Eventually, another birth of twins, a male and female, were very important animals being born into our world. For they were the new species of Primates, the second, sudden mutation.
While at the same time, another couple, rather mentally and physically inferior of the mid-mammal tribe, also ... Views: 566
Early in the career of the dawn mammals, in the treetop abode of a superior pair of these agile creatures, twins were born one male and one female. Compared with their ancestors, they were really handsome little creatures. They had little hair on their bodies and this did not hinder them, ... Views: 611
About one million years ago, the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by three successive and sudden mutations stemming from early stock of the lemur type of placental mammal. These early lemurs involved in the ancestry of the human species were not directly related to the ... Views: 675
At and around two million years ago, the first North American glacier started its southern advance. The ice age was now in the making, and this glacier consumed nearly one million years in its advanced from, and retreat back toward, the northern pressure centers. The central ice sheet extended ... Views: 625
For a short time, all the world was again joined except for Australia, and the last great world-wide animal migration took place ten million years ago. North America was connected with both South America and Asia, and there was a free exchange of animal life. Asiatic sloths, armadillos, ... Views: 663
Twenty million years ago was indeed the golden age of mammals. The Bering Strait land bridge was up, and many groups of animals migrated to North America from Asia, including the four-tusked mastodons, short-legged rhinoceroses, and many varieties of the cat family.
The first deer appeared, ... Views: 630
Thirty-five million ago marks the beginning of the age of placental-mammalian world domination. The southern land bridge was extensive, reconnecting the then enormous Antarctic continent with South America, South Africa, and Australia. In spite of the massing of land in high latitudes, the ... Views: 638
Fifty million years ago, Earth became an eventful and active age on land and under water. Sea urchins increased while corals and crinoids decreased. Also, the ammonites rapidly declined. On land the fern forests were largely replaced by pine and other modern trees, including gigantic ... Views: 651
Even though, sixty million years ago, the land reptiles were on the decline, the dinosaurs continued as monarchs of the land, the lead now being taken by the more agile, and active types of smaller leaping kangaroo varieties of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Previously, there had appeared new types ... Views: 679
There weren’t any actual mountains on our Earth, just elevated land on some of the continents. It didn’t occur until after there was another shift in the Earth crust creating mountain ranges on certain continents along with the help of the ocean sea pressure.
Ninety million years ago the ... Views: 695
110,000,000 million years ago, the potentials of marine life were continuing to unfold. The sea urchin was one of the outstanding mutations of this epoch. Crabs, lobsters, and the modern types of crustaceans matured. Marked changes occurred in the fish family, a sturgeon type first appearing, ... Views: 649
It was 120,000,000 years ago when a new phase of the reptilian age began. The great event of this period was the evolution and decline of the dinosaurs. Land-animal life reached its greatest development, in point of size, and had virtually perished from the face of the earth by th end of this ... Views: 658
Around 140,000,000 years ago, suddenly and with only the hint of the two prereptilian ancestors that developed in Africa during the preceding epoch, the reptiles appeared in full-fledged form. They developed rapidly, soon yielding crocodiles, scaled reptiles, and eventually both sea serpents ... Views: 614
Around 170,000,000 ago, great evolutionary changes and adjustments were taking place over the entire face of the earth creating climatic change with great variations also incurred in the land plants. The seed plants first appeared, and they afforded a better food supply for the subsequently ... Views: 598
When I think of insects, I can’t help but remember catching little green grasshoppers in my neighbor’s yard, Debbie, as a child. We would catch them and then released them. The capturing of these insects was more for sport and anything else.
Besides catching grasshoppers, we’d go after any ... Views: 618
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1550769993
Our world continued to shift and nothing stayed the same over these millions of years allowing Earth to develop, before the first signs of man arrived. ... Views: 592
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1550769993
I found this so incredible and felt compelled to share it, which happened 230,000,000 years and so here goes: Besides changes in animal and ... Views: 623
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1550769993
Anyone who has a basic understanding of Jesus, knew that our savior had been a good fisherman. Now, this gives me an opportunity to brag ... Views: 654
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1550769993
Around 300,000,000 years, our world had another bout of flooding and this revealed deposits of gas, oil, zinc, and lead from enormous ... Views: 653
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
Around 310,000,000 years ago, the animals that existed during this time period were marine organisms. No land animals had yet appeared except a few types of worms ... Views: 648
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
The great flood period of all the continents, except Asia, happened 350,000,000 years ago, were completely cover with water; only the coastal highlands remained ... Views: 634
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
Around 400,000,000 years ago, the Earth’s surface was relatively quiet allowing marine life, both vegetable and animal, is well distributed over the whole world. The ... Views: 671
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
The Life Carriers returned to Urantia 550,000,000 years ago, Urantia for three life implantations designated as: the central of Eurasian-African, the eastern or ... Views: 713
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
The Life Carriers returned 600,000,000 years ago to study the physical conditions of our planet, once again, to make changes and institute modifications for the basic ... Views: 659
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
According to the BOOK, it was 900,000,000 years ago, when a group of divine beings known as “life carriers,” examined Urantia and felt it could be adopted as Urantia ... Views: 739
Where do we move on from here? Words of comfort can be found in Jesus’ first sermon which he gave before the coming of his fifteenth birthday and to me it means, “Let us begin anew.”
The following is part of his sermon:
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me; ... Views: 679
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
Around a million years ago, Earth’s history begins. Earth had been given its name, Urantia, and placed on a physical registry by the powers-that-be.
