The Body Knowledge System® opens the doorway to a different kind of intelligence- one that includes intuition, physical well-being, emotional intelligence and enhanced spirituality-by reuniting us with our bodies. The result is better choices and better lives.
Practice the dance, dance the ... Views: 1525
A business card is your printed handshake for potential clients and customers. It is the ultimate networking tool and a form of miniature advertising for your business. A business card is how you are remembered, how you are contacted and how you appear to the business world. Creating the perfect ... Views: 2323
When I was thirty-five, I looked up one day and realized that I hadn't had a life. I'd had a lot of things. I had a husband and a marriage. We had two late-model cars, two high-speed careers, and a two-story house on an oak-lined street. I had everything I ever thought I wanted, and much more ... Views: 1815
The books were everywhere: on the floor, piled up in huge stacks, underneath the dining room table, snaking out into the hallway. In my eagerness to express my ideas to the world, I had written my very first book, On Being the Creator of Your Destiny, had it self-published, printed, and bound, ... Views: 1355
One reason that most “cold” calls fail and result in rejection is that sales reps start their pitch the same way to everyone they speaking with, sounding like a talking junk mail piece.
A much better approach, one that stimulates interest, attention, and engagement, is to use personalized, ... Views: 2489
Many of the conflicts and misunderstandings that occur between individuals and groups could be eliminated if all of us learned good communications skills. These skills include being present during each interaction, staying in the here-and-now and not getting lost in our own heads by ... Views: 1846
We seek it here, we seek it there. We seek happiness everywhere.
Yet it eludes us. All of our activities — our pursuit of fame and fortune, our quest for meaningful relationships, our drive to build or change things — are directed searches for this ephemeral state. We get there, but we can ... Views: 1840
You have a companion. One that never, ever leaves you. It sticks with you, staying even closer than your shadow. It is like a leech sucking your blood, and you cannot shake it loose.
This constant companion is your mental chatter.
Another name for it is your internal monologue. It begins ... Views: 1186
We are pleased to announce the release of our new book You Can Attract It. This book is all about the Law of Attraction and how you can attract anything you want into your life. We started writing the book about 1 year ago. We have both been living our lives based on specific Law of Attraction ... Views: 2367
Cashflow is the oxygen that brings your business to life. As surely as you cannot live without air, a business will grind to a halt if starved for cash.
A cashflow forecast will include estimates of sales and expenses, and enable you to clarify how much money you need to operate your ... Views: 1162
What do you do when a loan or grant fund gatekeeper doesn't share your enthusiasm for your business idea? After agonizing your way through an application process, it never feels good to be turned down.
Applicants hate to hear that dreaded "no" and the feeling of rejection that follows can be ... Views: 1019
It takes guts to defy chaos and predict the future of your business, and yet that's precisely what an entrepreneur does when writing a business plan. Considering it's a written roadmap that can be used at any point in the future to measure whether the business succeeded or failed, most people ... Views: 1354
Emerging businesses, quite deservedly, occupy a special place in the mind of onlookers. Entrepreneurs somehow manage to get ahead of the curve and create profit where previously there was none. Great enterprises begin as mere ideas.
Here are five inexpensive and easy ways to find hot new ... Views: 1233
These are challenging times, with vast economic, environmental, and spiritual changes. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with stress, worry, or depression – to feel out of control, ungrounded. Staying grounded is our safest and most effective strategy for coping with today’s challenges and finding ... Views: 1856
Why do we have emotions in the first place? Many of us experience them as a disturbance, something out of our control. But they’re not simply a thorn in our side. They are natural energy responses to what we experience through our senses. They’re vital messages from our Soul, our higher self, to ... Views: 1408
With almost 16 million people out of work, more and more people are finding themselves having to figure out how to land a job in a market where more jobs are being lost. This is the toughest environment in 50 years to get a job in and you better have your best game on to do so. While the ... Views: 1415
Have you always wanted to become more assertive - to speak up for yourself, express your feelings freely, say no when you want to and stop being a people-pleaser? If so, what has prevented you from doing so?
One obstacle many people have to behaving assertively is their beliefs about the ... Views: 2866
Sea vegetables have been a topic of ongoing debate and research concerning their potential to be contaminated by heavy metals found in the waters in which they grow.
In the world of marine biology and marine ecology, sea vegetables are widely recognized as plants with an excellent ability to ... Views: 1174
Do you ever get tired of New Age gurus preaching that you shouldn’t be angry. If you’re anything like me, sometimes you are angry. I’ll bet you’re angry when people you trust betray you. I’ll bet you’re angry when people make promises they don’t keep.
Anger is a wonderful messenger. It is ... Views: 1329
It promises to help you think FASTER and SHARPER.
It says it can grant you LIMITLESS ENERGY, help you to think like a GENIUS, and enable you to RELEASE all stresses and tension.
I'm talking, naturally, about the latest self-development tool to hit the shelves.
It's called the Brain Evolution ... Views: 3165
Your pains, physical and emotional, are like alarms.
They are there to tell you something. They may just be the loudest sirens in your inner guidance system and they get your attention every time.
In fact, they can get you to slow down, maybe even stop, and review your life. And as you ... Views: 1097
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony, $24) written by Judith Orloff MD is the perfect book to come along at the perfect time. I couldn’t put it down!
We live in a tumultuous, fear-dominated period in history and must become masters ... Views: 1654
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions every year. We set goals for exercising, loosing weight, staying organized. But how many of us take the time to size up our family?
