We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Success Coaching". If you have expertise in Success Coaching and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I remember my grandmother saying to me, in her jovial and gentle way, that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. She’d say that when she caught herself chatting to herself as she mixed yet another floury concoction into a bowl with her oversized wooden spoon. At seven, while I knew ... Views: 2674
Over the past few weeks I have been surrounded by people who have colds, coughs and flu-like symptoms. Fortunately for me, I have not succumbed to the germs and viruses that have been spread around, partly secure in my belief that being emotionally fit is what protects me. I am not immune from ... Views: 906
Being is not only thinking. For us, much of our existence is experienced though our feelings. Odd then, that so much of what we talk about, read about and see going on in the world is dealt with through the realm of thinking and logic. What a huge piece of the human condition we miss when we ... Views: 888
In Emotional Fitness coaching, we often use the Time Capsule, which is one of the most empowering of all our tools. In the Time Capsule, we invite you to take a look at a current incident, behaviour or feeling that is having an impact on you through the eyes of your own inner child. The dialogue ... Views: 924
If you are resisting success it's probably not obvious to you because resistance is an inner process. It's part of a mindset that is rooted in the subconscious.
However, if you are not achieving the thing you say you want, are working too hard at it, or not enjoying the process, resistance is ... Views: 925
We don’t always feel like smiling. Sometimes I find myself walking from my house a few blocks, my head full of thoughts about what I have been doing or am about to do, when I pass by somebody who smiles and nods a greeting. Almost instantly, my life in that moment is transformed. I start ... Views: 967
As conscious as we may wish to be in life, the difficult awareness to have is that of the unknown power that lies within us.
Whenever we take some action, there is always a consequence. Most of the time, we plan it that way and generally hope that the consequence will be the one that we ... Views: 899
Since 'The Secret' was named the most purchased book in Canada for 2007, many of us have heard, or believe in the power of minds ability to attract what you are thinking. Or perhaps, you are a non-believer because of the commercialism and simplistic notion of - if you want it - all you have to ... Views: 955
Here’s a question with a lot of mystery to it, because the answer seems so obvious at first. Of course I want to be me; or I am me already, whaddya mean who do I want to be?
I have to admit that for years, as a young boy, a teenager, a young and then a middle-aged man I yearned to be like ... Views: 802
Do you feel bombarded sometimes by the dozens of amazing, powerful, mind-blowing and – of course – NEW offers that come through your mail-box, TV screen or Internet every week? Whether it’s a brand of cleaner, a book or movie, political idea or even partner, it is the very “newness” that seems ... Views: 882
It’s a new year and I have an announcement to make. But first, let me wish you all fulfillment, health and serenity in 2007. It has been a delight to hear from you and work with many of you during the past year and I look forward to the road ahead.
It has been eleven years (January 1st 1996) ... Views: 847
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Excerpt From Coach Lynn Johnson's New Book
I want to talk about why you live the way you do:
You constantly search ... Views: 701
Does your partner sometimes make you a bit crazy with the choices they make? Could be they are looking thru a different lens than you, one that makes sense to them but could leave you scratching your head in wonder!
Our personal nature not only impacts the way we see the world but how we ... Views: 1234
Have you set any goals in your business or for your life that you just haven’t managed to accomplish? Or, maybe you started to set some goals but never went back and finished them or checked to see if you really accomplished them? Many people avoid setting goals because they tried it once ... Views: 781
What's a common tendency among those who fail? It is to blame someone else for our present circumstances!
Take a moment and ask yourself:
• Do I make excuses?
• Do I blame others for my mistakes?
• Am I not as far as I should be, because of someone else?
• Do others hold me back?
Our ... Views: 726
Our Success In Life Is In Direct Proportion To Our Conquering The Giant Named "Maintenance."
