We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Faith". If you have expertise in Faith and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Most of us have experienced it at least once in our lives. We’ve prayed — for money, a job, healing from an illness, a loved ones recovery — and nothing happens. Where is God during those times? What do you do when God seems silent?
I had that happen to me several years ago. One of my books, ... Views: 1486
Handing everything over to God in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all of our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit's ... Views: 1286
One of the most beautiful prayers in the world is the prayer of St. Francis. It is actually both a prayer and an affirmation, and, said aloud and/or silently within oneself in repetition, it serves as a powerful tool to bring about heightened states of consciousness and awareness. It describes ... Views: 1664
Spirituality is what more and more people are turning towards as they find conventional strategies failing in their pursuit of happiness and success. As the crisis of civilization deepens, questions regarding the true meaning of life, happiness, and purpose take on greater urgency. As the number ... Views: 801
Jerusalem Eastern Gate » The Holy One of Israel is Revealing End Time Prophecies Now!! http://t.co/jtkh5FS
Baruch haba B'shem Adonai-Eastern Gate Jerusalem http://t.co/jFGJhI4 via @youtube
On Novemver 7, 2010, the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) told me that it is urgent for me to go ... Views: 3798
Jerusalem Eastern Gate » The Holy One of Israel is Revealing End Time Prophecies Now!! http://t.co/jtkh5FS
Baruch haba B'shem Adonai-Eastern Gate Jerusalem http://t.co/jFGJhI4 via @youtube
On Novemver 7, 2010, the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) told me that it is urgent for me to go ... Views: 2151
Whenever I encounter a life event that is beyond my human comprehension, I rely on these two scriptures:
"Trust in ADONAI with all of your heart. Lean not towards your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
"For my thoughts are ... Views: 1543
A baby camel asked his mother, “Why do we have such large hoofs on our feet?”
She turned to him. “God made us that way for a very special reason,” and she began her explanation. “The big hoofs are to keep us from sinking into the sand.”
“Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?”
“It’s to ... Views: 1233
Many people are still under the impression that the shroud of Turin is a medieval hoax. The shroud of Turin, also known as the burial shroud of Jesus, is a piece of linen cloth. It was woven more than 2000 years ago. One can see the image of a tall, muscular human body, imprinted on this burial ... Views: 963
Sometimes we amaze ourselves by the amount of inner strength that we draw from. Our inner strength guides us with patience and understanding among other things. While we tend to downplay or simply avoid where our strength comes from, we know it’s there.
You need to start over, or better yet, ... Views: 1363
Article Title: What do Jews believe? What do Jews Believe about Jesus?
Submitter: Craig Lock
Category (key words): religion, religions, Judaism, Jews, Jesus, Jesus Christ, faith, religious faith, beliefs, spirituality,
Web Site: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4
The submitter’s blogs ... Views: 971
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth". (Rev. 3:14-16 NIV)
God always knows the spiritual condition in which we are. He says, "I know your ... Views: 2916
- Assume a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting up. Just be sure your spine is straight and your legs uncrossed.
- Take a few deep breaths, relaxing your whole body and releasing all tension.
- Think either of God or any Ascended Master that you feel especially attuned to, ... Views: 1725
I just graduated from college staying in wuhan where the consumption is high while the wage is low ,I feel pressed by the work ,where is my dream ,where is the passed happy time ?I remember last week ,I went to the church ,the elder said all of us are failure .God put the nice thing ,dream in ... Views: 853
Living with pain is quite a challenge for each of us on this planet. None of us are exempt from experiencing pain whether it is in the body, mind, emotional body or spirit. It matters not whether you are poor, rich or middle class for pain is part of the human condition.
What we do with our ... Views: 910
Buddhism has been the official religion of Tibet for almost 2,000 years. Originating in India approximately 2500 years ago, it migrated to Tibet in 170 AD, but didn’t take hold until the reign of King Songtsen Gampo, when he declared it the official religion of the country in 641 AD.
The ... Views: 1009
Nobody is certain when people began using prayer beads, but they’ve been employed in almost all religions for thousands of years. Prayer beads are used by Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims and many other religions.