Are you conscious of how your time is spent together? How many meals are you eating together as a family? How much ... Views: 954
Breathing is our most important act – we do it every moment of our lives, some 20,000 times each day. Breathing incorrectly can produce tension, exhaustion and vocal strain, and can interfere with athletic activity and encourage aches and illnesses. Breathing correctly, however, ... Views: 2424
40% - 70% of partners cheat on their spouses, according to a study from the University of Montreal. This makes infidelity the new relationship norm!! Well, 2008 was quite a year for these horndogs! Boy George told the Times of London, "I don’t believe you have to be monogamous, but you ... Views: 1163
A client of mine, let’s call her Susan, called last week and was very excited! She was absolutely jubilant! I asked her what happened that she was so thrilled about. Her response was surprising at first. But, the Universe does work in miraculous ways. You'll see how as you read this ... Views: 1414
"When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously." -Shakti Gawain
According to Sherry Buffington, co-developer of the CORE Multidimensional Personality Profile and the author of the book, “The Law of ... Views: 1118
"He who fears he will suffer, already suffers from his fear." - Michel de Montaigne (1553 - 1592)
Fear is a sneaky emotion. Fear causes us to stop taking action. When we stop taking action we reinforce the fear. This way of being becomes an endless loop to get caught up in.
Fear is the ... Views: 3408
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*** We'll See - by Gail Lynn Goodwin, The Official Guide to Inspiration
There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.
“Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“We’ll see,” the farmer replied.
The next ... Views: 2656
TV’s "The Donald" seems to have patented the line "You're fired!" but unfortunately, many people get fired from jobs and aren’t launched into national celebrity, and you might be next.
You might get:
• Canned
• A Pink Slip
• Shown the ... Views: 1061
"This above all: To thine own self be true; and it must follow as the night the day, that thou canst not then be false to any man." - Shakespeare
Have you ever known anyone who is seemingly doing well and expresses that there is something missing in for them in life? Even with a good job, a ... Views: 1114
Is your life full of lemons or lemonade?
Expressing your Inner Wizard is about seeing lemonade instead of lemons rather than making lemonade out of lemons. If you believe that your self, your environment and the world is made up of lemons then most of what you see will be - lemons! Your mind ... Views: 941
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
By Curt Doll
After a great deal of physical, mental, emotional and most significant – spiritual suffering, my ego became deflated to a human level. Actually, on an inner level, my ego was already nonexistent due to a severe ... Views: 1212
A Vacation with a Purpose: Spa 101
When you think of spa, you may visualize healing waters and mineral springs. Your image would be on target, however nowadays ‘spa’ is much more than that. Consider going to a Day Spa and pampering yourself for a day, add in Yoga or a Pilates class ... Views: 4559
For my fortieth birthday, I spent 5 days at one of America's premiere health spas, Canyon Ranch. My intentions were to spend some time with myself, discover some new ideas for healthy living and how I can incorporate those ideas into my life back home, and to reintroduce myself to parts of ... Views: 4232
John of God (Joao de Deus) was a young teenager when he spontaneously became a trance medium healer. Born in Brazil to a family who rarely had enough to eat, he was very clairvoyant as a boy. One day in his early teens, he went to a river to bathe, and the spirit of a radiant woman—who ... Views: 2974
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Wisdom. Wisdom refers to the accumulated knowledge, erudition or enlightenment that allows one to judge what is true, right, and lasting. Laura Alden Kamm is the Official Guide to Wisdom.
Intuitive Wellness: Using Your Body's Inner ... Views: 1573
Wisdom is having gained knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well. It is the judicious application of knowledge. To some extent the terms wisdom and intelligence have similar and overlapping meanings. The ... Views: 1285
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood, clinically referred to as mania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly ... Views: 1350
Bipolar disorder is not a single disorder, but a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood, clinically referred to as mania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes or symptoms, or mixed ... Views: 1981
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Astrology. Astrology is the study of the positions and relationships of the sun, moon, stars, and planets in order to judge their influence on human actions and events. Dr. Russ Durocher is the Official Guide to Astrology.
Alan ... Views: 2582
Astrology is the study of the nonphysical, fourth-dimensional energies emanating from the planets and how these energies stimulate corresponding centers within the subconscious minds of individuals. These planetary energies travel at velocities greater than the speed of light and therefore have ... Views: 962
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Tarot. Tarot reading is the use of a deck of Tarot cards for purposes of personal transformation and divination. Kisma Stepanich-Reidling is the Official Guide to Tarot.
Faery Wicca Tarot Deck, Kisma Stepanich-Reidling, is a valuable ... Views: 2184
Tarot has been used for divination and as a transformational tool for many centuries. A reading revolves around the belief that the cards can be used to gain insight into the current and possible future situations of the subject. Some cartomancers believe the cards help them tap into a ... Views: 2298
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Accelerated Learning. Accelerated Learning is a style of learning in which one learns and retains information in an intensive and shortened amount of time using various methods which allow you to read, retain, and recollect ... Views: 2425
The term "accelerated learning" is a very broad term encompassing diverse techniques, methodologies and approaches to teaching and to learning. Some methods which would generally be considered to fall under the title of accelerated learning would be: mind maps, Brain Gym or Edu-Kinesthetics, ... Views: 6870
It can be said that wisdom is a combination of knowledge, experience, and understanding of life as you know it. Within this wisdom you can access striations of compassion, patience, appreciation, and grace. You naturally feel compassion if a friend’s pet dies if you have experienced that ... Views: 1570
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of New Age. New Age is a general term covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical movements and beliefs often involving metaphysics and holistic approaches to personal health. Deborah Leigh is the Official Guide to ... Views: 1146
The term New Age (sometimes called the New Age Movement), refers to both a decentralized social phenomenon and a western socio-religious movement that developed in the 1970-80s. It combines aspects of spirituality, esotericism, complementary and alternative medicine, and includes religious ... Views: 1442
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of QiGong. Qigong is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the coordination of different breathing patterns with various physical postures and motions of the body. Lama Tantrapa is the Official Guide to QiGong.
The Art of ... Views: 1822