Following Lukas’ second bout of impaction colic (due to dehydration), I became nervous about his water intake. As strong and powerful as they look, horses’ digestive systems are surprisingly delicate. Unlike cattle who have several stomachs, horses have only one small stomach that functions best ... Views: 1148
Years ago, I had thought horses only had two expressions because of their mostly fixed facial bones: neutral and angry. However, Lukas has shown me that he is capable of many more “looks”. By directing an eye here, an ear there or a nostril twitch to create a multitude of combinations, he is ... Views: 1446
And so I snapped. What’d he expect? The same boring drills every day. And no sooner did I get something right than he’d turn around and want more. This so-called trainer who never so much as hummed or looked for a little spot that needed a rub or two. Just like at the racetrack – no matter how ... Views: 1144
Early on, we were fortunate to find an excellent horse transportation company. Chuck Erb, the owner-operator, is just what Lukas likes: steady, friendly and fastidious. Chuck’s massive truck pulls a trailer that can accommodate eight horses plus equipment. Chuck always makes sure, though, that ... Views: 1275
Touching is an essential part of our day together. In the wild, horses live in herds and stay close to each other for survival. Very social creatures, they tend to pick certain friends and engage in mutual grooming and games with them. Often forming life-long attachments, they’ve been known to ... Views: 1235
“How on earth do you get Lukas to wear all those costumes, Karen?” Up until now, only Lukas’ closest friends know how this is done. Foot-long reindeer antlers, bobbing clovers that read “Kiss me, I’m Irish,” a full-size sombrero with a matching chili necklace, a hot water bottle (a big favorite ... Views: 1349
I’d give up a week’s worth of carrots to have a pair of hands right now. Just to scratch that spot on my back that’s been driving me crazy for the last 4 hours. The seasons mean more to us horses than bright scarves, new windshield wipers, the dreaded swimsuit ordeal and turning the clocks this ... Views: 1150
Lukas, the World’s Smartest Horse (according to the World Records Academy) and Guinness World Record Holder (“Most numbers correctly identified by a horse in one minute: 19”), has joined an elite group: those with the capacity for self-awareness. He has proved that he is able to recognize his ... Views: 1130
Lukas stood in his stall. It was his home at the racetrack since arriving from the breeder’s farm when he was only fifteen months old. It was the stall he came back to after his hard morning work-outs to hang his head and rest before they came to run him again. It was the only place he felt ... Views: 1082
I met Lukas, my horse, when he was nine years old – considered past his prime for much change; he was set in his ways and had many issues by that time. Certainly, his dismal background contributed to his fears and difficulties: three last place race finishes accompanied by severe injuries, ... Views: 1137
Pressure is any request I make of my student. I use the lightest detectable cue possible – in this way the animal becomes more sensitive and anticipatory. Let’s all take a little test. This one always gets everyone's attention! I'd like you to take your finger and using a regular cueing ... Views: 1137
“I used to have dogs,” Mary tells me slowly, “before I got sick.”
She is propped in bed on a pile of pillows, staring intently at my therapy dog, Wendel. Bob, her son, had called the agency where Wendel and I do hospice volunteering. “My mom’s health has gone downhill, is there someone with a ... Views: 1042
Lukas, known to his fans as the World's Smartest Horse - a fact that's been verified by the World Records Academy and Guinness - doesn't believe there's much horses can't do. In fact, he's attracted world-wide attention for his cognitive abilities and performs a wide variety of liberty (free) ... Views: 999
"Captivating!", "Enchanting!", "Incredible!" – are all being used to describe Lukas, a seventeen year old off-the-track, rescued Thoroughbred owned and trained by Karen Murdock. Murdock's specialty is the ability to form an extraordinary connection with horses by using trick training and games ... Views: 1254
I was born to run very fast and win horse races - my name is Lukas. My great-great-grandfather was a famous champion and my owners hoped that I could be like him. I tried very hard to do what they wanted, but my legs weren't strong enough. Thoroughbreds like me are raced when we're only two ... Views: 938
Everyone is a trainer. Every minute of every day you're either training yourself or training others, even if it's just to maintain a habit.
Let's take a closer look at that, because it's important. Your alarm goes off in the morning, and what do you do? If you're anything like me, you hit ... Views: 838
My horse Lukas, an ex-racer and former rescue, and I are at the Equine Affaire in Pomona, California. We've been invited to join the "Thoroughbred Village" along with several non-profits to promote the breed. In case you're not familiar with racehorses, they tend to be rather high-strung, to say ... Views: 1100
The hulking male patient towering in front of me would cause fear in most people, with his over six feet five inch frame splattered in tattoos. “I’ll watch Wendel for you, Miss Karen,” he said simply.
“Yes, thank you, Charlie.” As a psychiatric nurse for the last twenty-five years, I was ... Views: 998
“I’ll understand if you and Wendel don’t accept the case, Karen,” Julie, the Volunteer Coordinator tells me. “We’re having a hard time even paying nurses that will visit David.” Wendel, my therapy dog, and I are at the Hospice agency where we donate our time and services. I sigh. Looking at me ... Views: 896
Janice was a wisp of a girl, barely twenty-three. Her distant gaze, detachment and monotone voice all told me what she couldn't say. As a psychiatric nurse for almost thirty years, I recognized her diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Janice was being admitted into the Adult Day Care ... Views: 1153
“Where’s Wendel?” asked Ellie as she entered the Adult Day Care Center where I work as a psychiatric nurse. The morning stream of over one hundred patients were arriving for a day of groups and socialization.
“This way, please, Ellie, I said, and directed her out of the main hallway. She was ... Views: 1065
"You don't want him," the young salesgirl told me, as she tried to direct me to away from the little spaniel to a cage filled with rambunctious, yapping puppies. "Look at these Yorkies, now there's a dog for you!" Our beloved Schnauzer had died months before, and to ease our mourning, my husband ... Views: 971
"Lukas is such a lucky horse - he should be so grateful for everything you've done for him." Gratitude is on everyone's mind this time of year, especially for me. I receive over one hundred e-mails a day about my horse Lukas from all over the world, and get many comments like the one above. ... Views: 804
"The best place for him, Karen, is the feedlot - he's too far gone; he's so scrambled that he's not coming back". A trainer's comments seven years ago, after he watched while I tried in vain to stop my then 10 year old gelding, Lukas. "Downward transitions" were accomplished by veering ... Views: 2163
An astonishing fact: my horse Lukas receives over 100 e-mails a day! How can that be you might ask, what could anyone possibly write to a horse about? Let me give you a few examples - "Thank you, Karen and Lukas, for changing people's perception of horses - I own a horse rescue and I have ... Views: 1807