Quotes of the week
”……., be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work……..” (I Corinth 15:58 NKJ)

‘If your commitment is on a roller coaster, you achievements cannot be consistent’ _ Kemmy Oluleye

: Be Consistent

Welcome to this week’s issue of Life of Value article. This week we continue our sharing on living a life of value with focus on the subject - Consistency.

Online Dictionary defines consistency as being in agreement or logical coherence among things or parts. The year is gradually rolling by, two months gone already. I feel it’s a good time to check our goals and desired aspirations and evaluate how consistent our actions and pursuits are aligned. In life it is not how well or how strong you start that matters but how well and how strong you end is what matters most. We have all started the year with some hopes and aspirations (whatever this may be, family, career, spiritual growth, health, relationship etc). I want to believe you have developed some plan and enabled some actions to drive this dream towards accomplishment. This is what I call the ‘change process’. The truth is that you are engaging in either new activities or performing some not so new ones in a fairly more consistent manner or a combination of both. Whatever the case is for you, one thing is certain, something is pulling you out of your comfort zone. The chances to drop pace or abandon the whole process are always very high. You owe yourself a great deal of responsibility to see that this does not happen.
To ensure that this does not happen, you must maintain some level of consistency. Here are a few suggestions on what to maintain consistency on:
Be consistent with principles: Principles are fundamental norms, rules, or values that represent what is desirable and positive for a person, group, organization, or community. It helps in determining the rightfulness or wrongfulness of its actions. Life is governed by principles, so it is crucial that we all have principles to which we subscribe to govern our lives both at individual and group (family, society, organisation, etc) levels.
Be consistent with commitment: From personal observations, I have come to the conclusion that one major reason why many do not reach their optimum potential in life is because, ‘we are consistently inconsistent’. Many of us blow ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ with commitment. Today we are very focused, fully committed ready to give all to see our desired results achieved. But with a little challenge or setback, the commitment is on the decline. If your commitment is on a roller coaster, your achievements cannot be consistent.
Be consistent in faith: Faith is what you believe in. Your belief system shapes your thinking, and your thinking shapes your life. ‘You cannot become what you do not believe.’ For those of us who claim to believe in the God of the Bible, I am challenging you to start taking steps that are consistent with faith that take limitations off your life if you truly believe that ‘…with God nothing is impossible’. “Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible." - Mary Mcleod Bethune
Be consistent in character: Everyone is defined by their character. In role play such as drama, film or novel, a character is a representation of a person. The sum total of your personality, attitude and mannerism is your character. Don’t pretend to be what you are not. Rather, work on improving any character deficiency you may have. Character consistency will earn you credibility and trust. Credibility is difficult to earn but very easy to lose. An inconsistent character is a quick way to lose your credibility and trust. You need credibility and trust to go far in life. Consistency will help you to build and maintain it.

Kemmy Oluleye

Author's Bio: 

Kemmy is a Management Consultant with many years of experience in Programme / Project management, Business & Process Management within I.T, Telecoms, Health and Logistics Industries. A certified Programme & Project Management Practitioner (MSP, PRINCE2) with academic qualifications which include: B.Tech Computer Sc, P.GD Manpower Development & M. Sc Economics.
His Key Strength includes: Leadership, Planning, Negotiation, Selling and Coaching.
Outside day-to-day consulting and employment activities, Kemmy is involved in lots of church based activities which include: Teaching, Speaking, Prayer Meetings and Supporting Mission based work