Here in Canada, we just celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is a special time for me, personally. It's a time of reflection and, often, for me, a time of change. I love the change of seasons, the magical colors of the trees, the crisp Mac apples (my favorite!), walking through the leaves - and just taking the time to think about my life.
What about you?
When did you last take any time to think about your life? Your work? Your business? Your family? Your dreams?
I will tell you when this will actually happen, for most people. It's when personal crisis hits - a life-threatening illness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, financial disaster. Is that what you're waiting for before you actually do make time, and take time, to think about what you want your life to be like - to look like, to feel like, to be like? Many people experience personal crisis. It changes you on a very deep level. One of the gifts that surviving a personal crisis gives you is the motivation to reevaluate your life and take note of what really matters.
I have had my share of personal crisis over the past number of years. I have been 'through the rain' and am now 'living the rainbow'. Not everyone needs a personal crisis to rethink how they live their lives. For me, actually, the trigger was my 50th birthday (and I know I'm not alone on this one). For you, it might be the persistent inner voice that reminds you that something is work, at home, in your business. Ask yourself the questions:
1) Do I get enough personal satisfaction for all that I put into my work?
2) How much time am I spending on my business and are the 'returns' what I expected?
3) Is my health where it needs to be, at this stage of my life? What am I waiting for?
4) Am I so tired, at the end of the day, that I don't even want to pick up the phone to talk to friends?
As a work-centered culture, we've lost touch with ourselves. We eat on the run, conduct business while driving, rush to pick up the kids at the end of the day - and that doesn't even take into account (for many of us) the time and care required for our aging parents. And it's no wonder that we're all walking around exhausted - half of North Americans don't get enough sleep. We barely have time for ourselves, let alone quality time to do some thinking.
When WILL you become a priority?
I have learned that many of us don't even know what we would do with 'our' time, if we had it. One of my clients spoke about 'putting on her public face' when going to work - underneath it was a frightened young women. In spite of her successful track record, on the inside she felt like a fraud - and she was losing steam. She secretly wondered how much longer she could continue at her fast-track pace before getting sick (and she was self-employed). Another of my clients admits to being extremely successful at business and, therefore, not wanting to stop and take any time to think about her life, let alone her business. She was afraid of losing momentum.
If you are familiar with Steven Covey's work, you know that he always talks about 'sharpening the ax'. It is essential to survival as we live in this world of speed.
Let me remind you that you are the most important part of your life! You are the sum of your parts, of which only one is work.
Make the quality of your life a priority! A high-quality life starts with you- it starts with the way you think about things. You need to get your thinking in order because 'your present thoughts determine your future'.
When I traveled to India on my trip around the world, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Taj Mahal. What a blessing! I took advantage of the serenity and peaceful feelings that engulf the Taj Mahal, and took time to stop and think about my own life.
I invite you to take a deep breath, make the time to reflect on your life and remember that 'tomorrow is promised to no one"! Go out and make it a great day!
Pat Mussieux is an expert coach on mind-set and goal-setting techniques, helping female baby-boomers add more happiness to their daily lives. To get your free CD: "The 10 Steps2Happiness", visit
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