What's a common tendency among those who fail? It is to blame someone else for our present circumstances!

Take a moment and ask yourself:

• Do I make excuses?

• Do I blame others for my mistakes?

• Am I not as far as I should be, because of someone else?

• Do others hold me back?

Our answers to these questions can be quite revealing. So how long will it take before we reject the temptation to place blame upon others for anything - past, present, or future? When you and I stop blaming those around us, we will then initiate forward progress.

Do you know something that I regularly do? It's not pleasant, and it's certainly not easy, but I make a practice of admitting when I make a mistake. I accept my mistake, tell on myself, and then move on. I realize that blaming another or hiding my fault will do more harm than good. I can't reach my full potential if I think circumstances, other people, or events control my life.

Many people blame the condition of their lives on the government, their upbringing, their spouse, their boss, or even the devil ("The devil made me do it!"). I'm sure you've heard many victims who say, "I was born on the wrong side of the tracks; so if I can just stay away from drugs and out of prison, I will consider myself a success."

On the other hand a person of distinction says something like this: "Although I may have been born on the wrong side of the tracks, I won't allow it to determine my destiny. I will succeed and make a difference."

How can any of us believe, even for a moment, that blaming other people will ever alter one thing in our lives? Believe me, it won't! In fact, blaming others is simply an escape mechanism. I'll say it again: You will not be able to reach your full potential if you believe that circumstances, people, or events control your life.

Les Brown prudently observed, "Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else." Along these same lines, Brian Tracey, in his book called Goals, states: "Every time you blame someone else or make excuses, you give your power away."

Life is impartial to everyone, and the rewards it delegates are in direct proportion to the seeds of actions we sow. Therefore, it is not what happens to you, but how you respond that creates the turning point. Britain's former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, perceptively expressed, "Responsibility is the price of greatness."


If You desire to go to the next level in life check out my coaching program!

Robb Thompson Legacy Coaching was created with you in mind.

Through this dynamic program, you will experience the results you've always wanted. With personal coaching, we look to solve the three most common problems you face as a leader:

1. Imbalance

2. Broken focus

3. Unfulfilled relationships

As a result of going through our personal transformation system, you will walk in freedom and peace in every area of your life, you will become crystal clear about what you want and how to get there, and you'll experience fulfilling and lasting relationships.

Don't miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime.

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If you are interested in finding out more about Robb Thompson coaching please contact us at coach@robbthompson.com or call us at 708.614.9896.

Author's Bio: 

Robb Thompson is the founder and President of Robb Thompson International, an innovative company that does not just focus on developing leadership skills, but developing a leaders vision. He is also President and CEO of Robb Thompson Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, devoted to helping the less fortunate in the US and other countries.

Along with this Robb’s desire is to equip leaders in business and government with practical yet life-changing principles for success. His CHARACTERCENTERED LEADERSHIP™ principles have impacted businesses, employees and leaders worldwide. Robb is dynamic speaker and prolific author. He is known by many as one of the world’s leading teachers on personal excellence and character development.

Traveling the globe speaking to more than 5000 audiences in over 40 countries, he has trained and coached business executives and mentored government leaders, including Heads of State, Cabinet Members, and Royalty. Author of more than 20 books and hundreds of personal development resources, Dr. Thompson speaks to millions of people across the earth each week through his televised broadcast,
“Winning in Life.”

Robb Thompson is committed to developing leaders around the world. Find out more about Robb Thompson and Robb Thompson International by clicking on this link www.robbthompson.com.