We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Faith". If you have expertise in Faith and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Life is a bed of roses and as what roses have, they’ve got thorns. It is the rough and unpolished in a wall painting that creates a dramatic effect on the art. As people say, in life we need to take the good and the bad. As we grow older, we realize how God loves us and justice shall prevail in ... Views: 1039
To forgive is not an easy task. It is creating a wall painting out of sculpture. People ask for justice. Yet justice in human hands can be very damaging because the villains have a way to combat justice and turnaround situation. And before you seek for justice, the guilty knows how to damage us ... Views: 1036
I’ll start by saying how much I learned in this course. It has laid the groundwork for assisting others in the understanding of the complexities of belief. I enjoyed the whole course and the way it was related to the ministry of the Universal Life Church. I felt the course was a very thought ... Views: 1118
1. Grateful souls are closer to God.
Get closer to God when you are grateful. The soul that is always grateful lives in closer touch with God than those who never look to God in thankful acknowledgement. The mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into ... Views: 2312
“How on earth do you get Lukas to wear all those costumes, Karen?” Up until now, only Lukas’ closest friends know how this is done. Foot-long reindeer antlers, bobbing clovers that read “Kiss me, I’m Irish,” a full-size sombrero with a matching chili necklace, a hot water bottle (a big favorite ... Views: 1361
In February of 2005, I embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage to Egypt, intending to connect with humanity's ancient ancestry. What happened there, on the Nile, once again reminded me of my deep, soul-level connection with my people, the Hebrews. It is, truly, a modern Passover story:
As my seven ... Views: 1176
I wish all of you a Happy Easter. Jesus was a gift to all who walk the face of the earth because God knew we would be unable to save ourselves from doing wrong. As humans it is inevitable that we would err in some way and we have in many – gluttony, greed, lust, envy, wrath, sloth and pride. At ... Views: 1495
There is a fighter instinct in us to never give up. It is the inner strength rising up from within to deal with whatever cards we have been dealt. Determination is defined as “the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose”. When you have committed to some sort of purpose, ... Views: 1362
Okay, so a little envy slipped from this chica’s heart. Do you blame me? My friend described the house she’s building right on the water in a prestigious area in Florida.
But envy soon changed to wisdom. “What’s wrong with you,” I said to myself, “you live in a mansion yourself.”
Compared ... Views: 1319
The Spider in the Void
This morning, as I watched a spider weave her web in front of our kitchen window, I GOT it in a way that was more direct that any inspirational message, philosophy, scientific speculation, guidance or prophecy could express.
She started from where she just happened to ... Views: 1546
Talk to God through prayers as a daily practice. When we are challenged on our spiritual path it is especially healing. Meditation is listening to God whereas prayers are how we communicate with the Divine.
When we talk to God through prayers we honor our spirit by consciously aligning with ... Views: 1190
Our essence is LOVE. God is LOVE. We, being the children of God means that we are LOVE made manifest in flesh. .
We are here to live LOVE unconditionally in every moment. This is quite a challenge for us as humans here on earth. In order to meet this challenge it is important to balance our ... Views: 994
Remember our daily prayers as they are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God.
Daily prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of ... Views: 2011
The universe is multidimentional and multifaceted. There is one Source and many spiritual paths. We each have a path that resonates with us internally. Mine is the path of devotion to the Sacred Feminine Goddess.
In Sanskrit Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion. Sri Krishna teaches that the ... Views: 1271
Since I currently have a job at Unity Village pending, over the past few weeks, I have learned more about affirmative prayer than I could have ever hoped to have learned in my lifetime, almost. To start with, affirmative prayer consists of, first acknowledging (or calling forth, if you will) the ... Views: 2966
Lumina Dei Newsletter March 2012
Dear friend,
Let Go and Let Goddess is a powerful reminder to surrender to Source. It may seem like a simple message but it isn't easy.
It helps to bring awareness to the intention to let go and let Goddess. Moment to moment each day I need to remember ... Views: 1112
Friend, as you get blessed by these messages, be a blessing as you redistribute them.
