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I read an interesting few lines in an article by William E. Krill, Jr. L.P.C. The article is entitled, The Child Victim of a Narcissistic Personality Disordered Parent. Although he is writing about the experience of children and the non NPD parent, he also writes about counselors working with ... Views: 1252
Imagine it is your 18th birthday.
A well-dressed stranger comes to your home. He has news for you. He tells you that you have inherited $550 million dollars payable upon your 18th birthday.
Hey! That is today.
You jump up and down. Cry, get excited. Dance. Think of everything ... Views: 1439
No one likes to be criticized, fairly or not. It’s always difficult to deal with, and it can hurt. Because I’m a writer of books and columns, and because I’ve lectured, appeared on radio and TV, I am sometimes recognized in public. I’m glad I’m not more ... Views: 1275
How to Throw a Successful Pity Party and Then Start Thriving Again
I have discussed this thought in previous articles, but this time I will state it in the form of an affirmation: "There is a reason of greater good for everything that happens."
Acknowledging that there is a greater good ... Views: 1254
Narcissism is an instinctive trait of self-love that everyone possesses to some degree. In infancy we all possess traits of narcissism that are appropriate for that level of development such as self-absorption, omnipotence and grandiosity. However, these same characteristic are seen as ... Views: 1683
Prevalence of Mental Illness
Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.7 million, or 18.6%—experiences mental illness in a given year.
Approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S.—13.6 million, or 4.1%—experiences a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or ... Views: 1218
Stress is one of the underlying causes for a number of related health problems. It can eventually increase heart rate & speed up blood flow to muscles & brain while slackening the process of digestion. In order to supply oxygen required with stress, process of respiration also raves up. With ... Views: 874
If you’ve ever watched hypnosis on TV then you probably know the drill. A “hypnotist” holds a pocket watch on a chain and then begins to swing it from side to side in front of the patient’s face, softly repeating, “You’re getting sleepy, very sleepy,” until the individual is fast ... Views: 1917
A health crisis is one of the most challenging struggles we will face in our life. We will all face challenges. Sometimes, we can control what happens and sometimes we can’t. In both cases, it is how you approach that challenge that determines how you deal with it. In this article, we will see ... Views: 1084
Knee pain is known to be the most common musculoskeletal problem that may call for treatment from a doctor. More and more people of various ages, especially the elderly persons are facing knee problems in this increasingly active world.
Knee pain is a very common ailment that people ... Views: 652
Ending a relationship can be a difficult and devastating process, but when children are involved, it gets more complicated. When divorcing, the desired outcome is usually to separate physically, financially and mentally. However, parents are ultimately bonded and connected to each other for ... Views: 952
“The Center for Mind Brain Balance” was established to bridge the gap between a person’s psychological and emotional needs versus their brain-based or physical imbalances that are so often overlooked.
Founded in 2004 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, ... Views: 2859
“The Center for Mind Brain Balance” was established to bridge the gap between a person’s psychological and emotional needs versus their brain-based or physical imbalances that are so often overlooked.
Founded in 2004 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, ... Views: 1544
“The Center for Mind Brain Balance” was established to bridge the gap between a person’s psychological and emotional needs versus their brain-based or physical imbalances that are so often overlooked.
Founded in 2004 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, ... Views: 1612
The mental health of seniors is a pressing issue. This population is at risk for developing mental health issues and yet few resources are available to help people cope.
Because seniors are often left alone – whether divorced or widowed – or are dealing with one or even numerous illnesses at ... Views: 965
“The Center for Mind Brain Balance” was established to bridge the gap between a person’s psychological and emotional needs versus their brain-based or physical imbalances that are so often overlooked.
Founded in 2004 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, ... Views: 1713
Dr. Romance has had many clients who are grieving, and wrote this to help.
