Do you get depressed when you meet an obstacle, and toss in the towel? Are your goals unrealistic, making them impossible to reach? Or do you start projects, but don't finish them? These weaknesses oftentimes derail your goals.
Dr. Cloud, a noted Christian psychologist, explains on his CD, ... Views: 1302
Lately, many people I come across are emotionally exhausted, and are exhibiting stress symptoms such as, panic attacks, constant colds, headaches and fatigue. These are ambitious people who are doing extraordinary things- taking a full load in college, working full time, and handling the ... Views: 1002
As I washed down my sixth chocolate cookie with milk, I realized I was trying to flush shame and frustration out of my system. After all, this was the fourth time I took this teacher exam and hadn't passed. However, everything rode on me passing it. Luckily, I had a full time teaching position. ... Views: 1278
Leslie came into room thirty-two fuming. "I can't believe it. My teaching partner stole my language arts lesson and presented it in front of the principal. I'm so angry I could hit her!" Mrs. Patterson gently touched Leslie's shoulder. "Whaaaat's going on? said Mrs. Patterson in a calm voice" " ... Views: 13488
When we change our perspective, we can boost our mood. Practice giving thanks. Guess what? It doesn't cost you anything. No pill or alcohol is involved. No exercise necessary.
The more we internalize gratitude, research asserts, the more we take care of ourselves, feel happier and approach ... Views: 964
Lately, have you noticed knots in your stomach, dull aches in your neck, head and shoulders? Have you found yourself popping over-the-counter sleep aids into your mouth to help you sleep at night? Are you aware of an ever present low grade anxiety?
Or maybe you've forgotten where you parked your ... Views: 4463