It is well known by now that work-related stress is a major contributor to loss of productivity. What isn’t so well understood is how leaders within the organization can make simple changes to decrease stress and bring quantifiably better bottom-line results. Even where stress doesn’t appear to ... Views: 2882
When I first met Tom, more than ten years ago, he was a single man of 32, who sold vending machines for a living. He was successful at this, one of the best salesmen in the company, despite being unable to write because of his dyslexia. But he felt himself to be a failure, and that he had not ... Views: 1448
A few months ago I traveled from Canada to a school reunion in England. As events go, maybe this does not rank as amazing. But amazing it was and taught me more about how we develop as adults than reading a ton of books on the subject. Here was a group of fifty or more men and women, most of ... Views: 1278
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness a book by Warren Redman
This is, perhaps, another way of saying “wherever you go, there you are”. Since you were born, you have been in your own place, and always a place of your own making. Like it or not, it’s yours; and here’s the point, you can ... Views: 1237
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness a book also by Warren Redman
“I thought you said you’d done that.” “No, I said I’d need more time and some training before I could complete it.” “Well, I assumed you were getting the training.” ... Views: 1439
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness also by Warren Redman
Last week I was in the UK spending time with family members – something that doesn’t happen often for me these days. It was the occasion of my father’s 90th birthday. He was surrounded by his children and most of his ... Views: 1849
If you enjoy reading fiction, I invite you to read an as yet unpublished novel of mine. It’s called “State of Flux” and is about four people searching for meaning in their lives. It involves romance, spiritual growth, intrigue and mystery.
I will send you an electronic copy if you let me know ... Views: 1225
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness also by Warren Redman
Taking things for granted is the way most of us live our lives; right up until we see or experience something that brings us up sharply. Flicking on a light switch or turning on the tap for a kettle of water may be an automatic ... Views: 1229
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness also by Warren Redman
One of the processes we use in Emotional Fitness is called the Lifescale. It consists of ten questions, which together helps us make sense of the balance we have between our satisfactions and frustrations in life. Each question ... Views: 3048
Quote from The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness by Warren Redman
There comes time when we will each be confronted by a life-changing event or decision. Perhaps you have already faced one or two of those in your life. You will understand what I mean if you have.
Frequently, the people who ask for ... Views: 1195
There is nothing wrong with that little word “but”, but I take care how I use it, since an over or inappropriate use gives the message that I negate myself.
Emotional Fitness includes the ability to consciously choose our language and how we use words to express ourselves. Words are powerful. ... Views: 945
We all live inner lives. Thoughts and feelings that sometimes we are hardly aware of exist almost independently of our outward existence. Occasionally, when we become more conscious of what is going on within us, we might express the idea, the thought, the feeling. Often we will suppress it, ... Views: 904
It’s not a race. We are, but it isn’t. Oddly we do often appear to act as though we are not from the same species and that, indeed, the race is on to be better than the other guy or to have more and show more success in whatever way we deem it.
The fact is that there are comparatively few ... Views: 1036
Sure, there are some things that are conditional, and are entitled to be. Trust counts among them; entering into a business contract is another; agreeing to take on another responsibility a third. Love is not one. There can be nothing conditional about love, or it is not love.
We humans have an ... Views: 903
In the universal human search for meaning, there are almost as many answers as there are people. This is often organized into our religions, cultures, nations and communities. Victor Frankl, wrote much of his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” while encarcerated in the Nazi concentration camp of ... Views: 827
Here’s one of the quotes that I didn’t think up – it’s an old one that I recall from my childhood and one that has become more pertinent the more I hear people talk without the evidence of any action.
One of the key elements that constitute the 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness is that each one of ... Views: 3702
To many people this is the Knowledge Age and knowledge workers have been in high demand in industries of all kinds for almost a generation.
All the signs are pointing to a change. If you haven’t noticed it, this is because it has crept upon us and has hardly entered the consciousness yet. ... Views: 943
Remember the line in “Fiddler on the Roof”? Tevya debated endlessly with himself about his daughters (on the one hand this, and on the other hand that) until he finally lost patience and declared, “There is no other hand!”