No one can stop an idea whose time has come. You are an idea in God’s mind for a time like this.
Time (according to Paragon’s Oxford Dictionary) is ... Views: 711
B: Beat stress by not letting it arise in the first place. Beat stress by realizing what your place is in the great scheme and reality of the nature of things. Building up your immunity to stress should be one of your goals.
L: Let the Lord guide you in all things. ... Views: 1167
Ignatius of Antioch was sent to his execution in Rome for refusing to worship Roman Gods and stood his ground against the persecution of Christian churches. Ignatius’s inexorable resolve in his Christian faith helped him confront his own imminent death and made him embrace it as an act of ... Views: 984
B: Bear sorrows and calamities patiently, otherwise you will never be happy. (Hazrat Ali SA).
L: Learning is one of the five pillars Hazrat taught: Learn to admit ignorance and learn what you do not know.
E: Endurance and patience go hand in hand if you ... Views: 3211
What is faith? You hear about it. You read about it. But what is it? One dictionary defines faith as “a confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, an idea, or a thing; a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.”
To me, faith is ACTION.
... Views: 1196
Faith is one of the keys to living a life filled with peace and joy. Being connected spiritually will help you to have faith, which is believing in that which is unseen. Quantum physics explains that all possibilities exist in the quantum field (otherwise known as the future to us). Our thoughts ... Views: 1159
B: Boundless blessings manifest when prayer is the foundation of your life. Build the best foundations and bountiful life with prayer.
L: Life is in the power of prayer.
E: Express yourself at the highest level with extremely beautiful prayers.
S: Seek out the best ... Views: 2425
In some countries the divorce rate has gone beyond the 50 per cent mark. What has happened?
What should have been living happily ever after has turned into a complete disaster.
Droves of people are now too scared to marry and adultery and ... Views: 1889
Imagine you wake up in the morning, ready to slip into the flow of the day ahead. There’s a sense of inner calm tinged with the excitement of possibility. You have honored your commitment to begin each day with a reflective prayer or meditation, and as you move through your morning routine ... Views: 1717
I once read a book about Islam that said God would have wanted people to pray more than five times a day. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), Jesus (Peace be upon Him) also prayed. Every religious tradition prays and we are supposed to pray to God or remember God when we ... Views: 1980
Appreciation is a way of giving thanks to the things we are glad about in our lives. It is one of the major keys to living a joyful life. According to the dictionary it is “thankful recognition”. It’s a way that can lift your spirits quickly when you start to focus on all that you are ... Views: 1660
If you are thinking about forgiving someone, be encouraged because it is the first step in healing your pain. At the same time, do not be discouraged if your offender rejects your attempts to reconcile and forgive. Unwelcoming responses may be a harsh reality.
My brother is in his 40’s and ... Views: 986
Why is it so hard to forgive someone? Why does forgiveness hurt so much and seem impossible sometimes? Forgiveness is hard and seems impossible when you try to do it your way and expect situations to mend in your time.
When I think back to a time when I was so upset I found it difficult to ... Views: 972
Do you ever have those weeks when certain things happen to you that leave you really feeling down about yourself? Well for me this week was one of those weeks. I was really feeling down about myself and is spite of that, some amazing things happened to me. About a month ago I saw a video of Nick ... Views: 1363
Remember that relationships and love are not events, they are processes. Loving our children and others can bring many challenges. Challenges cause us to want other people to change. We need to be courageous and look inside ourselves whenever we think someone else needs to change.
1 Timothy ... Views: 1201
Many people I work with are looking for a new beginning in their relationship. It almost seems like an oxymoron to think of having a new beginning in a relationship with someone that perhaps you’ve been with for 5, 10 or even 20 years. How can that happen?
