What goals would you take on and what commitments ... Views: 950
Anything you do in life you need to achieve goals. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a meat cutter, long distance runner, taxidermist or anything in life. It doesn’t matter if you work for another company or work for yourself you still have to have goals that you need to set and goals that ... Views: 899
1. Every night, half an hour before retiring, go to your room, where you can be entirely alone and as remote as possible from noise and distraction.
2. Seat yourself in a wide and comfortable chair, or, better still, lie down on your back at full length. See that your clothing is loosened, so ... Views: 1026
Did you watch Oprah when The Secret was featured on the show? How amazing to have this incredibly powerful movie brought to the world like this. Thousands of people had already seen and benefited from the teachings of The Secret, but I think these were mostly the early adopters of this ... Views: 1468
A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. The concept of the vision board (also known as a goal board, goal map, or treasure map) has been around for generations, but it’s gained ... Views: 113227
Manifesting is the process by which your thought becomes things in your reality. Whether it is something you really, really want or something you really, really fear, manifesting, through the law of attraction will work. Events will unfold so that it will lead the way to the materialization of ... Views: 1744
Here, you will find practical and easy to learn tips on playing blackjack at home or at a casino that will turn you into a champion. In addition, a basic game plan is also provided.
Learn How to Play and Win Blackjack after practicing some basic steps that can be learn easily. Blackjack is one ... Views: 814
There is all the hype these days about the Law of Attraction and the process of manifesting your desires into your life. Basically the key to this law is that you will manifest whatever you desire. There are several contingencies that come into play when you want to manifest your desire. First ... Views: 747
Talk to ten people and nine of them will tell you they believe in goal setting. These nine people will tell you that goals are important, that they can help you be happier and healthier, and that they are the best and fastest way to achieve more in life.
I would agree with those nine ... Views: 1433
How would you like to be able to prioritize the truly important things in life - your family, your health and your personal dreams?
Like most of us, you probably answered 'yes' to this question. Just as likely, your mind began chattering away with a number of excuses about why you simply can't ... Views: 817
There are common steps associated with goal achievement. They are:
§ Aim high.
§ Write your goals down.
§ Set a time limit or deadline.
§ Identify those people, and organizations that can help you reach your goals.
§ Consider multiple facets of your life including family, career, health, ... Views: 898
If you subscribe to many newsletters, magazines or newspapers, you’ve been inundated with articles on New Year’s Resolutions over the past few weeks. Tired of reading various recommendations on how to make and keep my resolutions, I thought it might be informative to see if the history of this ... Views: 1208
"Achieve resolutions this year!"
How many of you find yourself replaying the same resolutions year after year? You start the year excited and motivated to achieve them this time around. But as the weeks and months pass, life takes over and you find yourself slipping into old patterns and ... Views: 973
Back in 1939, a Russian Jewish immigrant songwriter was away from home for an extended time, working on a movie in Beverly Hills.
Legend has it he was homesick while separated from his wife and children, and at that time, wrote some parts of a song and then stored away the incomplete, half ... Views: 1002
This is the time of year when it is most difficult to stay on track with our goals. It is also the time of year when we're all in a rush to make new ones.
It seems to me that we all have a certain ideal, a certain way of living, which gets completely blown each holiday season.
We find it more ... Views: 1070
EXAM- Examining your Aptitude and Mental preparation is what we can define exam as.
Off-late I am finding exam fever so common in teens that I wonder what actually is getting cooked behind their brains. The present generations of teenagers are facing erratic problems in various paths of life ... Views: 936
Have you noticed that when you are fully committed to issues that affect your life or to an important cause, goal or even a relationship; you become bold, decisive, gutsy and unstoppable and are able to attract support and resources from people who have the answers or the help you need? It’s ... Views: 2501
(excerpt from Jill Koenig's book "Goal Rush!")
With Today's fast paced lifestyle, it is crucial to embrace and implement simple strategies for achievement and fulfillment. Your job in this life is to follow your bliss, design your destiny and consciously direct the steering wheel of your ... Views: 972
When I first set out into business on my own, I quickly learned that despite my infinite determination to reach my goals and create a better life, there were huge gaps between where I was and where I wanted to be.
Someone once told me if you want to be a Success, then study Successful ... Views: 1632
Have you noticed around you that expectations are already starting to change?
We are heading into the Holiday Season and this is when I start to hear rumblings about how production declines and things slow down, except for the retailers who magically cash in on the droves of Holiday ... Views: 1127
As we approach the holidays, it’s a good time to get a handle on your money matters before all the retailers gets their hands on your money!
According to a study by the APA (American Psychological Association) 61% of Americans listed money issues as the top cause of holiday stress.
Taking ... Views: 730
Success, simply defined, means getting whatever you want. However simplistic that definition may be, most people would agree that a person who is successful in a certain field or area is so because he or she has managed to achieve something specific, and that something specific is a target or ... Views: 1646
Not so long ago, people thought the world was flat. They looked out into the horizon, and it appeared to them that the earth ended somewhere far out there, and at the end of the earth, one could possibly fall off the edge and die. Therefore, people did not dare to reach the horizon, for fear of ... Views: 1088
Every goal you aspire to achieve can be broken down into five simple steps.
There is a formula for success that works over and
over and over. The bigger a goal seems, the longer it takes to achieve, the more complicated we can make it and the more likely we are to become distracted.