For him, at that point of his frustration, there appeared to be no ... Views: 941
Change is, as the saying goes, the only constant. It is also the thing that most of us resist, even when the change appears positive, and certainly when the change seems out of our control.
And yet every change, large or small, is another opportunity for growth, for learning and for a new ... Views: 883
Some months ago I listened to a woman (let’s call her Kate) calling me long-distance. “I should have taken that opportunity when it came up,” she told me. “Now I feel it’s passed me by.”
A few minutes later she wondered out loud if she should leave her current comfortable but far from ... Views: 1034
Little causes more heated debate and potentially hurt feelings than the topic of religion between people of differing opinions and faiths. While religious values and tradition have been of great comfort to millions of people, it has also caused enmity between neighbours, civil strife and even ... Views: 1910
Money isn’t everything, as the saying goes, but it sure helps. Sadly, the amount of energy put into attaining money does make it look as though it is everything to most people. The very fact that wealthy people always seem to seek more money reinforces that image.
I have worked with some ... Views: 1546
The story of Creation in the Old Testament tells us that God created heaven and earth and all that’s in it in the space of six days, and rested on the seventh. Whatever you believe, just imagine for a moment that God had used an extra day. For a start, we would have eight day weeks now and ... Views: 857
It would be a different world if we each received our birthright of knowing love from our parents. The fact is that not enough children do know that they are loved. As parents, our most important legacy is to offer our children that love. If they know they have it, they can deal with almost ... Views: 902
Problems seldom feel good when you are in the midst of them. Most inspirational speakers and books, and many bosses, encourage us to see problems as opportunities, which is fine if at that moment you don’t feel weighed down by them.
The interesting thing is that looking back at what seemed ... Views: 985
Last week I received in the mail a copy of the latest newsletter from my old school, a place I last attended over fifty years ago. It was filled with reminiscences from past students and obituaries of contemporaries. I was struck with the seemingly mundane existence of some of them, although the ... Views: 872
This was a favourite quote of my mentor, teacher and friend John Heimler. He had some experience with pain, both physical and emotional, as a survivor of Auschwitz and other concentration camps; pain that is unimaginable to most of us.
We all have our own pain to bear at different times during ... Views: 903
We all have a creative spark. Some of us allow that spark to light a flame that burns brightly. Others let it fizzle and splutter.
A few weeks ago Nicole and I stood gazing up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, that marvel of artistic endeavour created by Michelangelo, wondering at the ... Views: 976
Last week I met with Gandhi. He was standing, wearing his familiar white cotton robe, his bare feet on the old cobbled pavement of a market square.
People were going about their business, occasionally greeting him politely but otherwise taking little notice of the great man in their presence.
I ... Views: 897
Truth, the saying goes, is stranger than fiction, and I am witness to that in my own life and from the thousands of stories that I have heard from people over the last thirty years that I have practiced as a counsellor, a coach and an Emotional Fitness trainer.
If you believe that your life is ... Views: 819
Occasionally, very occasionally, it may be prudent to take precautions and put up some kind of defensive wall against potential marauders. But our society and communities today appear to have moved to extremes in reaction to the fear that is sweeping into many corners of our lives. Do the ... Views: 985
As long as both are willing, of course, one kiss, one hug, one look into the eyes, one smile, brings happiness to at least the two people involved.
I wonder, then, why so many people shy away from those small intimacies that can help to bring joy to the giver as much as the receiver. What ... Views: 1236
Time and again when I am coaching someone, or during one of our Emotional Fitness training sessions, I hear the same pattern coming up; the same theme song of that particular individual. And, as the coaching or training continues, that person will say “enough; I have had enough of doing the same ... Views: 1087
Any expression of emotion is good for the soul if we allow it. Withholding our laughter can be as damaging as suppressing our tears. There was a time in my life when I held back both. At a level just below my consciousness I knew that they were there. It felt as though I was punishing myself and ... Views: 2472
It seems odd to me that most people go through life imagining that they know exactly what will happen and get shocked or surprised if things don’t go the way they expect. It is even stranger to me that those same people appear to believe that they are immortal.
