We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Habits". If you have expertise in Habits and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The first installment of this series addressed how most people consider their financial donations to church or charity as TRANSACTIONAL – similar to a purchase or exchange of goods.
However, in God’s eyes that type of giving is TRANSFORMATIONAL, since it works toward broadening our ... Views: 1537
“Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.” - Benjamin Franklin
This is a great quote that succinctly sums up the problem with money - namely you can never have enough of it due to our human inclination ... Views: 1538
Do you remember a time when life included elements of play? For many of us, that is a very faint memory – you’re going to have to travel back to a time when you were younger to look for clues about how to resume this life-saving past-time.
My brother often asks his little 4-year old, at the ... Views: 1630
Quotes of the week
Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do. - Emmanuel ... Views: 1293
I’m a volunteer member on the board of our local church, Potomac Valley Assembly – here’s the link (http://www.pvachurch.com/pwsite/index.php).
Since I’ve got my MBA degree, the board selected me as treasurer. It’s an honor to serve in that role and there are some insights that I’ve learned ... Views: 1578
Got Recognition?
It is surprising just how many people simply don't recognize their own successes. I know this sounds funny, but think about it, do you always acknowledge your accomplishments? And just how important is this? And what is it saying about us if we don't give ourselves our props? ... Views: 1505
Have you ever wondered how people get what they want?
I mean people who consistently get what they want, you know the ones that others call lucky or fortunate or think that they have some unfair advantage over others. Whatever others think, I am sure you are wondering how they can do ... Views: 1548
However you define your particular view of success, taking a 3D view will provide better clarity and help you reach your goals with more speed.
Success can mean different things to different people and each one is right. Whether you are seeking to improve your finances, your health, ... Views: 1674
Life is full of risks! If you are a worry wart, then learning how to stop worrying is simply a matter of gaining a better understanding of risk management.
Effective risk management is usually thought of as a business skill, but it can be used just as effectively in your personal life. Risk ... Views: 1043
The alarm clock goes off. Snooze. Alarm again. Snooze. Alarm again. Off. Shower goes on. Wash body, shampoo. Shower off. Brush teeth, hair, dress.
Eat. Drive. Sit. Work. Eat. Work. Drive. Eat. Sit. Sleep.
Rinse and repeat daily for the worst results.
Does this seem like you? Is this ... Views: 1463
Best-selling author, John Grisham, was a practicing defense lawyer in 1984 when he began writing his first novel, A Time to Kill. Because his job demanded 60 to 70-hour weeks, he came to work several hours early for three years to work on the book. Some mornings it was the last thing he wanted ... Views: 1372
When the goal is to beat the procrastination habit, it's best to really understand what causes procrastination in the first place...
The art of breaking any negative habit and replacing it with a more positive habit, begins by understanding why we developed the negative habit in the first ... Views: 2536
Are you constantly feeling tired and lacking in energy? Do you feel drained at the thought of the things on your to do list? Are you looking for a way to overcome tiredness and loss of energy? What are your first thoughts of the day when the alarm goes off? Do you smile and bounce out of ... Views: 2277
One of my favorite quotes from the Bible is James 1:19 – "Be slow to speak, slow to anger and quick to listen." That about says it all! God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason and I believe we should use them in proportion.
Listening is an art. It is an art that, for the most part, ... Views: 1882
Are you one of those people who know precisely how many accounts you have with different companies and institutions? Do you have all of the details for each account duly noted and recorded in some organized fashion?
If you are and if you do, you are likely in the minority.