If you ... Views: 1130
Did you know that recent research says that concentrating (staying focused) on the muscles you are using during a given exercise increases the effects of that exercise! Think about that. Focusing on each muscle group and what it's doing at the time (visioning) will increase your strength, ... Views: 791
Do you talk with other women about food and weight? Do you really talk, or do you only speak about it superficially¯what diet you are currently on, what you ate today, how you cheated, how much you’ve lost or not lost?
Do you ever really talk about what you go through in relation to your eating ... Views: 834
A question, whether you are asking yourself or someone else is asking, causes you to direct your thoughts toward that subject. These directed thoughts are what is known as focus. Your focus directs your feelings and your feelings direct the actions that you take. Your actions will cause you ... Views: 619
“Prince Rabadash’s army lay close behind them, Anvard ahead. If they did not reach Anvard before Rabadash and his horde, their journey, their entire lives, would have been wasted. The horses, Bree and Hwin (both of whom could, of course, talk) galloped. Certainly both horses were doing, if not ... Views: 1224
There is a lot of goalsetting for success guidance being offered on the net today. However, it never cease to amaze me the extent of the over-strenuous emphasis on the term 'failure' or 'failing' by many so-called 'personal development' advocates. I have encountered numerous such dubious ... Views: 1027
Within every human being, exists an infinite supply of creativity, strength and wonder.
You are capable of more than you know.
Let me tell you about a real life Superhero I know. His name is Mike Berkson.
Mike Berkson was born a few minutes after his twin brother David, on February 4th, 1989. ... Views: 1456
The change in seasons will traditionally bring with it new creation. Change brings about new life, growth and development all with it the possibility of creating new opportunities for ourselves. Any time of change (whether it be a change of season, career, relationship, living situation or even ... Views: 797
(This is Part 1 of a series of articles by the author on Finding and Following Your Life Purpose and Passion).
We all have a definite purpose in our lives, a key part of which is living a life of joy and abundance. It’s also about doing what we love to do and fulfilling our highest natural ... Views: 1611
It’s out of the bag. I really need to get this off my chest.They say it is wise to learn from the mistakes of others so thatyou avoid doing the same. Why do so many people committhemselves to a 40/40 life?
What is a 40/40 lifestyle? This occurs when one works 40 hoursplus a week for the next ... Views: 1291
I’ve talked before about how essential it is to have a plan for life. Not just having appointments in your planner and tasks on your to do list, but making sure your actions actually bring you closer to your long-term goals.
Let me share a brief story about Bill, a man in his early forties, ... Views: 1109
This past weekend I celebrated another birthday. Lately I have been working extended hours on some special projects so I carved out some time to absorb the majesty of wilderness, in my favorite place to reflect. I decided to spend the day hiking at Starved Rock State Park. It's my top day trip ... Views: 969
This past weekend I celebrated another birthday. Lately I have been working extended hours on some special projects so I carved out some time to absorb the majesty of wilderness, in my favorite place to reflect. I decided to spend the day hiking at Starved Rock State Park. It's my top day trip ... Views: 1016
When I sit down to think about what I want from my life, grand ideas begin flowing. I want to have a career as a successful physician, I want to own a large estate, breed horses, and travel around the world. All of these goals are lofty, and I contend that I will achieve each and every one of ... Views: 959
Do you want to build a business, change a relationship, improve your health or quit a bad habit? Do you want to earn a million dollars or be debt free? I can’t promise you any of these things, but I can promise this: You stand a better opportunity for achievement in these areas if you set ... Views: 905
If you knew with complete certainty that you were going to take your last breath tomorrow what would you do? Would you call all of your loved ones? Would you make amends? Would you spend some time thinking about everything you wish you had done in your life? We all have dreams and visions of ... Views: 1695
Most of us weren't encouraged early in life to explore what we want for ourselves or what our version of success looks like. But it's not too late to check in on what you're up to and whether it will lead you to the happiness you seek.
Have you ever chased something (or someone) only to ... Views: 1192
Braxton Bilbrey is a seven-year-old boy. He lives in Glendale, Arizona. He read about a nine-year-old boy who swam from Alcatraz Island to the city of San Francisco.
I imagine he started thinking if he can do it so can I!
So, he established a goal to swim the 1.4 miles of chilly waters from ... Views: 888
Have you been frustrated at achieving your goals? Have too many defeats and disappointments caused you to give up?
Then you should know that a very simple secret can make the difference between success and failure. This proven method has worked for thousands of years. It's so simple it ... Views: 890
If you have ever planned a vacation, wedding, surprise party, or special event, you know how much work is involved. Planning, checking, adjusting and planning again is all part of the process of creating the result that you want.
Many people understand the importance of planning events in ... Views: 16011
Do you remember your first job?
When I was in grade school, I earned money shoveling snow, mowing people's lawns, washing cars and picking up dog poop for neighbors. (I did it free for the elderly). I still carry with me the lessons I learned back then. I learned to be willing and eager to work ... Views: 2061
When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbors to work it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved. He would then share them with ... Views: 642
Every person in the world dedicates countless hours to thinking of their future and their present condition in life. Most of us wish that there was something that they could change in their life.
Whether it is their family life; their relationships or finances, friendships; everyone wants to ... Views: 854
To achieve any goal, all you need to do is COMMIT yourself to achieving it.
Sounds simple... but what that really means is committing yourself to doing every single thing that's necessary to achieve that goal.
And that's where it can be challenging...
You may tell yourself that you're ... Views: 912
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker
I do believe that anything a human being can conceive, they can achieve. The bigger question becomes, is the person going to have the desire, commitment and determination to see the goal through.
Nothing is impossible.
There are ideas and ... Views: 1167