We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Faith". If you have expertise in Faith and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
There is little doubt what tone Mr. Obama has desired to set for the nation. His song has been about bailouts, spending, class warfare, circumventing the Congress with executive orders, abortion rights and the LGBT.
The President has stated his view quite clearly for all Americans to hear and ... Views: 1312
Yoga is very much useful for the entire body. In the beginning stage, everything is very fresh and has an exotic taste; at this point you connect the meanings with every movement of the body and your breath. This is the phase where the fantasy brings a permanent smile on your face. Your eyes are ... Views: 1063
The phone rang the other evening, and to my delight it was a group of friends from college. I gladly took a little break from my work on the computer to chat.
I laid on my bed and talked to all three—they put me on a speaker phone (a great invention). We shared fun things only we girls can ... Views: 1983
Do you feel fulfilled? If you have spent time trying to find fulfillment in material possessions, in traveling and sightseeing, in good food and fine clothing, in fame and power, have you been able to find what you're looking for? If not, do you know why not?
Delicious food leaves us patting ... Views: 2763
The holiday's are hard for those missing their loved ones, so I wrote this to ease your soul.
My whole life changed once the diagnosis was made. Now doctor appointments fill my calendar days. I’ve had to learn lingo that only a physician should know. I’ve had to learn side effects and what ... Views: 1466
Uttarakhand, the dev-bhumi (land of god) perhaps draws the largest chunk of pilgrims in India. Blessed with lofty mountains, green hills and gushing rivers, Uttarakhand has a divine charm and out of the innumerable pilgrimage sights of the Hindus strewn all over the state the Chardham is the ... Views: 590
Acceptance is the Key to Freedom
God grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
The Serenity prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous has always been one of my favorites. Being able to accept a situation ... Views: 1039
It’s not about the external experience. It is always an “inside job”. It is the feelings we came here to experience. I know that I have spent a lot of time trying to change or improve my life, when all that I really wanted was to Feel better. It seemed at the time that if I could just change ... Views: 2015
Why is it that images of scary monsters, clowns and dark closets with holes in the back leading to strange far away places conjure up such fear for us? The movie, "Narnia" comes to mind. After years of night terrors and fears I am no longer afraid of the dark.
As a child I was terribly ... Views: 1448
I was recently given the opportunity to be in the presence of a man who inspired me, healed me, and gave me the gift of witnessing someone who was truly walking his path under the direction of God. Solomon Wickey is an Amish Iridologist and Herbalist who's approximately 80 years of age. His face ... Views: 2184
Article Title: How to Follow your Wildest Dreams through Faith (from Inspirational Books by Dr NV Peale)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Category (key words): NV Peale, Self Help, Personal Growth, Inspiration, Dreams, Faith
Web Site: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4
The submitter’s blogs ... Views: 2434
This message is less about the denouement of America than it is about the deliberations of a nation at an urgent and critical moment in its history. I urge Americans to carefully consider the course they are choosing in the very near future.
My choice would have been to put this message out ... Views: 1418
‘Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.’ Eph 2:21 (NIV)
True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself. - Henry Miller
“Man is a feeble creature, to whom only submission and worship are becoming. ... Views: 1112
What makes miracles happen?
It is simple. Miracles happen all the time but the human mind cannot perceive most miracles because "miracles" occur outside of the imagined boundaries that the mind has created in the context of a predetermined and particular reality. That is actually what makes ... Views: 2410
Create Miracles Everyday with this simple 3 step formula:
1. Drop the Story
Drop all your stories for the day. This means that you let go of the stories of how things have to be, the stories of how they have been before now, the stories of how things will be, the stories about what is ... Views: 2496
New Year celebration in Rome Italy .In Rome lots of events but New Year is the special for all Romans. Rome's traditional New Year Eve celebrations are cantered in Piazza del Popolo. Big crowds rejoice with classical & rock music, dancing and fireworks. The celebrations last well into the night. ... Views: 986
As a physician and a parent I'm keenly aware that there are certain conversations that a parent never wants to have with the medical team caring for their newborn. As a life coach I believe that within each of us is the capacity to face the truth.