One reason for using prayer beads is that they allow people to keep ... Views: 2602
Consciously creating our lives is something that’s been the buzz for some years. With the dynamic teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, the Law of Attraction and The Secret, we have been given considerable information. Out of all of it, there are four key practices that I have found ... Views: 990
New light on the 'hard' sayings of Jesus
by William Neil (published by Mowbrays Oxford and London 1975)
Category (key words): Books, William Neil, Spiritual Growth, Faith, Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Quotations, Thoughts, ... Views: 1061
How do you accomplish God's purpose for your life? Do you ask God to reveal His purpose to you? Do you fast for 21 days before you get to know God's purpose for your life? How do you do it? Let's look at the following points:
Identify yourself with the Purpose-giver
No other person than ... Views: 3886
he dog house you intend to buy will largely depend on the breed of dog you have. There is an exciting range of dog houses to choose from at various price ranges. The doghouse should be big enough for the dog to sit, stand and lie down completely stretched out inside. If you have bigger breeds ... Views: 697
Now, this is a big step for many of you to take, but I encourage you to take the step anyway! I encourage you to step into how powerful you are and how powerful your thoughts are in creating your experiences.
One of the areas where I notice people, including myself until recently, have much ... Views: 1001
It’s no secret that there is a tremendous amount of power in the act of praying? As you already more than likely realize the act of prayer is your opportunity to talk to God.
Today I don’t know how long you will wait to begin listening to God yet I get the sense that sometimes after you pray ... Views: 1944
In the fall of 1986 someone said to me "You write very lyrically. Are you a poet?" I replied pretty vehemently, "No, no, I'm not a poet!" as if I was physically trying to push away the concept. I was also ignoring the fact that I had published poetry in a school literary magazine when I was in ... Views: 1547
Sports injuries hurt even if it is just a strained muscle. It can send you to your locker room for the whole game season. It can even slow the performance of your daily activities. It can pose risk on your health. This is why nobody should brush it off. Below are some useful tips on what you can ... Views: 1013
Sports injuries hurt even if it is just a strained muscle. It can send you to your locker room for the whole game season. It can even slow the performance of your daily activities. It can pose risk on your health. This is why nobody should brush it off. Below are some useful tips on what you can ... Views: 968
The word spirituality is often interchanged with the words faith and religion. Though they are interrelated, the terms have very different meanings. This article will specifically focus on what it means to embrace spirituality, and the many positive attributes of living a life that is ... Views: 2597
Notice the comfortable warmth of your body and as you do so begin to become aware of the fact that comfort means so much more than the simple ease that a recliner has to offer or your pair of favorite slippers on a cool morning.
It might be good to remember that comfort is the ease of Spirit ... Views: 850
Extraordinary every-day heroes surround us. Immaculée Ilibagiza is one of mine. Her courage to survive the Rwandan holocaust and her capacity to forgive the ones who massacred her family inspires me.
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult decisions that we, as human beings, can be called ... Views: 1772
What determines value in our culture?
It has been said that real estate is all about location, location, location. Designer labels are keen indicators of what is special and important in clothing, jewelry and shoe lines. Trend-setters lead us toward what the next great vacation destination ... Views: 1190
Well over a decade ago, I started writing my first novel. My intention was not to publish it. It was just my way of exploring consciousness and having fun while doing so. At the time, I was just coming out of a decade’s worth of scepticism. The novel, Soul Surfer, was an attempt to reconcile my ... Views: 1029
How to start the energy of crystals, How can I know Crystal has been started?
In fact, to put it bluntly, very simple. As long as hands clasped together, The crystal ore in hand, repeated experience with the crystal and its corresponding with a layer of your chakra resonance, Or to pray for you ... Views: 1241
One of the greatest questions of all time is, “Who is God? What is God? Where is God? How can I find Him/Her?”
From time immemorial humanity has asked itself this question of all questions, however, the problem was that having collectively erroneously identified ourselves with our physical ... Views: 1853
More and more people choose crystal bracelet. Crystal belongs to those who qualify as "Ambilight", "dazzling" and other similar rhetoric to describe. Crystal is not only beautiful but, And is sent to a variety of magical power. In fact, Crystal's principle is to increase the frequency of ... Views: 1502
We all live with some type of fear in our daily lives, we don't always know it's there, or that it controls our thoughts, but it's there. There are healthy fears that keep you safe, like the fear of getting burnt, which keeps you a safe distance from extreme heat. The fears I am talking about ... Views: 1274
What is faith to you?