Maintenance Defined:
Webster's Dictionary defines maintain to keep in due condition, operation or force. Any car, house, or shoe that is not properly maintained gets worse from the day it was made, ... Views: 723
If we are honest with ourselves, we will concede that rising to a higher level doesn't happen automatically. I wish that effortless excellence were possible, but life is built by choices - not by luck. Different choices point us down drastically different paths. Prosperity won't come our way ... Views: 757
Excellence Is The Antidote Used To Stop The Deadly Disease Called Mediocrity.
I've observed that the majority of individuals live by a "just good enough" mentality. This paradigm (way of believing) has aborted more dreams than any other I know. Achieving your dreams means refusing to be "just ... Views: 778
I always say, and truly believe that “anything is possible, as long as your desire is compelling and you believe it can happen.” When I think of possibilities I see a huge expanse of limitless experiences and opportunities in front of me. People and places yet to discover, things ... Views: 1109
As the title states, "Become an Information Filter and a Knowledge Sponge." On your daily journey to achieve your WHY, you will travel through many different avenues and sometimes you will ask yourself, "Why do I need to meet this person or experience this situation?" The key is to truly ... Views: 1174
“Sir, would you like to buy the lady a rose?” asked the waitress. Well, maybe she was a waitress, but she’d transformed into a high-pressure salesman in the time it took her to run to the kitchen to get my side of honey mustard. My date and I were dining in an establishment ... Views: 950
Are Your Reserves Depleted?
When busy executives and professionals say they need to get more focused, our coaching conversations often reveal that they are not sleeping well or enough. While they know they're tired, they do not realize how depleted their mental and physical energy is. This is ... Views: 843
Genuine enthusiasm...a real feeling of accomplishment...a sense of satisfaction and fun. That's what happens when you playfully practice life balance.
How can you do that? Easy...play with 3 simple practices to see how they work for you. Remember this is practice, not perfection! So just do ... Views: 910
Everyday we are flooded with images and stories of success. Some have success in business or politics. Some achieve top fitness and success with their health. Many experience financial success. Would you benefit from increasing the success you experience in life?
If you would like to increase ... Views: 862
Are you a big shot who is playing small? If you are, you likely recognized yourself as soon as you read the question. There’s nothing to figure out - you just know.
And if you are, it is highly likely that you are tired of it - tired of playing small.
A big shot is someone who has a ... Views: 780
Enrolling in best US colleges of good reputation remains a dream for many students. Financial restriction poses a major problem for 90% students. On an average note, a normal college charge up to 15,000 to 20,000 dollars as yearly fees. For this, college studies have become a novelty of the ... Views: 697
The world of HOW TO information, is running rampant
And, with the Internet, there's the enormous possibility to flood your life with a library load of info...
But see, it's NEVER the HOW TO info that'll help you get what you want in life.
Take any area you're trying to ... Views: 1469
If you were to hire a life coach, you would have some help in clarifying your personal goals, as well as someone to hold you accountable in your efforts to attain them.
But hiring a personal coach can get expensive, and it can be a little awkward and embarrassing to ask someone to help you to ... Views: 669
The CEO and the Yellow Notepad...how it Changed Everything!
It was just a Yellow, Legal sized Notepad,
but it made this millionaire CEO's sales force
more productive, less stressed and
happier, at work and at home.
How could a simple yellow notepad have such power?
Here is the story:
The ... Views: 2093
Success, the golden ring, is something most people strive for in all areas of their lives, yet, for many people, success remains eternally elusive. Well, you don’t have to be one of those people. I’ve learned that to be successful, you must have a certain mindset and you must take ... Views: 1103
Are you comfortable with where you currently are in your life or is there a gnawing feeling of discomfort that just keeps invading your mind? It may be time for you to take some kind of action to change your situation or to improve yourself. Taking action requires a definitive plan that will get ... Views: 1339
Your success in achieving your goals will be greatly enhanced by intentionally setting up a three branched support system. Very simply, people change their behavior if they can answer two questions with a “yes!” in each of three categories, personal, social and structural.
So ... Views: 1232
Lately, every where I look it seems that everyone, everywhere is being Awakened!
