Why is a positive attitude so important?
Because it determines everything else in your life!
Attitude isn’t just about whether or not you’re having a good or bad day. Attitude is more than that. It affects relationships. It affects careers. It affects your entire future. I’ve met people ... Views: 2019
Your life is not only a lifelong project—it’s a lifelong learning project. Approach it that way and you’ll always be developing better, smarter habits. The problem is most people work harder on their jobs than they do on themselves. What do I mean by that?
My junior year of college I quit ... Views: 1129
This month I saw my one of my ultimate goals and dreams come to pass: the publication of my first book, Get off Your Attitude!
For two years, I have been working on it and I must be honest with you, it wasn’t easy. It was a struggle. There were times that I thought “this is never going to ... Views: 1805
What is faith? You hear about it. You read about it. But what is it? One dictionary defines faith as “a confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, an idea, or a thing; a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.”
To me, faith is ACTION.
... Views: 1187
One of my favorite quotes on gratitude is by Zig Ziglar. He states that “Of all the “attitudes” we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” When I read that quote it just reminds me that we always need to be grateful for everything ... Views: 1107
One of the most important things I think we can do while we are this earth is to help others. We all have the opportunity everyday to be someone’s miracle. I believe that you may not change the entire world, but you can change someone else’s world by being their miracle.
What is a miracle? ... Views: 1109
If you have never had the chance to see a New Orleans cemetery, you missed something special. They’re not morbid rows of headstones. They’re beautiful cities of stone; the monuments and mausoleums are works of art. Weeping angels, cathedral-like monuments, granite statues, wrought-iron fences, ... Views: 1326
Whenever I think about my past I feel like there’s an old movie reel in my head. When I’m feeling down or when I doubt my ability to face up to a challenge, I can hear it click on. It starts replaying all my failures, the hurtful words other people have said, the stupid things I’ve done, and all ... Views: 1332
Doesn’t it seem like every time you turn on the TV or get on the computer, there is always more negative news that just weighs you down. On top of that, you have your own personal issues to deal with. This “negative storm” can cause someone to feel stuck, lost and full of anxiety. It is the fear ... Views: 1250
Don’t you hear people say, “I wish there was more time in the day!” We all live a very fast-paced lifestyle. It seems like everything is happening at a hundred miles an hour. We’re being pulled in a hundred directions – all at the same time. We have our family, business, career, church, hobbies, ... Views: 1361
My question to you is, what do you believe about yourself? Do you believe you can do great things and that you have great things ahead in life, or do you believe that everything around you is hopeless? Unbelievably, the way you think and the way you talk to yourself, play a huge role in what ... Views: 1264
Are you a salesperson who’s frustrated each month trying to reach sale quotas? Do you worry that a career in sales might not be a good fit for you? Sales can be frustrating and complicated, or it can be very simple. Now when I say “simple,” I don’t mean that it is not difficult. Selling is ... Views: 1202
In one of the chapters in Get off Your Attitude, I talk about how to deal with the obstacles and challenges that we all face in life. I also share ideas and principles on how to deal with adversity in a positive manner. In this article I will do the same, suggesting how you can deal with ... Views: 1269
During the holiday season, it’s important to have “an attitude of gratitude.” This is the perfect time of year to remember how blessed we are, how truly amazing life is, and how wonderful the people around us are. Now - more than ever - is the time to show our appreciation towards the things in ... Views: 3906
I heard a very interesting statement not too long ago that really made me think and it has stuck with me for sometime now… this person made a statement saying “you can measure a person’s height, you can measure how high a person can jump, you can even measure how fast they run, but you CAN NOT ... Views: 2407
In today’s world, we are experiencing more uncertain and troubling times than ever before. Every time you turn on the TV or get on the computer, it seems there is always more news that just weighs you down. On top of that, you have your own personal issues to deal with. This “negative storm” can ... Views: 1489