Today I had a conversation with ... Views: 880
My guess is that our souls are transforming all the time, even though, like our bodies, they still remain identifiably us. There are occasions when we may consciously recognize a shift in our very being, that is to say, in the soul. Those occasions are usually traumatic or highly significant ... Views: 3706
I remember my grandmother saying to me, in her jovial and gentle way, that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. She’d say that when she caught herself chatting to herself as she mixed yet another floury concoction into a bowl with her oversized wooden spoon. At seven, while I knew ... Views: 2666
Over the past few weeks I have been surrounded by people who have colds, coughs and flu-like symptoms. Fortunately for me, I have not succumbed to the germs and viruses that have been spread around, partly secure in my belief that being emotionally fit is what protects me. I am not immune from ... Views: 898
Being is not only thinking. For us, much of our existence is experienced though our feelings. Odd then, that so much of what we talk about, read about and see going on in the world is dealt with through the realm of thinking and logic. What a huge piece of the human condition we miss when we ... Views: 883
In Emotional Fitness coaching, we often use the Time Capsule, which is one of the most empowering of all our tools. In the Time Capsule, we invite you to take a look at a current incident, behaviour or feeling that is having an impact on you through the eyes of your own inner child. The dialogue ... Views: 918
We don’t always feel like smiling. Sometimes I find myself walking from my house a few blocks, my head full of thoughts about what I have been doing or am about to do, when I pass by somebody who smiles and nods a greeting. Almost instantly, my life in that moment is transformed. I start ... Views: 960
As conscious as we may wish to be in life, the difficult awareness to have is that of the unknown power that lies within us.
Whenever we take some action, there is always a consequence. Most of the time, we plan it that way and generally hope that the consequence will be the one that we ... Views: 892
Here’s a question with a lot of mystery to it, because the answer seems so obvious at first. Of course I want to be me; or I am me already, whaddya mean who do I want to be?
I have to admit that for years, as a young boy, a teenager, a young and then a middle-aged man I yearned to be like ... Views: 796
Do you feel bombarded sometimes by the dozens of amazing, powerful, mind-blowing and – of course – NEW offers that come through your mail-box, TV screen or Internet every week? Whether it’s a brand of cleaner, a book or movie, political idea or even partner, it is the very “newness” that seems ... Views: 876
It’s a new year and I have an announcement to make. But first, let me wish you all fulfillment, health and serenity in 2007. It has been a delight to hear from you and work with many of you during the past year and I look forward to the road ahead.
It has been eleven years (January 1st 1996) ... Views: 840
My wife taught me this. One evening a couple of years ago, as I was leaving to give a presentation to an audience of professionals, I said to her that I hoped I would do a good job. “Just be yourself,” she told me.
The affect on me was amazing, and it resulted in the best presentation I had ... Views: 989
The collection of skills that adds up to Emotional Fitness is not easy to quantify or even define. In the corporate world they are often obliquely called “the soft skills” for that reason. This distinguished them, I suppose, from the “hard skills” that are more ... Views: 900
It is perhaps one of the greatest challenges. How do we find it within ourselves to love our enemies? Why would we even want to?
These days, I can think of nobody I know who I can see as my enemy. That wasn’t always true. Many years ago I had a boss who was in complete control of his emotions. ... Views: 1324
Sometimes, like today, it seems that there is not enough time to do the things I want to do, or rather, that I have set myself to do. That, of course, is an illusion. There is always time. There is always all the time in the world. We humans, after all, invented time, or at least subdivided the ... Views: 993
This could, perhaps, be a message to George W. Bush. But it’s to all of us, since we are each accountable for the world around us, whether we influence a few people or a few billion; whether we oversee a small flower-pot or a huge acreage.
Nobody acts with foolish intention. In fact most ... Views: 905