Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…

Anyone who has a basic understanding of Jesus, knew that our savior had been a good fisherman. Now, this gives me an opportunity to brag about my dad. He, too, was a great fisherman, and for many affluent individuals living in my small town, where I grew up in Florida, hired him as their guide. Dad, loved having his meals paid for and all of his expenses. Dad, according to Warren, could simply smell the fish. He knew where they were biting.
Jesus, too, knew where his disciplines should cast their nets. Of course, they thought it was by magic. They truly believed Jesus had created the fish on the spur of the moment, but that wasn’t true. Jesus, by using logic and his intuitive ability, just knew, much like my dad.
Now, you wonder, what does have to do with the history of fish development. Well, really nothing more than a pure appreciation for the existence of fish and it being the main food source and a way to earn a living for Jesus and his disciplines.
The fish family began to appear 250,000,000 years ago and it was considered one of the most important steps in all prehuman evolution. The anthropods, or crustaceans, were the ancestors of the first vertebrate. The forerunners of the fish family were two modified anthropod ancestors; one had a long body connecting a head and tail, while the other was a backboneless, jawless prefish. But these preliminary types were quickly destroyed when the fishes, the first vertebrates of the animal world, made their sudden appearance from the north.
Many of the largest true fish belong to this age, some of the teeth-bearing varieties being twenty-five to thirty feet long; the present-day sharks are the survivors of these ancient fishes. The lung and armored fishes reached their evolutionary apex, and before this epoch had ended, fishes had adapted to both fresh and salt waters.
Veritable bone beds of fish teeth and skeletons may be found in the deposits laid down toward the close of this period, and rich fossil beds are situated along the coast of California since many sheltered bays of the Pacific Ocean extended into the land of that region.
Our planet was being rapidly overrun by the new orders of land vegetation. Heretofore, few plants grew on land except about the water’s edge. Now, and suddenly, the prolific fern family appeared and quickly spread over the face of the rapidly rising land in all parts of the world. Tree types, two feet thick and forty feet high, soon developed; later on, leaves evolved, but these early varieties had only rudimentary foliage. There were many smaller plants, but their fossils are not found since they were usually destroyed by the still earlier appearing bacteria.
As the land rose, North America became connected with Europe by land bridges extending to Greenland. And today Greenland holds the remains of these early land plants beneath its mantle of ice.

(In Memory of Dad)
Quote: Agitation is the marshalling of the conscience of a nation to mold its laws. Robert Peel

Check out Ms. Oberne’s work-in-progress, “The Birth of Jesus and Beyond.” FREE to READ available on Apple…

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Beecroft Brown has had unusual encounters with the paranormal, which she knows was prompted by having three near-death experiences. She is a Christian and avid reader of the Book of Urantia. Check out her author site at