Faith is defined in the dictionary as a strong or unshakeable belief in something, especially without proof or evidence. Faith encompasses both trust and belief.
True unswerving faith can withstand any turmoil, any pressure, any obstacle. Faith is strength, ... Views: 1253
Not only can animals smell, hear and see things that humans cannot, at times they can even intuit spiritual forces of which humans seem to be oblivious.
Both the Ramban and Rashi are intrigued by the capacity of Bilam’s donkey to “see an angel of Hashem” (Bamidbar 22:23). “Even humans do not ... Views: 941
Faith, no matter what your belief may be, is a very powerful thing. People have their own ideals about what God truly is and what he/she does. There are days when you get hit with all the bills, then some unexpected things happen, car breaks down, an unexpected doctor bill, etc., and it tests ... Views: 1458
One day, during his earthly ministry, Jesus and his disciples got into a boat to cross a lake. As they sailed, a violent storm suddenly raged, tossing the boat around like a toy and quickly filling it with water. Frantic, the disciples went over to Jesus, who was peacefully asleep in the stern, ... Views: 2638
Once a person becomes a Christian by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and eternal life, would he or she experience less suffering in the world?
Answer: Being a Christian will bring more suffering of one kind, and less suffering of another kind into our lives. What it will not ... Views: 2135
Evidence that Jesus existed is found on the The Shroud of Turin. The scientific community has been working hard to piece the puzzle together as to how the shroud came to be and how it has lasted the test of time.
They have been able to help answer some of the questions, but not all of it. ... Views: 1248
A famous cloth was found many years ago which many refer to as the Shroud of Turin. This shroud was the cloth used after Jesus had been tortured for several hours and then crucified.
For many years this cloth was lost and it was eventually rediscovered again. Evidence of this cloth is proof ... Views: 916
The Shroud of Turin New Evidence reveals some pivotal information about the cloth that held the body of Jesus after he was taken down from the cross.
For many years after the shroud was photographed, scientists have worked hard to get more information on some of the clues left behind. This ... Views: 2364
Healing Reiki has long been generally accepted, And has becoming a fashion. The number of the world to learn Reiki over three million, Many of them are scientists, doctors, various types of natural therapies, Many medical organizations have this treatment as a top-SPA, special therapies, Many ... Views: 1119
The divine Shroud of Jesus is a topic that has received much debate since the image, of what many people consider to be Jesus Christ, was first observed in 1898. Our will and our faith has been at battle with each other ever since its arrival.
Many critics believed that the shroud was a fake ... Views: 830
Article Title: How to Follow your Wildest Dreams through Faith (from Inspirational Books by Dr NV Peale)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Category (key words): NV Peale, Self Help, Personal Growth, Inspiration, Dreams, Faith
Craig’s blog with thoughts and extracts from various writings is at ... Views: 1007
Article Title: Sharing Some Information on Some Major Religions of the World
Submitter: Craig Lock
Category (key words): religion, religions, religious tolerance, religious unity, faith, beliefs, spirituality, spiritual unity, unity of religion(s)
The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his ... Views: 770
Article Title: "THE RELIGION OF ISLAM": A Comparison Of Islam And Christianity
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Islam, The Koran, religion, faith, beliefs, religious tolerance, spiritual unity, unity of religions
Web site: ... Views: 667
Article Title: Sharing Some Beliefs About Islam (from 'The Everything Koran Book' by Duaa Anwar)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Islam, The Everything Koran Book, religion, Duaa Anwar, faith, beliefs, religious tolerance, spiritual unity, unity of religions
Web site: ... Views: 978
If you open yourself to receive, the Universe will provide you with everything that you need. This includes faith. As I say in my book Just Give Your Head a Shake: “I knew by the time I was a teenager that I had an innate ability to analyze human behavior. I could tell when people were not ... Views: 962