For purposes of ... Views: 2418
We can use positive affirmations to influence or even override our habitual patterns of thought. Many of us have been largely conditioned in the way we think since young. We believed what was told to us by our parents and caregivers. We simply accepted them without question. Over time, the ... Views: 6012
Fix your bad career habits
If 2010 is going to be your year, then get serious about fixing bad career and workplace habits that are dragging you down. Here are a few to think about:
Bad Career Habit #1: Not Networking
Let’s agree on one point – most of us would rather pull out our ... Views: 1083
“Your ability to work single-mindedly on your most important task will contribute as much to your success as any other discipline you can develop.” ~Brian Tracy
It was the spring of 1950. Author Ray Bradbury was living in a modest home in Venice, Calif., with his wife and children. He wanted ... Views: 1445
Be Contented, but not Complacency
Be contented with what you have - that's the only thing we can do daily to have what we have! I am very satisfied with my life. I have (more than) enough to eat, 2 wardrobes of clothes which I try to wear till they all tear but they could last for years! The ... Views: 4673
Resistance is Fertile
There are days when my being simmers in a stew full of resistance and I don’t want to do any of the things I’m supposed to do. Nothing feels clearly defined and my thoughts stagnate into a glop of gooey mush. Writing feels like just so many more words. Running feels ... Views: 1971
Because of how the ADHD brain functions, people with this condition commonly experience several workplace challenges that can negatively impact their performance. These challenges include: Time/Task Management, Distractibility/Impulsivity; Working Memory; Organization; and ... Views: 2466
There is something very magical that we were all blessed with at birth…and that is the ability to envision something and turn it into a reality for our business which I like to call, ‘Vision Marketing’. If you can see yourself doing a certain something in your mind, you can make it happen. It’s ... Views: 2268
So many people are concerned with weight loss (fat reduction)—and yet, feel totally helpless with the idea of losing weight (reducing fat). Deep inside the subconscious, an endless, frustrating cycle has taken hold. However, there is a different way to understand what is happening within the ... Views: 3023
The Befusselbug casts an enormous shadow when she scurries through your mind interjecting worrisome thoughts about the future. Befusselbug is hard to catch and if you chase after her, she’ll lead you through a jungle of endless conjecture, causing sleepless nights and wrinkles, and ruining the ... Views: 1542
(original distribution in early April 2010)
Passover and Easter are upon us. New Year’s Day is a fading memory and so, probably, are those New Year’s resolutions for change and self-improvement. One of the most common resolutions is to achieve a healthier lifestyle—eating the right foods, ... Views: 2268
Tell me, as a student do you feel stressed out? Is it because you scored poor grades or you haven't read and exams are around the corner? What is the real cause of your stress? You should first realize that you don't get something for nothing. What does this mean? Frankly speaking, you won't get ... Views: 1728
Whenever a warrior decides to do something, he must go all the way, but he must take responsibility for what he does. No matter what he does, he must know first why he is doing it, and then he must proceed with his actions without having doubts or remorse about them.
- Carlos ... Views: 1745
If your bills and expenses equals more than your income, you are headed for trouble and must take steps immediately to get back on track. There must be enough coming in your household to cover what is going out in expenses. If there is a big difference between the two, then you may be headed for ... Views: 1937
Ever since the profession of coaching has entered the arena of mental health services, the topic regarding which profession is better suited to assist which individuals – coaching or therapy continues. Each branch provides evidence in support for their efficacy and pros and cons have become a ... Views: 1308
It has been many years ago but I still remember it as though it was only last month. I was in the sixth grade and we were told by our teachers that we were going to sell magazine subscriptions. This excited me and I was raring to get out and start selling because of the promised prizes we could ... Views: 1383
As you begin reading this article and contemplating your own life, I’m sure you can think of many ways to create a happier life. What I’d like to share with you here are three ways that I’ve learned over the years. These lessons have not always been easy or (emotionally) painless but they have ... Views: 1532
If I could offer you a seemingly “little” tip that could literally make a huge difference in your success over your entire career, would you take it?
If other people’s work is praised over yours, if they appear to make fewer mistakes, if they’re chosen for plumb assignments, they may not ... Views: 1819
It's a noisy, confusing, fast and furious world out there. You're expected to do more in less time. You've got to be a master multi-tasker just to survive! You're working on a project and still you've got to keep up on incoming calls and email. You've got your cell phone in one ear, desk phone ... Views: 2818
The other day, we went to a seminar with a number of clients, all business people. The speaker was very good: Everything he said was relevant; his jokes added to the content; his slides were never overdone, and his video snippets worked fine.
