Imagine it is your 18th birthday.
A well-dressed stranger comes to your home. He has news for you. He tells you that you have inherited $550 million dollars payable upon your 18th birthday.
Hey! That is today.
You jump up and down. Cry, get excited. Dance. Think of everything ... Views: 1429
According to the CDC: In 2013 (the most recent year for which full data are available), 41,149 suicides were reported, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death for Americans. In that year, someone in the country died by suicide every 12.9 minutes.
I read an article online about a young ... Views: 981
Speaking about social change and social justice can have dangerous consequences.
It can be dangerous if you speak out as someone who is or has been affected by the injustice.
People laugh at you.
They try to ignore you.
They try to say that “something is wrong with you”.
They try to say ... Views: 1066
Memory Lane
“Nobody kisses me! Except my mother, my Grammy, my Aunt Kisha, my LaLa, my Nanny, my Dada, my Gma,” (and the list went on)
I knew the list cold. It was a list we agreed on together. See, I am his mother.
And, that little four-year-old who was being indignant and ... Views: 1089
It hurts. Rape and sexual abuse are a scalding kind of pain. Still, it is possible to heal. Even from this pain.
1.Celebrate your survival. You’re here and you’re alive. You made it. You may be a bit frayed around the edges, but who wouldn’t be? In spite of all that you’ve been through, ... Views: 1176
How do good parents miss child sexual abuse? It is simple.
By not asking the right questions.
One day my son went to a classmate's home for a Halloween costume party. When I picked him up a few hours later I could tell by the ear to ear grin on his face that he had a great time. As we ... Views: 1203