The real ... Views: 664
Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ. https://www.inkitt.com/stories/640601
The mass expanse of outer space has been around without a number for time. For time, itself, doesn’t really exist when a reference is made for the very beginning. ... Views: 706
The Book of Urantia is divided into four parts. Part One, which I have attempted to explain discusses outer space and how it continues to expand with super-universes, spheres, etc. Part Two, which I have not mentioned goes into more detail about the making of a super-universe and those ... Views: 676
We are all made of energy. And the only way I can best describe this is from a description made by the physician, Dr. Ben Johnson, and from the philosopher, James Arthur Ray, in their appearance in the video, “The Secret.” Dr. Ben Johnson describes energy as part of the bigger picture starting ... Views: 608
Yes, we have a soul! Our soul has a basic memory and personality. I do believe in reincarnation; otherwise, how would I know about going through life again. Right after birth, I remember being carried to my mother’s hospital bed. She was so weak and tired, and I remembered noticing her ... Views: 613
All of us possess an innate cosmic mind capable of scientific, moral, and spiritual insights. Unfortunately, only a few of us actually use all three. In many instances, it’s the way we are raised. If one is brainwashed as a child and is not able to think “outside the box,” then how will ... Views: 580
The title doesn’t do justice in describing how tiny we are in such a vast expanse of the Cosmos. The following is what makes up outer space and believe me it is impossible to fathom.
As a child I did imagine our universe and I’d get lost in it. But never could I possibly have imagined how ... Views: 590
True religion, is there one? Sure, the Bible provides some kind of a framework to build upon, but that’s just it! To build upon!
The Old Testament was based on a falsehood about the Universal Father as being a jealous God and we should worship him (out-of-fear). The New Testament focuses ... Views: 610
Before bed last night, I always bring a bottle of water and place it near my pillows. My throat gets dry during the night and it’s nice to have a sip of water. Well, m throat was dry before climbing into bed and I needed a sip. Before I could put the top back on the bottle, I lost it. I knew ... Views: 627
The three 7s has significant meaning for many of us. It is supposed to be a sign of “good luck.” For me, it’s much more than that! My dad passed away on 7-7-7 (July 7, 2007). Dad was always into numbers and for my family 7-7-7 will always remind us of his passing.
After his passing, I ... Views: 647
Whenever I gaze at an evening sky full of bright stars, as well as those not quite as bright, it’s truly an amazing sight! I can pretend to travel among those stars and pretend I wonder what I may find.
According to the BOOK, the myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually ... Views: 535
Even though I am reading the Book of Urantia for the second time, it’s not any different to comprehend than the first time; especially the first section. Part One, I’m currently reading discusses God and the universe using certain terms and descriptions beyond my mindset. It wasn’t until I ... Views: 551
My younger brother, Warren, and I were very close. Even though, we were living in different states, we kept in touch by having our Sunday morning talks over the cell phone. Every few years, I’d return to Florida to visit Warren but it was less often than it should have been, and that’s because ... Views: 622
Mother passed away a year after Dad. Warren took care of her and I know he would always remember the time they spent together.
I traveled from Virginia to Florida to see Mother lying in a hospital bed in Warren’s den. Hospice had already been involved and I was glad Warren had assistance in ... Views: 664
I can still remember Dad’s funeral. Since he had been a World War II Veteran and an Army Officer, he was buried at the Florida National Cemetery with full honors. The sky was a clear blue with puffy, white clouds on that day. It was the kind of day Dad would have enjoyed by sitting outside ... Views: 590
In a short-read I wrote about extraterrestrials. I mentioned my son, A.M. seeing an alien in the kitchen as a young boy. He had heard a noise in the kitchen and went to investigate. This event happened in the late evening when everyone was in bed. A.M. noticed a gray-colored extraterrestrial ... Views: 621
Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there! Years ago, my brother, Warren, and I stumbled across a large circular patch of dirt in a vacant field near our home. Now, Warren and I were always going on adventures together to keep from being bored.
This large circular ... Views: 582
Without energy, nothing would exist. We are all a part of energy, except that each of us is a copy of the master design. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have separation of various species, such as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, insects, and amphibians.
Human beings are a copy of a master design, ... Views: 637
As I have just read the definitions for body, mind, and spirit for the second time, it is still rather baffling to me. Our body is the physical organism. Our mind is not just how we think, feel, or perceive the world around us, but it also includes the conscious and the unconscious ... Views: 641
Trying to define who God is, is beyond my ability or anyone’s for that matter. When those who speak about Science and can’t believe unless there is concrete evidence of God’s existence, do not know anything about having faith. Like God the Supreme or Divine, he is not concrete. Not everything ... Views: 645
To me, God is the Supreme Being, and to say more than that would become complicated and so I refer to him as the Universal Father.
Our Universal Father did not come into my life or my awareness, since I knew from birth I had been reincarnated. I had to go through life again and realized this ... Views: 637
Well, for starters it is not some special book used in some ritual or a cult. It was created for everyone. In fact, this book is a translation of papers having word symbols and interpreted by a group of truth revealers known as the Orvonton Corps.
I’m not sure exactly who makes up the ... Views: 661
“Who are you?” You might ask. Well, the answer is, “a human being just like I am.” And, we are all connected. How do I know? Well, it’s in the Book of Urantia. The life carriers, messengers from our Divine God, placed life plasma on our planet, Earth, a very, very, very long time ago, as our ... Views: 699
Who am I? I am ME! I’m a human being, a small pebble on an endless shore. At a young age, I remember staring in the bathroom mirror at my reflection, wondering who am I. My thoughts would drift into imagining how huge is the universe. Of course, at that time, I knew nothing about the Book ... Views: 630