Straight after the talk, we asked our clients ... Views: 1312
Procrastination – probably the number one cause for people to be disorganised, for not achieving what they want, for not being the best they could be. What people don’t realise, however, you only need the right tools to conquer it.
Procrastination is a little bit like an addiction, once you ... Views: 2122
• Do you want to become more assertive and successful in your work relationships?
• Do you want to feel healthier, get fitter, and feel more optimistic about your life?
• Are you ready to free yourself from procrastination, and start freeing up time to do the things that really matter to ... Views: 1177
Words are very powerful, not just for the conveyance of ideas, and communication, but as a way to manifest ideas into reality. They have an energy that can attract or repel people and events, causing you to gain, or lose, what you desire.
The words you choose is a major part of the action ... Views: 1546
If I were to rank all the factors that go into creating a likable personality, I would have to place a friendly smile at the top of the list. A warm, authentic smile communicates feelings that words alone can’t possibly accomplish. A great smile radiates warmth, puts people at ease and makes a ... Views: 2236
Changing habits mentally to change your way of life towards fulfilling your potential. Identifying and overcoming the hidden habits that are holding you back.
What is a habit? We all know it is automatic behaviour without the need for thought, and changing habits is not easy. But are there ... Views: 1070
Over my career I have read and heard thousands of quotes from great leaders, but there is one I replay in my mind more than any other. Jim Rohn, one of the greatest personal development teachers of our time said, “Success comes from making a series of good decisions over time, while failure ... Views: 1533
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. I woke up with that phrase rolling around in my mind – Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. A little mantra that I didn’t consciously decide to recite so I’m going to call it a gift from the Universe (or whatever benevolent source you like to think is out ... Views: 1087
What are you convinced of? What do you hold as true for you right now? Are you convinced that work is hard? Are you convinced that you'll never be able to work from home? Are you convinced that, on some level, it's wrong to be prosperous? Or are you convinced that you are always at choice ... Views: 1388
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin (1903-1977)Writer
What motivates us to change? Dissatisfaction? Maybe. Extreme fear? Maybe. Most likely, however the motivation is that we are so uncomfortable or so afraid in ... Views: 1534
What is analysis paralysis? What is the negative impact of experiencing analysis paralysis? "Analysis paralysis is "an informal phrase applied to when the opportunity cost of decision analysis exceeds the benefits". It stems from self-sabotaging beliefs, including the following:
- Once I ... Views: 1353
The best way to achieve your goals is to first identify bad habits. Thereafter, deal with these bad habits. Some people are unaware that they have many bad habits that are hindering them from achieving their goals. These habits make them to alternate between success and failure. Bad behaviors ... Views: 1495
Have you ever tried creating a new habit, such as eating only healthy food, only to find yourself unable to exert the self-control needed to make the habit permanent? It's not your imagination that you "run out" of willpower!
When you try to improve an aspect of yourself, you face a dilemma. ... Views: 1988
Photo sharing is a popular web culture among netizens who love to talk with photos. Their photos say about their hobbies, daily life, families and special events.
There are few sites that are dedicated to photo blogging and photo sharing. Some photo blogging and photo sharing sites give you ... Views: 2448
People often ask how to get their kids, spouse, friend, roommate, or parent organized. They are often frustrated by others’ clutter and may have given “helpful” advice: “If you would just get organized…”
The less organized person’s response (if they had one) would sound something like ... Views: 1645
If you are like most people you get in your car, start it and either adjust it from the "park" position and put it in "reverse" or "drive", right? You are either moving forward or in reverse. In much the same way in life, we are either moving forward, towards our goals, or being distracted by ... Views: 1588
You’ve woken up in the morning and made breakfast for yourself and your family; you’ve taken the kids to school before heading to work. During your lunchtime, you manage to grab a bite whilst paying the bills because they’re piling up, and you don’t want to pay the late penalty fee. You finish ... Views: 5948