We live in a world where value is captured in thoughts or it goes unnoticed. Imagine really desiring something without being able to express it in words. Desires have power when they are put into words. Because our focus is on thinking most of the time , we would seldom strive for what we wanted if thoughts didn’t capture it.
Thinking is the vehicle our consciousness travels in when our ego does the driving. That is how we get what we want…but that is actually a very small part of life. Attraction happens when our consciousness is not locked into our thought patterns. Let me share how the power of being attracted to more than your thoughts really serves you. Let us explore five aspects of life that improve when you are open to being attracted to the reality beyond your thoughts, which I call the Wisdom of your Body.
Compatibility is often established when two people are attracted to each other and live in harmonious ways of thinking. Thinking can become a shield that protects the heart , which can be touched when we let go of our old thought patterns. To let go requires vulnerability and real trust. A deep bond is established when your love takes you beyond yourself as you return to your old ways of thinking . The power of simple love is that it reveals the Wisdom of the Body and allows the best of you to emerge. Imagine if you were able to avoid limiting thoughts when you shared your heart; the quality of your life would naturally improve. For example, you may be attracted to a person outside your typical way of thinking. This is when your consciousness goes beyond your habitual ways of thinking and touches your heart. As in breathing, your consciousness goes in, touches your heart and returns to your old way of thinking. The hardest thing in relationships is when the old way of thinking between the two people cannot be harmonized. When you both connect to the Wisdom of the Body, your breathing transports your consciousness back to your heart. This is how both ways of thinking become harmonized.
In society, we interact with many people that we have not typically been comfortable with. We can develop habits that transport our consciousness to our heart as we breathe in. As we breathe out, we can deal with that interaction with our heart. For example, many people are uncomfortable interacting with disabled people. If their consciousness connected to their heart, instead of to their resistance, they would be able to deal with that person better. When the Wisdom of the Body controls our breathing, we naturally transport consciousness to our heart and deal consciously with what is in front of us
Beyond your thoughts is the Wisdom of your Body. This is the home of powerful inner resources that you need to heal. Unfortunately ,we breathe into our thoughts and worries and give them life and limit that wisdom. When we give life to thoughts that harm us, we inhibit our natural protection and we tend to become ill. I prefer to let the doctors answer the question “why” we become sick and how we are to heal from illness; my role in healing is to allow the Wisdom of my Body to express itself. If I can avoid limiting thoughts and connect to the Wisdom of the Body, I can actively participate in my healing. as an active partner with my doctor. I feel the Wisdom of my Body responds to medications better than does my anxious ego. I eat when I am hungry and drink when I am thirsty. I exercise my heart, mind and body as I aspire to reach for this beyond thought reality…but I am still dealing with a chronic illness. The patient’s role in healing involves all of the above as you become a partner with your doctor, but illness may still be there to force you to grow.
Spirituality is when the Wisdom of your Body connects to the reality beyond your thinking mind. Religious rights and rituals interpret that experience into our thinking mind, but the spiritual connection comes from wisdom and consciousness connecting. Spirituality is not an intellectual exercise; understanding doesn’t replace simple surrender . Instead of our consciousness resting in our thoughts…there is a real connection to a higher consciousness. A spiritual experience gives life to religious understanding and creates a special tenderness in your religious practice.
The word ‘education ‘comes from the Latin ‘to draw out.’ In true education , we draw from a child’s inner wisdom to bring out the best of them. Instead of indoctrinating them and committing education to memory, true education entails involving their inner wisdom. Real education is experiential and involves the Wisdom of the Body instead of superficial learning relying on memory. When a child realizes the Wisdom of their Body is their best educational tool, the education process never ends.
Children express play on a joyous level with few rules and limiting self-concepts. It is our thinking mind that limits our deepest expression. That can be in sports or music, writing or humor. If we were able to eliminate limitations created by our thoughts and past conditioning, our efforts and intentions would emerge from our deepest inner wisdom. Talents are easier to develop when we have free expression than when we focus on limiting thoughts. Just think, if habits of play were encouraged in children, how that would affect their adult life. It would give them an unlimited expression of their deepest wisdom.
You can see how important it is to develop the expression of the Wisdom of the Body in every aspect of life.
Marc Lerner is the President of Life Skills Institute and has been working with people in a health crisis since 1982. Learning to discover oneself in difficult times is the theme of A Healthy Way to be Sick, the e-book Marc Lerner wrote. Go to http://ahealthywaytobesick.org to read a mini-version. Learn this same technique to deal with any difficult time with the e-book, A Light Shines Brighter in Darkness, at the same website. Marc Lerner is available for public speaking and tele-seminars on the same website. When you learn to master inner resources and avoid negative thinking, you automatically tap powerful inner resources to become an active partner with medical professionals. Patient participation can influence the results of the doctor’s treatment. The doctor’s relationship with the patient can also influence how the patient participates in healing. Marc’s work is dedicated to establishing this partnership.
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