Mass Media has taken on the clarion call, in live phenomenons: Oprah and Eckhart Tolle are teaching millions to get in touch with the true self, and Dot-com organizations like Selfgrowth.com are springing up ... Views: 1098
Moving to a new country can be very demanding - there is not only the physical removal to organise, but also a new accommodation to find, a new job, perhaps a new school or university, perhaps a new language to learn. Not to mention the strain of leaving behind friends, family and familiarity. ... Views: 1406
In order to have a successful business, you have to have a solid foundation. The types of systems you have in place support that foundation. Without a strong foundation, success is fleeting at best. Without systems, you will waste precious time, money and energy. In every business, especially ... Views: 1396
Many people strive for their dream of success, but often miss the one element they absolutely must have in order to achieve their outcome - balance. I speak from the experience of having achieved a very high level of outward success by the time I was in my late twenties, yet my life was far from ... Views: 1117
What makes you tick?
There are many choices one can make as far as a life/career path. The key to success lies in choosing one that is in alignment with who you are and what you truly believe. You can spend your whole life doing something that provides a decent wage and a comfortable existence. ... Views: 958
Do you get depressed when you meet an obstacle, and toss in the towel? Are your goals unrealistic, making them impossible to reach? Or do you start projects, but don't finish them? These weaknesses oftentimes derail your goals.
Dr. Cloud, a noted Christian psychologist, explains on his CD, ... Views: 1303
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…”
*Below is the fourth installment of a series of articles from the real life experiences of the author. The only deviations from the truth may be the names of people and places. These stories are also ... Views: 990
What’s Holding You Back?
Are you ever frustrated or overwhelmed because you don't know what you want out of life or because you do know but feel like you can't achieve it? If you could accomplish anything you wanted in life, what would it be? What defines your Vision of Success? What can YOU ... Views: 2530
There is one golf tip that is used by most professional players and very few ordinary amateurs. It makes a real difference to your game.
One of the key differences between professionals and ordinary amateurs is that when the professional decides to take a golf tip on board he really works at ... Views: 570
As a success coach, I have a lot of fun working with energetic, motivated individuals who are eager to turn their dreams into reality. They’ve made that important step from talking about success to actually creating it.
In helping these “doers” create the necessary ... Views: 2847
Golf swing aids are rampant! Every golfer has dozens of them gathering dust in their garages or closets. How many wives have threatened a “clearing out” of these contraptions? If you are feeling me…keep reading.
Have you purchased golf swing aids only to use them once or twice and not see ... Views: 603
One reason many people struggle to become successful is because they don’t have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish. They may have vague ideas of the benefits they’d like to gain, like more money or a bigger house – but they have no idea how they’ll achieve ... Views: 959
Have you ever noticed a theme with successful people? Nine times out of ten, there was a risk involved and the person needed to take a chance in order to succeed.
Risk-taking is scary for most of us. We’ve been taught to be careful and take baby steps toward our dreams. There’s ... Views: 789
Are you struggling to stay motivated on your journey to success? Have your goals lost some of the shine they had when you first set them? If so, you might consider whether they are big enough to keep your interest.
You may have thought so at one time but if they’re not what you really ... Views: 811
When you think of success, do you immediately picture monetary wealth, luxury homes, and fancy cars? Do you think of the respect and prestige you’ll receive when you’ve made your mark on the world? Or perhaps you imagine the sense of pride you’ll feel when you accomplish your ... Views: 1240
You’ve probably heard it said that you are what you think about the most, and being successful is no exception. There are other important facets of success too, like planning and preparing carefully, taking consistent action, and fine-tuning your plans as you go along. But your attitude ... Views: 811
We all have the potential to become successful in every area of our lives; we just need to know where to begin.
In creating your ideal life, you must first realize that you have a certain amount of power; just as you are right now--no matter what you may think about yourself.
You have the ... Views: 1676
Are you on the path to financial success with your own start-up business? If you are starting your own business at home, the first thing you need to do is take a good look at your own values and beliefs. Are you sabotaging your efforts, thinking the wrong thoughts, and holding yourself back from ... Views: 1152