Deciding to pursue a career in medicine is ... Views: 1057
Kill the Messenger
Why were some of the greatest people in history killed? Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Mohammed’s life was threatened for years.
Everyone can see, no matter what your beliefs may be, that all of these people were amazing human beings, so what did they do that was so ... Views: 912
Most people can accept the physical and mental aspects of wellness, but it's important not to neglect our spiritual side. Some make good arguments that it is the most important. Health and wellness are incomplete without recognition and maintenance of spirit.
The Bible says that our bodies ... Views: 1741
Article Title: ‘To the End of the Rainbow’ - a New Book
Author: craig lock
Tags: (Key words) books, new books, ‘To The End of the Rainbow‘, ‘The End of the Rainbow’, Craig Lock, South Africa, reporter, writer, inspiration, empowerment, words of inspiration and empowerment (enough there ... Views: 1593
There are thousands of learning resources online, many of these resources are free for everyone, so if you are willing to learn a new language, online learning will be a great choice. However, when you are learning something new online, there is an important hint you need to pay more attention ... Views: 1618
Article Title: Hope, Faith , Love and Joy : God has a Great and Unique Plan for YOUR Life
Author: Craig Lock
Key words: God, hope faith, love, spiritual growth, faith
Just sharing a few thoughts on hope faith, ... Views: 1768
Article Title: Sharing Some Thoughts on Jesus, Love and Peace
Submitted by: Craig Lock Key Words: Inspiration, Love, Peace, Jesus, Empowerment, Spirituality, Spiritual Growth
Web site: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005GGMAW4
The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: ... Views: 1849
This week one couldn't help but overhear all the chatter around Belief and Faith.
Entrepreneurs are quietly questioning their beliefs and inquiring if they're in the right business, what is "wrong," and when will they realize a flourishing business.
Wow…powerful stuff indeed, and what a ... Views: 1208
The word God is something that countless religions and individuals have sought to define for millennia. In the English language, those three letters connote a serious tone and strong opinions- worship and reverence… anger and discontent. It has brought many people together- united in a common ... Views: 887
Article Title: God and Formula One: 'Beyond the Zone' (A New Book) Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (tags/key words): God, Spirit, motor racing, Grand Prix drivers, champions, Ayrton Senna, faith, religious faith, mind, mind-power, the zone, ‘in the zone’, ‘beyond the zone’, empowerment, ... Views: 2650
Recently I've been thinking about my own mortality. I've wondered, if I had to review my life right now, would I be proud of the choices I made? The one thing I know for sure, is that you can start new this moment. It's never too late. Instead of waiting for that final life review, take the time ... Views: 1488
Here's a riddle for you: what death brings life?
Answer: the death of Jesus Christ in our place.
But how could Jesus' death bring anyone life? Why did particularly Jesus have to die in our place? Why die in our place at all? Finally, how should we personally respond to his death? Our ... Views: 2383
While interpreting a woman’s right to abortion in 1973, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision to allow a woman to abort an unborn child for any reason. Going far beyond giving rights to women over their own bodies that decision (Roe v Wade) gave a woman the right over another’s body even ... Views: 1057
Yesterday was horrible.
I was going to ride my bike to my appointments. The bright sunny clear morning sky cooperated as I headed north on E Street. Upon reaching the intersection of Highway 101, I waited for a green light.
Once it changed, a car heading in the opposite direction proceeded ... Views: 1177
This is the Channeled Message for October 2011 that I just received for all of you beloved beings, my brothers and sisters in light.
"Open, open to the TRUTH of your being. You are LOVE made manifest in flesh. You are the sons and daughters of the Divine. Your birthright is to live in ... Views: 1087
Having a baby is a time for celebration. When your newborn is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to prematurity or a medical condition that delays the transition home, vulnerability, stress, and overwhelm over shadow this joy. As much as support from others is welcome at a time ... Views: 1089
In the present modern time Search engine optimization expert’s service become very popular and it considered the fastest, easiest and the more effective way of promoting and enhancing any business by increase the position of specific websites through upsurge its ranking at search engine and ... Views: 753
Our intuition always guides us to what is best for us. This truth I believe as I trust in God who loves us unconditionally.
Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess within that always guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to be happy.
In ... Views: 982
If you were going into battle, what would you want at your side? A gun? A knife? A tank? The better part of the continental army?
When we think about going into battle, whether you're battling a man, the ants tumbling into your kitchen or the grime in your toilet, your first instinct is ... Views: 604
Faith is essential to our lives as believers, and if you’ve ever wondered why faith is important this article will shed some light on the answers. It is the very foundation of our Christian belief. We begin our journey with the profession of our belief and faith in who God is. We believe by ... Views: 18499
Have you ever wanted to be there – wherever that was? The only requirement for there is that it is far from here.
There is a place where things just seem to work out. A place you have long dreamed of going to. A place where the puzzle pieces of your life somehow fit together.
There is a ... Views: 1437
Have you ever gone down a path in life that didn’t feel quite right on a soul level, but it felt comfortable and secure on an ego level?
For instance, what if you always knew that you wanted to be a writer, but you had been told so often that writing would never pay your bills: you would have ... Views: 1189
Debbie and I were walking around Central Park when we heard magnificent singing. We followed the sound until we found a family singing a song from the Sound of Music. Their voices were angelic. It was the Boyd Family, and what a beautiful family it is! (You can email Mr. Boyd to purchase his ... Views: 1010
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21 New International Version (NIV)
There is nothing bizarre or mysterious about the power of focused affirmative thought and prayer. It has been proven over and over again, both in ... Views: 1856
In “Meditations on First Philosophy,” Descartes set out to determine how and if we can distinguish false beliefs from true knowledge. He began by noting that there is theoretically no limit to how wrong we could be, because, God could deliberately deceive us about even the most seemingly ... Views: 1033
Collaborative Christian Recovery Effort
Project of
International Christian Recovery Coalition
To each person addressed:
You have the program or plans. You have the qualifications. You have the experience. You have in mind the mission. We have the basic introductory information, plus the ... Views: 1383
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach is YAH's Plan for Salvation http://youtu.be/A9dWTU-atHE
Yeshua and the New Covenant http://youtu.be/0Qj8tpEU7OI
In the beginning G-D made man. "Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the ... Views: 4313
Every journey in life needs places of encouragement to keep us focused on making it to completion. A spiritual journey is no different and like any journey we make in life it also has its key markers that dictate to us what progress we have made. The difference between a spiritual journey and ... Views: 2695
I couldn’t believe it. The discussion guide we use in Emmanuel UMC’s adult Sunday school class, which has been pretty good up to now, completely “whiffed” in its explanation of why God accepted Abel’s sacrifice but not Cain’s.
Genesis 4:2 …….And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a ... Views: 3004
Carl Jung discovered the meaning of the dream language and the meaning of the mysterious dream logic. I continued his research, discovering that we, human beings, have a satanic origin.
I also discovered that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams must be obeyed because it is ... Views: 1241
The more I write, the more I read, the more I seek growth, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
One of the most recent books that I read was that of Viktor Frankl, “Man’s Search For Meaning”, the chronicles of his experiences in a World War II Concentration Camp. My first simple ... Views: 995
“He has his own elevator to his apartment,” my friend told details about the homes of the rich and famous. His line of work takes him into homes some only dream about.
Remember when people were glued to the TV program about the rich and famous? Is that because most want to know what that life ... Views: 1371
Article Title: "THE RELIGION OF ISLAM": A Comparison Of Islam And Christianity
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Islam, The Koran, religion, faith, beliefs, religious tolerance, spiritual unity, unity of religions
Web site: ... Views: 1197
Evolutionary theology (http://web.amareway.net/holisticliving/07/evolutionary-theology-and-interfaith-dialogue-manifesto/) is the awareness that wholeness is just a name, and that it has gone under different names, in different names, along the course of history.
Evolutionary theology is just ... Views: 810