It happens because you have decided ... Views: 887
Hello! my name is Biancia Tate and I am the Founder of The Hope Network whose mission is to provide spiritual support, hope and healing to survivors of trauma and/or crisis. We rebuild faith, restore confidence and renew hope in Jesus Christ after trauma and/or crisis. To be able to fulfill ... Views: 1907
There it is, that four letter word that means so much too so many. Hope is such a strong word, just like the word help. To get a better understanding of the word hope we have to research what it means to others. When you lose all hope, you feel despair. When you are in despair you are in ... Views: 1833
The Turnaround, by Doug Grady
If you would have told me 19 months ago that by now I would be an author, have a youtube hit and be in the best shape of my life I don't know that I would have believed you.
Less than two years ago I was heavily in debt, full of self-doubt, and struggling ... Views: 1493
Faith is powerful. Powerful enough to cure the inflicted, powerful enough to manifest something new and wonderful. Yet, many people are finding it difficult to "keep the faith" due to the current economic challenges that are very real and often serious. How do we keep believing that there can be ... Views: 4848
Here, we are talking about business, moving the home / office relocation or shifting related to other city, state, or even moving to the country mean. Any relocation, packing and handling of goods are a formidable task. So, the Work of Packers Movers Mumbai is therefore to shift stuff here and ... Views: 801
ADONAI gave instructions to Moshe that the people of Isra'el are to make a sanctuary, the Ark of the Covenant, so that ADONAI can live among the people of Isra'el.
"They are to make me a sanctuary, so that I may live among them. You are to make it according to everything I show you -the ... Views: 3010
Who and what you trust will have a great impact on the results of your intimate relationship and life. You can look at the quality of trust in your life from four different perspectives: How well you trust in your divine Source, how well you trust yourself, how well others trust you, and how ... Views: 1330
What if you suddenly learn that someone close to you, friend or loved one, is befallen with cancer? You'll need to be strong for both of you and you can be trough hypnosis. And what if the illness has caught you in its paws? Then again you will need to prepare yourself both mentally and ... Views: 1518
Believe in yourself. You already know what to do.
You are poised for so much greatness.
I see that you are suffering not knowing what will be.
Yet, I trust you to be patient as everything unfolds before you.
You will not suffer this dark night for much longer.
You must trust yourself and ... Views: 2008
Part II - Forgiveness - The 5 Things That Keep You From Living the Life of Your Dreams
2. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is three fold; forgiving others, asking for forgiveness and forgiving yourself.
In my lifetime there were many relationships that were shattered, but the connection to the ... Views: 1635
Quotes of the week
”……., be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work……..” (I Corinth 15:58 NKJ)
‘If your commitment is on a roller coaster, you achievements cannot be consistent’ _ Kemmy Oluleye ... Views: 926
There are many non-profit organizations that work for the betterment of society but these groups rely on federal grants based on faith for running their social programs. To cater to the needs of these non-profit social communities, the US federal government has set up a dedicated office of Faith ... Views: 751
As another Christmas holiday season draws to a close we are reminded of the eternal question, is there a God? The question is always in our minds however at the time of Jesus’s birth it is asked more frequently—practically, in terms of the practicalities of his birth, the debate of its location ... Views: 1558
Bringing the Unknown into the Known
By Jan Denise
The goal of learning is to bring the unknown into the known. The mere act of embracing the unknown as the truth requires a degree of faith. When we limit ourselves to believing for the known—or what we have already proven to be true—we ... Views: 1453
Question: How do we know that we can trust the Bible as the Word of God?
Answer: We can trust the Bible as the Word of God because the Bible is proven to be:
1) Historically accurate: Archeologists have unearthed evidences of certain people, places, and events described in the Bible, and ... Views: 2251
This week we learn of his nearly pathological efforts to ensnare, baffle, accuse, imprison, and shame his brothers—the same brothers who, decades earlier, sold him into slavery. Now he is Grand Vizier of Egypt, and he gets a chance to show them who’s boss.
A famine has struck the region. ... Views: 988
Every twelvemonth from the statesman than 300 books we criticism on this website, we take 50 best spiritual books. These are the titles that hump most impressed and inspired us, and since we only critique books that we requisite to recommend to you for your spiritual move, this option actually ... Views: 876