The subject of this article is how organization can enable vast accomplishment and success for the individual. Like all of the cosmos, organization expresses for the individual at three planes - the physical/material, the vital, and the mental. For example, when we clean up a room or an office, ... Views: 877
Energy is the fuel of life. The more fuel we have, the more that we can accomplish in life. Children have a nearly endless amount of energy. However, as we grow older we lose a lot of the energy and enthusiasm of our youth. That is not an inevitable course, however. There are so many ways we can ... Views: 2913
Ordinarily, when we think of "success,” we envision a solid level of achievement that occurs over an extended period of time. Never does it occur to us that success can occur instantaneously, and even infinitely -- contradicting our ordinary notions of what is logical and possible.
Such ... Views: 880
Money is a force. It is a concentrated symbol of energy and power in life. Like all forces in the universe, money obeys certain universal laws or principles. By understanding those laws and acting appropriately, we gain a great power over money, enabling wealth and prosperity to come our way. ... Views: 10652
Life is a living conscious field of experience and action. We are an inseparable part of the field, linked in our consciousness to everything and everyone else in the universe. Our consciousness is not separate and isolated. It is in active relationship with the world around us. Whatever we ... Views: 860
According to The Secret, the capacity to conceive of the ‘how’ is not essential for accomplishment. But it certainly can help. The story of how Fred Smith created Federal Express and grew it to become a Fortune 500 company in record time confirms this view. Smith started out with both a clear ... Views: 864