None of us wants to think about it, but the standard definition of a totally successful relationship is the old, traditional "til death do us part." Any time we love, whether it’s a life partner, a dear ... Views: 1343
Dear Dr. Romance
I am 13 years sober through the 12 steps of AA, but I haven't been to more than one meeting in the last 2 years, after making 3 a day for the 1st yr. and averaging 5 a week for the next 4 years! AA only goes so far. They do not tell you that. If you are ... Views: 2179
We live in an era of advice overload. I don’t know about you, but my Twitter and Facebook feeds are filled with 101 ways to conquer an interview, find love, lose weight, and even how to clean the shower the right way! I’m just saying;)
It seems there’s a demand for answers. There’s a hunger for ... Views: 1424
I read your book How To Be a Couple and Still Be Free
several months ago and re-read it recently. I would love to receive more one on one help. Do you have anyone you could refer me to? Thank you for your help!
Dr. Romance ... Views: 1181
Cold laser therapy is a latest medical procedure that involves many advantages as well as disadvantages. There is a huge hype about laser therapy among people suffering from chronic pains, but they bear contradictory thoughts as well.
Here we will discuss about the different advantages, ... Views: 1631
Ever since Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence, we have heard that phrase a lot, but perhaps you never heard it explained. Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill, because it means you know how to work with all kinds of people, understand them and get along with them. Once you ... Views: 1179
Some people are naturally drawn to high-risk behaviors. This may involve taking drugs or alcohol, engaging in promiscuous sex, gambling or getting into physical altercations. There are many different ways this tendency can manifest, but all can be dangerous. In some cases, such actions can have ... Views: 1138
Those of us who need to look good for the approval of others gauge how we’re doing by comparing ourselves to others. We compare ourselves to our friends, family members, peers, colleagues, coworkers, and to perfect strangers. And before we know it comparison to others becomes our constant ... Views: 1437
When you expect to get the love you didn’t get as a child from your partner, you are stuck in the pattern of hope and struggle that you cannot win. This is a pattern that is created in childhood that seeps into our relationships (as most patterns do). The pattern comes about because the love we ... Views: 1619
Losing a spouse at an older age is extremely difficult. The grief involved and the feeling of being alone can creep in, causing the widower to feel at a loss for life. If you have a parent or know somebody who just recently became a widower, you really need to help them grieve with these five ... Views: 1201
Train Your Brain to be Mindful of...
What are you mindful of?
Want to find mindfulness but not sure what to be mindful of?
Being mindful or practicing mindfulness seems to be a new catch-all word. You hear everyone from your doctor to Oprah talk about the need to be more mindful of... ... Views: 1141
Life to me is about living fully, all out. It is about moving one day at a time, one action at a time toward my dreams. It is about being happy, healthy, and comfortable in my body, cultivating freedom in my day and my life. It is about a life of service to others and using my gifts. It was ... Views: 1094
In a world where encounters with sources of aggression and violence, trauma and grief are all too common, understanding the dynamics of “critical incidents/hazardous events” – both for adults and/or children directly impacted and for those encountering second-hand effects – is vital. This ... Views: 1409
In light of events fifteen miles away (Baltimore) to 10,000 miles from my doorstop (Nepal), this essay titled, "Individual and Collective Crisis/Trauma Intervention and Debriefing: Ten Steps & Strategies," clearly has immediate relevance and application. Actually, the impetus for the article ... Views: 1818
A "run in" with the law for the average person usually means a traffic stop resulting in a DUI, a possession arrest or some kind of domestic dispute that escalates into more than just a shouting match. There are five things to remember when facing potential criminal charges.
Keep Your Mouth ... Views: 1169
Stress in America™ survey finds parents, younger generations and lower-income households have higher stress than others overall and this includes many Healing Artists. In every self-care book we have read, the importance of self-care to your business is highlighted. We believe it is because as a ... Views: 1206
An important key to emotional self-healing is to fully embrace our emotional pain and relationship pain with an open, nonjudgmental, nonpartisan, compassionate, warmly loving heart. That warmhearted, compassionate, ... Views: 1662
The past couple of months have been doozies for me.
You know those times when the first technical challenge happens and you try to laugh it off and chock it up to “life”? For instance, when your PC crashes for the third time that year and you scold yourself for expecting it not to do that ... Views: 2927
Music is KEY to Good Health after Crisis
As a native of the South, I wanted to make a contribution to the field of Psychology through my research on the Katrina survivors in Mississippi and Louisiana. Another reason, was I wanted to identify if individuals who experienced crisis became ... Views: 1405
Meditation Transformation – What’s Stopping You?
If you could change your brain for the better, would you? If you could increase your working memory and enhance your decision-making ability by meditating, would you give it a try?
What if you could also: Slow down the natural decline of your ... Views: 1497
Here are two universal truths about self-esteem:
Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with you.
People with a healthy self-esteem are able to define their worth, value and achievements.
Many people suffer from low self-esteem. This is ... Views: 1471
II dislike using the word cure when it comes to Tinnitus. I think it’s misleading and somewhat cruel. Cure tends to conjure up an image of a magic pill or an elixir where one day you have Tinnitus, the next day just like magic, it has vanished. As you probably already know, there are literally ... Views: 1423
Look at us all bustling and moving about. So much craziness that seems random. Although, I do not believe that it is random.
I do, however, believe that in the craziness there is a clear point, as if to say the eye of the storm. One point that is not moving, that is still. If you stand in that ... Views: 1061
Conventional belief is that we can never love too much, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes, love can blind us so that we deny painful truths. We might believe broken promises and continue to excuse someone’s abuse or rejection. We may empathize with them but not enough with ourselves. If we ... Views: 1390
Teenage years are full of shocks and mood swings, and it is likely that much of this is a natural process, caused by the troubled learning curve of adolescence. Half way between childhood and adulthood, a teenager can feel like there is no where in the world where they can fit in.
A ... Views: 1701
How many times has this happened to you?
You feel as if your world could collapse any minute.
There’s mounting stress from home, work, and family.
Maybe your behind on bills and can’t switch jobs due to the economy.
Maybe you’re upside down on your mortgage and have mounting bills ... Views: 1608
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Protection vs. connection - by Gordana Stankovic, Living Peacefully - Humanistic Counselling & Life Coaching
We human beings are social creatures who are high wired for connection with other human beings. Connection with what is alive, in other words what is real, true and genuine in others with that what is real, true and genuine in us is one of our deepest basic needs and it is universal which means ... Views: 1058
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Protection vs. connection - by Gordana Stankovic, Living Peacefully - Humanistic Counselling & Life Coaching
We human beings are social creatures who are high wired for connection with other human beings. Connection with what is alive, in other words what is real, true and genuine in others with that what is real, true and genuine in us is one of our deepest basic needs and it is universal which means ... Views: 1227
When one is experiencing some kind of challenge, and this could be an inner challenge and/ or an outer challenge, it could cause them to reach out for support. This may mean that they go and buy a book or they might even go on a course.
Another approach would be for them to find a coach, ... Views: 1481
To be honest, there are no clear cut signs when it comes to having self-sabotaging behavior. Although a lot has been said about the most common indicators of this particular behavior, it will still vary from one person to another.
However, if we talk about the disadvantages of having this ... Views: 1787
Here at Coaching for ADHD I love getting emails from you! Especially when you ask questions and want more understanding or clarification about something ADHD related.
Recently I received an email from a father asking a question about his son’s behavior. He wanted to know if it was “normal” ... Views: 3104
Oregon's present state of health has been checked as poor in recent days. The Oregon Health Authority: Addictions and Mental Health Division has come under fire. It was concluded that Oregon has an abysmal track record for people completing their addiction treatment programs, and was only ... Views: 1374
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Season of giving - by Gordana Stankovic, Living Peacefully - Humanistic Counselling & Life Coaching
In last a few days I've thought a lot about this phrase ''season of giving.'' We often refer to this time of year around Christmas and New Year as the season of giving. And while so much meaning is contained in the word giving we often reduce it to mean exchange of presents. Of course nothing is ... Views: 960
Several years ago, during the process of dealing with yet another painful situation she was going through, a friend of mine experienced a deep connection with her own feelings and needs. I like to refer to this as a connection with her core self. In that moment of clarity she exclaimed ''bloody ... Views: 913